Return of the Antagonistic Lady Boss

Chapter 854: Meiqiang group meets again

   Chapter 854

  The third floor and the third floor surrounded the crowds of onlookers, pulling up a cordon, some people who maintained order did not let the crowd rush in, and some rescuers were using loudspeakers to shout in an attempt to stabilize the mood of the bad guys.

"His car was remodeled, and he was hiding in the car again, which caused difficulties for our snipers and was unable to rescue the hostages. Dr. Chen, do you see how you can get him out of the car? We will have him come down. There is a way to deal with him! Even if there is no way to attract him, you can attract his attention positively and let our people go up from behind!"

  The hijacking in the car brought great difficulties to the rescue of the hostages.

  Different from the hijacking rescue in the room, the perspective in the car is wide. Once the bad guy finds rescued, he is likely to hurt the hostage!

  Xiaoqian nodded. She is quickly filtering out the mental disorders that the bad guy may have. What kind of disease is it...

  A very old van was parked in the middle of the road. The road was closed for ten meters, and it was parked alone in the middle of the road.

  Rescue personnel with horns are still trying to negotiate with the bad guys, and singing from inside the van can be heard.

  "I see mountains, ahhhh~"

  A high-pitched voice came out of the car.

   "Captain Lin, you are here!" The person in charge of the jurisdiction was sweating on his forehead, and he raised his eyebrows with joy when he saw Lin Zeguang.

  "This is Doctor Chen, a psychologist. I ask her to cooperate with our actions." Lin Zeguang briefly introduced Xia Xiaoqian.

  When everyone saw Xiao Qian, their eyes were obviously full of suspicion.

  Such a young psychologist?

  No other profession is as strict as the psychologists’ requirements for clinical experience.

  The psychologists who can be called on the number must not only have a high degree of education, but also have a lot of clinical experience. Can such a young girl be able to do it?

  Xiaoqian has always turned a deaf ear to the voice of questioning herself, she likes to prove everything with her strength.

  "Please give me the horn." Xiaoqian took the loudspeaker and opened her mouth in a standard Hong Kong-Taiwan accent.

   "Listen to the people inside, I'll come over and chat with you!"

   "I'm going! Compatriots from Hong Kong and Taiwan?" The man next to him murmured, and Lin Zeguang glanced at the man. He knew what was going on. This is called tactics!

  Yu Minglang’s wife is really amazing, she can imitate the accent of an outbound movie as soon as she speaks. The soft voice of Wu Nong is completely different from her usual tone of voice.

  Sure enough, hearing this sound similar to that on TV, the unpleasant singing in the car stopped.

  "Are you a negotiation expert?"

   "Yeah, would you like to talk to me? You see, the weather is so hot now, it’s very hard for you to stay in the car, right?"

   "Haha! I am really a negotiator, haha, I have brought in a negotiator, la la la, I am a small expert who sells newspapers!"

The people in    sang excitedly.

  Incoherent speech, jumping thoughts, and some symptoms like schizophrenia, Xiaoqian was about to continue to muzzle his words, suddenly an old man broke through the interception and knelt down at Xiaoqian.

   "Please don't hurt my son, he was not like this before!"

  Xiaoqian turned off the speaker and asked in a low voice.

   "Tell me what happened to your son recently."

  "He opened a small factory by himself and closed down due to poor turnover. His wife also ran away with others. He was in a bad condition these days. I didn’t watch him for a while and ran out..."

   "What abnormality does he usually have, how long has this abnormality lasted?"

   "It started in these two days, and he was very excited during these two days. One said he was Peter Pan, and the other said he was Spider-Man."

  "Does your family have a history of mental illness? Did he encounter any irritation before he became ill?"

  "Our family has no history of mental illness. Before the onset of illness...oh, I remembered that his ex-wife asked his daughter to call him, as if to let the child scold him, saying that he didn't have to owe debts and tire his wife and daughter!"

   is not schizophrenia.

  Xiaoqian has probably guessed what's going on inside.

  If she did not make a mistake in the diagnosis, this person should be in a hypnoid mental illness.

Hysteria is divided into many states. Among them, the state of psychosis is the closest to schizophrenia. The difference from schizophrenia is mainly that the content of hallucinations and delusions is not fixed. The love fantasist that Xiaoqian encountered before belongs to schizophrenia, and his fantasy is Very fixed.

  It’s easier to know what the other party is doing.

  "Negotiation expert, why don't you speak, come on, convince me, I am a small expert who sells newspapers~"

   "It's very hot, isn't it?" Xiaoqian asked.

   "Yeah, I'm sweating."

  "Do you feel that the temperature around you is getting higher and higher, higher and higher?" Xiaoqian began to make psychological hints.

   "It's really a bit."

  Xiaoqian was walking with the patient's emotions, and suddenly there was another roar from the crowd.

   "My daughter, daughter!"

   This roar made the bad guy who had been slightly hinted by Xiaoqian excited again.

   "I am Peter Pan who saves the world, I want to eliminate all the pests!"

I go!

  Xiaoqian raised her **** in her heart, and hurriedly gave Lin Zeguang a wink. Lin Zeguang immediately led people to the emotional middle-aged man.

  This middle-aged man is a family member of the little girl inside. Knowing that the child could not control his emotions after the accident, he ran over to the scene and almost did something bad to Xiaoqian.

  "From now on, don't make too much noise, otherwise it will delay my work!" Xiaoqian ordered Lin Zeguang, and Lin Zeguang immediately dragged her family away.

  At this time, a luxury business drove over, and Yu Minglang, who was dressed in the car, was about to rush to the business field. He heard his wife shouting in the microphone from a long distance away.

  "The people inside are listening, why not come out and enjoy the feeling of the breeze in such a hot day."

  咦... Isn’t his wife supposed to be preparing for the game, why is she here?

  Yu Minglang also saw his mother who was waiting anxiously outside the crowd. He walked over and patted his shoulder. Yu's mother was concentrating on looking at his daughter-in-law. She was very nervous and shocked when she was photographed.



  "It's me, why is Qianbao here?" Yu Minglang asked.

  Yu's mother briefly told the story, and after Lin Zeguang dragged the victim's family away, he also saw Yu Minglang and the others coming.

   "Old Yu, why are you here?"

   "I happened to be passing by! What, can you handle it?" Yu Minglang asked, unavoidably squeezing a cold sweat for his daughter-in-law.

  "Have you seen the foreign aid have come? How can it be impossible." Lin Zeguang smiled bitterly, which was also a helpless choice.

   bypassed Brother Qiang and didn't bypass Brother Qiang's wife.

   "Well, my wife is talented, there will be no problem." Yu Minglang looked at Xiaoqian's direction and believed.

   Putting out the fire for Lin Zeguang in one sentence, there is really no dog food in life, do these two people have to carry on the show of affection to the end?

At this time, Xiaoqian's dealings with the bad guys are still going on. She has been using a very suggestive tone to emphasize the heat of the weather. She does not follow the routine and does not ask the other party what is the problem. She only says the heat, nothing else. .

  No responsibility, nonsense, reasonable science: I saw a message from a relative saying that red is irritating to patients with mental illness. This is not absolute, but it is irritating to some types of patients. I encountered this without affecting it today. Thank you to the following friends who gave me 500 coins, Fallen Angel Lan, xzy2, Melody_Chenchen, Ye's Tsundere, book friend 140909090055351, black soup bag, favorite watermelon~

  (End of this chapter)

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