Return of the Antagonistic Lady Boss

Chapter 861: Things have turned around

  Chapter 861 Things have changed

  Qi Yuxuan has not many apprentices, but any one of them is a leader in the industry. Qi Yuxuan's evaluation of the freshman, a third-level psychological consultant who has just graduated from university, is quite high.

  However, Mr. Qian doesn't appreciate it. This is the apprentice she has brought out so hard, so she deserves this old and unconscionable compliment!

   "Since you don't want me to come forward, then I won't come forward. Anyway, this kind of domestic competition doesn't mean much, so I will contact you immediately for an international competition, and you will participate in three months."

"Not interested in."

  She is still busy giving birth to a baby at home, where is she thinking about messing with these messy things.

  Professor Qi listened to Xiaoqian's words and gave up to intervene in this matter, and planned to use this opportunity to educate Xiaoqian, not to be nosy.

  Xiaoqian also had preparations in her heart. Her schedule came to an end. She thought that Qi Yuxuan might laugh at her softheartedly, but she didn't expect things to turn around.

  As Xiaoqian and Qi Yuxuan expected, a fierce debate is unfolding in the referee’s exclusive rating stand.

  The freshman's performance is remarkable, there is no doubt about it.

  But some judges felt that Xiaoqian did not participate in the competition and asked her assistant to replace her, which was not in line with the spirit of the competition.

  Professor Liu is also one of the judges of the competition, but she is a judge of another group, so she can't intervene in Xiaoqian's group.

  Hearing the movement here, Professor Liu was anxious and could not speak.

  What the **** did Xiaoqian do? How could she miss such an important event?

Although freshman and Xiaoqian have the real mentor and apprenticeship, they do not have the status of mentor and apprentice. Xiaoqian is still a student. If Xiaoqian is already very old and old, she will not go to the field to find a formal mentor and apprentice name. The person who divided her took the place, and could barely tell the past.

  But Xiaoqian herself is still a yellow-haired girl, who believes she is her apprentice in her freshman year.

  There are also judges who believe that there are loopholes in the setting of this tournament.

  Since the assistant role is set in the game rules, it also shows that the assistant can stay on the field to assist the players during the preparation of the players. There is no explicit stipulation that the assistants are not allowed to answer the questions alone. This is originally a two-person session.

  This part of the judges is still a small number, and more judges still think that not going to the scene in person is equivalent to giving up their qualifications. Although the strength of the freshman is the first, Xiaoqian should not be given points, and Xiaoqian should be eliminated.

   Just when the judges were about to leave a blank abstention vote on Xiaoqian's score board, a person ran over, holding a copy of something in his hand, and muttered something in the judges' seat.

  It's finally time to announce the promotion list.

  The freshman year looked at the scoreboard nervously. When the host read the promotion list and scores, the freshman year was disappointed.

  I didn’t read Mr. Qian’s score. Did her answer make a problem?

  I feel sorry for President Qian... Freshman looking in the direction of President Qian, full of guilt.

  Xiaoqian gave her a thumbs up, and then expressed her heart, which means that she did a great job today, and her freshman year standing on the stage was a little hot in her eyes.

  Xiaoqian got up, ready to go backstage with her mother to pick up her freshman year.

  It doesn't matter if she is eliminated. Xiaoqian's performance in her freshman year really made Xiaoqian very satisfied, and she also achieved her goal of training apprentices.

  Yu's mother was mentally prepared for this result, but she was still a little unwilling and muttered quietly.

   "If we didn't care about that, we would be number one now."

  The freshman year was brought out by Xiaoqian. She performed so well by herself, and even if Xiaoqian wanted to go up, she would kill her immediately.

  Xiaoqian took Yu's mother's arm and said jokingly.

   "Mom, your thinking is too shameful. If you let my dad know, would you say he would give you a thought lesson?"

  Yu's mother's sad mood was a little bit lightened by her amusement.

   "It's not that I won't let you save people. My family saw this kind of thing and helped them within their capacity. I didn't say that you did it badly, but it was a bit regretful."

  The two talked and walked out, but suddenly they heard the host speak again on stage.

   "Today, one player did not come to the scene, she is Chen Xiaoqian."


   Xiaoqian stopped, what happened, was named?

  "Her assistant performed very well in this defense, but this made the judges very embarrassed. Because of her own absence, whether the assistant's reply counted as a result, which caused us a controversy for a while."

  Xiaoqian didn’t react either, which one is this singing?

  She looked at Professor Qi, are you kidding me?

  Professor Qi is more innocent than Xiaoqian, he spread his hands, this time it is really not him. He also wanted to take this opportunity to teach Xiao Qian.

  Who else would he be?

  Xiaoqian dragged Yu's mother back and sat back. She was named, so she still needs to hear what's going on.

   "Originally, the judges judged that the assistant's results cannot be counted as players, but just now, we got a special thank you letter, which also made the judges change their minds!"

  A thank you letter with an official seal appeared on the big screen.

  The host said sensationally.

  "It is written in the thank-you letter that contestant Chen Xiaoqian helped to deal with a hostage-taking incident by a mentally disabled patient. For the patient, she gave up the opportunity to participate in the competition, preferring to be absent, and fulfilling her mission as a psychologist!"

  The picture on the screen turned, and a photo of Xiaoqian confronting the bad guy with a trumpet appeared.

  Yu's mother is excited, this matter is showing her face!

  So many relatives and friends watch the live broadcast, so there is no picture of this special introduction to the answers!

  Yu Mu was about to congratulate Xiaoqian, turned her head to see Xiaoqian crumbled and covered her eyes.

"what's happenin?"

  "The red T-shirt not only looks at people, but I also wear flat shoes today!"

  The image-conscious Qian always gets angry when she sees that she shows her face and is not excited. She will beat Yu Xiaoqiang when she goes back!

  It’s okay to make a red check! Wearing this kind of clothes must be accompanied by sneakers, and the result is that her short legs are not tall!

   "I think you are very beautiful and brave and heroic." Professor Qi smiled and exclaimed.

  "What is heroic! Didn't you see me so young?"

  At this moment, I am still hypocritical about my height, and there will always be no second person besides Qian.

  Whether it is the audience or the judges, they are all shocked by this turning point.

It's just an ordinary competition, and most of the players' relatives and friends come to watch the game. After all, psychology is unpredictable and ungrounded, and most people can't understand it, just watch a lively and add a game to their relatives and friends. It's just oil.

  Who would have thought that such a sudden come, the heat suddenly rose.

The host was doing an emotional talk show on the station before. When he was transferred to host a psychological contest and read a professional slurred topic, he was stumbling, but when it comes to this kind of positive news, it’s as instant as blood. Excited, she is not familiar with those messy names in psychology, but isn't this sensational?

  Thanks to the book friend 20170305153117447 for the reward of 500 coins, and thanks to Xue Tiantian for the reward of 400 coins~

  (End of this chapter)

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