Return of the Antagonistic Lady Boss

Chapter 871: The second brother with a gun

   Chapter 871

"That girl is not a good bird either, you two are a nest of snakes and rats! Both are not worry-free!" Yu Mu is now suffering from her third child's marriage problem. A girl who works well and looks good and has a family background is fine. How can she be this age? No one yet?

  "Snakes and rats are reptiles, and the other are mammals. It is genetically impossible to have a litter. My dad has only two genes—Mom! You can’t hit me in front of my daughter-in-law!"

  Xiaoqiang immediately leaned behind Xiaoqian, and only then did Yu's mother stop her hands in anger.

  This stinky boy, dare to say anything.

  "Mom, when you took your second brother, did you always get angry or have something unhappy?" Xiaoqian asked again.

  Yu's second child lay down for an instant, and he raised his head in confusion. What's up with him?

   Freshman also see Xiaoqian.

   "When you said that, I remembered. When you took your second brother, your sister-in-law often made me angry, and I was really angry at that time."

  Since Xiaoqian took care of her, Aunt Yu has converged a lot. Although she is still a stubborn old lady, she doesn't dare to run away from her hometown to toss her. Xiaoqian still has the prestige for her.

   "I knew it would be like this."

  Xiao Qian is not surprised at all.

  "Why do you ask?" Yu Mu asked Xiaoqian.

"I think of an overseas survey report between pregnant women and their children that I have seen before. Studies have shown that some pregnant women have problems with their children's personality due to poor mood during pregnancy. Although this is not absolute, it is just It’s a question of probability, but it’s very important to keep a happy mood during pregnancy. Many men think that women become squeamish when they are pregnant, and are tired of women’s changing emotions during pregnancy—"

  Yu Minglang immediately raised his hand, extremely innocent.

  "Aren’t you still there? Besides, I don’t dare to bother you anytime!"

  This is the Queen of his family. She is the only one who bullied him to establish an unequal treaty. How dare he provoke her!

"I'm just giving you a vaccination. Women will have different changes in their personality and temper during pregnancy. People who are usually calm, such as me, may be particularly irritable when they have children. People who are usually considerate, such as adults. One, if you have a child, you will be sentimental and like to cry. As a husband, don’t make sense during his wife’s pregnancy. There is no reason to say. Unconditional surrender is enough to coax a woman. The changes brought about by hormones are not controlled by everyone, and they have the ability. You men also have a fragile belly for ten months."

   "It sounds like you are not irritable now..." Xiaoqiang muttered softly.

  This girl, she started pinching, hitting, and kicking when she didn't agree with her. Sometimes, even Xiaoqiang dared to kick the gas when she came up. Fortunately, he reacted quickly. This kind of kick of the uncle's kick was avoided in time.

   "What are you talking about?" Xiaoqian smiled softly.

  Yu Minglang immediately sat down, "Daughter-in-law, can you still eat?"

  Xiaoqian glanced at him, meaning to ignore you for now.

  Second brother and freshman heard her seemingly unintentional, but in fact, they had different reactions when they were fighting cows across the mountain.

  Try to adjust your mood immediately in the freshman year, not to make yourself sad, if you really have a baby, you can't let the child be affected.

   And the second brother frowned for a long time, and finally said a word that shocked the four people.


  Xiao Qiang said that he should hurry up to coax your wife, Xiao Qiang can see that this is wrong.

  When the whole family is happy about the possibility of having a baby in the freshman year, you have an ice face, who can’t feel chilly? The younger brother can't see it!

   "My character, where is the problem?" Yu Lao Er's focus is all on this.

  I'm down! Xiaoqiang is weak, Xiaoqian is also helping her forehead, Yu Lao Er is really...

  Second brother didn't feel that there was anything wrong with him, and he corrected Xiaoqian seriously.

   "I don't have the personality problem you mentioned. Our unit has a psychological test every year. I am very healthy."

  How to fly a plane if it is unhealthy?

  How could there be a problem?

  Yu twitched the corner of her mother's mouth, then turned to look at the freshman, without saying anything, silently grabbing the freshman's hand and patted.

   "Good boy, I wronged you."

  The second child has such a dull and unknowing character, it is not suitable to be able to marry the freshman back.

  Who knows the freshman shook his head, "Second brother is alright, he is pretty good."

   "Well, our second child farts, she must smell refreshing." Yu Minglang said nothing.

   "Oh!" Freshman covered his mouth, feeling nauseous inexplicably.

  Oh, it's sick, she's sick!

  As soon as Yu Mu saw this reaction, her eyes lit up.

   Freshman feeling uncomfortable, stood up and covered her mouth.

   "I'll go to the bathroom."

  Yu Mingyi also stood up silently and followed her, still with the facial paralyzed face. Looking closely, the two of them were facial paralyzed, but they were colder than usual.

   "This second child..." Yu Mu sighed when everyone was out.

  Maybe it is really a sequelae caused by anger during pregnancy. The second child is as good as a man and has little muscles, but he is so smart!

   "Panpan, grandma will give you fish to eat, is it wise to eat fish?" Yu mother touched Panpan's head.

  "Am I going to have younger brothers and sisters?" Panpan, who had been silent, suddenly said such a sentence.

  The atmosphere during the dinner was quiet instantly.

  Xiaoqiang felt a little bit helpless in his heart.

  Kindergarten children can see things, is Yu Lao Er not understanding, or pretending to be confused?

  Yu's mother was a little at a loss, she didn't expect Panpan to ask that.

The child can’t say a few words a day, but his IQ is surprisingly high. Because he was almost autistic before, Xiaoqian once warned too many people in the family. Although the child is smart, he must be particularly sensitive in his heart. Don't let him feel the lack of love.

  Ordinary people who want a second-child treasure are not always happy. Now every household has one child, and most of the only-child’s attitudes towards accepting a second child are very entangled.

  Yu's mother didn't know how to answer, she was afraid that bad words would hurt Panpan.

   "There may be, or there may not be. The specifics depend on the follow-up." Xiaoqian said instead of Yu Mu.

   "Then what if I have younger siblings?"

   "If so, wait until the day your mother gives birth, you will receive a gift, what do you want most?" Xiaoqian asked.

   "I want some mechanical parts, such as motors, special materials, etc." These are all Panpan's favorites.

   "What do you want this for?" Xiaoqian wondered, feeling that she could not keep up with the trend of the times.

   "If you want to make your own model airplane, the toy store sells it is too simple to assemble, it's meaningless."

  Yu Minglang blinked and looked at the children raised by his second brother. There are no children here, so old-fashioned!

  "How old are you, can you do it yourself?"

  "Want to try." Panpan answered calmly.

  (End of this chapter)

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