Return of the Antagonistic Lady Boss

Chapter 836: Here comes he comes again

  Chapter 836 is here, here he is here again

  As soon as the call was made, Professor Liu's roar came from the horse.

"Chen Xiaoqian, do you want to revolt? Going out to save people is such a big thing, and Lao Qi knows about it, you hide it from me! You don't even know that he ran to me today and talked about me. How responsive!"

  Listening to Professor Liu’s accusation, Xiao Qian’s brain is blank.

  Professor Qi, who should have withdrawn from the stage of history in her mind, how could suddenly come to the teacher? This is a mystery...

  And what the teacher said just now, why is the amount of information a bit too big?

   "Teacher, did I not wake up or you did not wake up?"

  "Don't pretend to be garlic! It's you! Why did you tell Lao Qi not to tell me!"

   "...I didn't tell him either!" President Qian was also dumbfounded.

   "In half an hour from school, I want to tell you what you did this time! Don't think I will praise you!"

  According to Professor Liu’s arrogant character, she wants to say something like Don’t think I would praise you. That means she almost agrees, but she just resists it for the sake of face and meaning.

   Xiaoqian is not worried that the teacher will criticize her, she is still obsessed with Professor Qi.

After eating breakfast hastily, Xiaoqian tidied up and went to school, went to her office according to Professor Liu's instructions, knocked on the door to enter, and was stunned as soon as she entered.

  How is he!

  I saw a man in white casual clothes sitting on Professor Liu’s table, yes, sit!

  The black-faced Professor Liu and him were staring at Xiaoqian with big eyes and small eyes, and the two turned around in unison.

  The three of them stared at each other with big eyes.

   "You...?!" Although Xiaoqian thought about countless possibilities along the way, she was still shocked when she saw Professor Qi.

  This man frequently appeared in her world in a short period of time, time and time again, and now he still came to the teacher’s office?

  "Hi~" Qi Yuxuan waved to Xiaoqian.

  Professor Liu is unhappy with Professor Qi, but he still has to be patient to introduce Xiaoqian's future.

   "You two have seen each other a long time ago, Xiao Qian, Professor Qi has been here for you for a long time."

  Lacquer... called... beast? !

Is    a beast that can call?

   "I have long heard that Xiao Liu has a very outstanding student. We met several times and you did not disappoint me."

  Professor Qi smiled at Xiaoqian, the villain in his heart laughed wildly with arms akimbo, hahaha!

  Xiaoqian's expression at this time can't be any more cute!

I have always seen this girl look expressionless like a little wooden person. She played deeply at a young age and always looked like no one could guess what she was up to. Now she finally has a dull and cute expression, if it weren’t for Professor Liu. Here, Qi Yuxuan really wants to pinch her face, cute~

   "He is a fake, isn't he?" Xiao Qian finally came back to her senses.

  "Xiaoqian!" Professor Liu was dissatisfied with Xiaoqian's unusual performance. Although she also looked at Qi Yuxuan, she was upset, but she could just think about some things, so how could she say it?

   "I'm genuine." Qi Yuxuan was not angry at all.

  Xiaoqian is indeed a female boss who has experienced many battles. It only took a few seconds to restore her thinking. She walked up to Professor Qi and looked at him silently for a few seconds.

  It’s not the first time the two met, but every time they met, he gave Xiaoqian a different feeling.

  For the first time, he was a restaurant owner. Although he was wearing a chef’s uniform, he gave people a sense of philosophical vision.

  The second time, he pretended to be a patient in the mental hospital, but the conversation was still unfathomable.

  For the third time, Xiaoqian gave the old man a dying psychological comfort. He stood with the patient’s family and watched her treatment with a smile.

  Now, he appeared in Professor Liu's office, and he became a world psychiatric authority.

  When Professor Liu introduced him, Xiaoqian felt unexpected and reasonable.

  Unexpectedly, he is Professor Qi, but he thinks that a person with such a personality, such a temperament and a slightly neurotic feeling should be a psychologist.

   After knowing his identity, she stood in front of him again, Xiaoqian looked straight into his eyes and looked at him carefully again.

  His eyes are unfathomable, with smile lines, giving people a cynical feeling, casual dressing looks only in their early thirties, with some urban yuppie taste, looks like a playful person.

  At this time, Qi Yuxuan also looked at Xiaoqian, his eyes filled with love and interest. He wanted to know what she would do when he tore off the vest and stood in front of her.

  Xiaoqian quickly gave the answer.


  When she slapped Qi Yuxuan's face, the world seemed to be still.

  This time Xiaoqian played no guilt, let you role-play, let you play with my old lady, and beat you to death!

  Professor Liu didn't react at all. She only saw her lover and Professor Qi stare at them, then stretched out her hand and beat them.

beated! ! !

  Pants and trousers, several thunders hit Professor Liu's head back and forth. Lei’s Professor Liu was soft on the outside and inside.

   "You... hit me?" Qi Yuxuan covered his face, his eyes aggrieved.

   "It's you! Not only hits you, but also kicks you!" Xiaoqian used the self-defense technique Xiaoqiang taught her, pressing his elbow against his stomach, then punching him in the heart, and finally wanted to reach out and poke him in the eye!

These three consecutive killings were so skillful that after Qi Yuxuan was madly beaten by Xiaoqian twice, he finally couldn't help but fight back for the third time. He stretched out his hand and quickly grabbed Xiaoqian's wrist, and Xiaoqian felt it. It hurts so hot.

  This guy is a practising family, and his hand is definitely not worse than Aka's level, just this one can tell.

  Qi Yuxuan originally didn't want to fight back, but in the end, if he didn't control it, this girl could really poke him blind! Instinctively retaliate.

  Xiao Qian frowned in pain, Qi Yuxuan hurriedly retracted her hand, and asked annoyedly.

   "Are you all right? Sorry, I didn't control it!"

  When he leaned over, Xiaoqian raised her hand and slapped him again!


   "My husband is reluctant to beat me, how old do you dare to do it to me?" I picked up the pen holder on the table and was about to smash it!

   Qi Yuxuan hides in a awkward manner, "If he dares to hit you, I won't let him go...Ah!"

   "Enough! Xiaoqian, what are you doing!" Professor Liu finally recovered, she hurried over to pull Xiaoqian, Xiaoqian still stretched her legs to kick!

"I beat him up as a counterfeit! Teacher, how could this guy be Professor Qi when he is so young? Our profession attaches great importance to qualifications. Even if he is a genius, he can skip a grade and complete a post-doctoral degree. Without a large accumulation of cases, how could he be possible? Be an authority?"

  Xiaoqian said her doubts.

No matter if this guy is real or fake, beat him first, if it's fake, beat him away, if it's true, don’t believe she’s so embarrassed to accept himself after beating him like this. Anyway, this guy played with him and beat him. Not too much!

After making up his mind, Xiao Qian continued to chase Professor Qi to fight.

   "You said! Are you a human trafficker or MLM, what do you want to do to me!"

  (End of this chapter)

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