Return of the Antagonistic Lady Boss

Chapter 848: The road we have taken

   Chapter 848 The right path in the world is the vicissitudes of life

   "You are so unfeeling, people have missed you for so long and look forward to you for so long, and they will engrave you in their hearts when they see you~"

  Xiaoqiang glanced at her dubiously, "Are you singing a little song with me?"

  The last few sentences are quite rhyming!

   "I'm just giving my opinion objectively."

"You can pull it down quickly. If you want to be objective, you won't say this. I used to do my best to save people at work, but other than that, I don’t need any emotional investment, especially for women. In any relationship, we are strangers when we leave the mission, nothing more."

  He is different from the second brother. The second brother is a person who looks cold but is very affectionate. The second brother has always thought about the little girl he saved. Yu Minglang has no fluctuations in the people he saved.

  When saving people, I will do my best, and I will not bring these into my life afterwards. The past is the past.

  "You handled this very well, as it should be. From a professional point of view, there are a few occupations that require empathy towards their work counterparts, but this empathy cannot be passed."

  Once it's over, it's easy to backfire on oneself.

  For example, depression caused by psychologists, such as traumatic stress disorder, are people who can’t get out.

  Yu Minglang is obviously a person who can come out.

"Hmph, you woman, I don't like to say you." Yu Minglang snorted, knowing she was in a mirror in her heart, but just now deliberately tried to test him with an irony. If he really acted like the second brother did to his freshman. For that fat girl, his wife would probably try to deal with him again with eighteen torture tricks.

   are all routines!

"Isn’t this an objective analysis of the problem? In this way, the second brother and the freshman have something in common. It is not that the family does not enter the same house, and the second brother has a long love for the freshman. I am now starting to train the freshman and let her She did a good job of separating the feelings of work and life."

  If the empathy with the patient is trapped in this kind of emotion, it will not come out until the end of the work. If one case after another overlaps, the psychologist will eventually suffer from an incurable heart disease.

  "Speaking of freshman year, I am curious, what exactly are your principles for making friends? You are kind to freshman and Shitou."

  Yu Minglang has always felt that his wife’s bottom line for making friends is a mystery.

  The personalities of the friends she made are different. There are boring gourds like freshmen, vigorous girls like rocks, strong women like Narcissus, and gender identity barriers like Qiuqiu.

   doesn't seem to have anything to do with identity and character, but she is especially good with these people.

  On the contrary, some deliberately approached her, Xiaoqian has always been treated lukewarm.

"The fate between people, you can also understand it as the intuition of the psychiatrist. When I feel that this person will never betray me, I will divide her into the line of defense in my heart. If I notice this person No matter how much I give, I won’t be rewarded, and I will stay away from it.”


"There is a kind of person in this world. Their self-existence in their world is above everything. She loves herself more than anyone else. Her goodwill towards anyone is based on the premise that this person is helpful to herself, such as The fat girl just now, as well as the head teacher of my high school, helped Chen Lin hide my admission notice."

   "I remember, her family is still thinking about retaliating against you." Yu Minglang was deeply impressed by this.

  The child with thief was later kidnapped. Yu Minglang and Xiaoqian rescued her, but she didn't even have a thank you. Instead, she blamed Xiaoqian, and now she wants to make trouble in the competition.

"Psychologically, these people are called selfish psychology. Everyone is born with selfishness, but the degree of performance is different. The fat girl just now is the same as my head teacher's family. They are all overdone. I have to complain about this. Qi called the beast actually taunted my way of dealing with the problem is too Virgin."

   "Huh? Is that the weird guy who always wanted to accept you as an apprentice?"

   "It's him!" Xiaoqian was outraged when Professor Qi said that she hadn't dealt with the problem badly.

   "I should really bite you!"

  Xiaoqiang blinked.

   "He provokes you, why are you biting me?" Lie down with a gun?

"If I hadn't known you, I would be so careful in doing things, always remembering that I am a person of identity, don't I do good things? What I do now is within the rules and should be given. I present a Good Citizen Award!"

  Xiaoqiang nodded proudly.

  "It is to maintain this kind of ideological consciousness, and only those who walk rightly and decently can go to the end."

  "Bah! I'm confessed when I meet you!" Xiaoqian pointed her **** at him.

  "If you want to send it, you should not send it to you. You should send it to me. How can my wife be so charming without me always giving you thoughts and work? Wife-in-law, you remember, the truth in the world is the vicissitudes of life."

  Yes, the right way in the world is the vicissitudes of life...Xiaoqian silently tasted his words in her heart.

  Some of her behaviors are indeed different from those in her previous life. Not only is she different, but also Zheng Xu has also changed a lot.

  Previous life Zheng Xu is not a good person, but in this life, Zheng Xu has done all legitimate business, because Xiaoqian, a top staff member behind the staff, think about it, her rebirth can be regarded as a benefit to many people.

"Let me talk back and see if you can come to our unit to give a professional lecture to our senior executives to raise our consciousness. There are many ways to achieve our goals. Since we have the ability to use bright means to achieve our goals, Why use insidious tricks."

  Yu Minglang always believes that using the wrong means to punish the wrong person has no sense of accomplishment.

  He has a strict family education and always knows what she can and cannot do. Xiaoqian gradually moved closer to him from the moment she chose him. Perhaps this is destiny.

  Xiao Qian, who has had several competition experiences, can't get nervous about this kind of domestic competition. She should eat and drink the day before the game. If she is not afraid of getting up, she wants to go to bed with Xiaoqiang.

The preliminary written test is held in the studio. All contestants use computers to answer the questions. The large LCD screen behind them is provided by the sponsor. The test questions are played synchronously on it for the audience in front of the TV. The answering computer is still a big-headed computer, but in China It is already an advanced level.

  Xiaoqian rang the bell first to signal her to finish answering.

  The lens gave Xiaoqian a close-up, enough to impress the audience.

  The value of the face is really important, it can make people stand out, especially the point on Xiaoqian's forehead, which is unforgettable at a glance.

At this time, at her home in Q City, Jia Xiufang was sitting on the sofa watching her daughter’s game seriously. She got news that the child would start the whole family to watch the game. Although Liao’s father could not understand, he also wore glasses to watch with his wife. .

  Fugui took a pen to answer the question simultaneously, and sighed after the answer.

   "What's the matter with wealth, what are you sighing?"

  (End of this chapter)

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