Return of the Antagonistic Lady Boss

Chapter 878: I won’t have the fate of goodbye in this life

   Chapter 878

   Freshman majored in psychology. She should have known the second elder brother’s personality a long time ago, but she was too immersed in the shadow of his saying that she didn’t want a baby, but she didn’t analyze the problem carefully.

   Before the second brother could speak, she immediately analyzed the matter.

"You said to me some time ago that you don't like children. Actually, you want to give me time to learn and don't want me to work too hard, right? You are so good to Panpan, how can you not like children? How am I stupid today? ..."

  The second brother only said one sentence, and he thought of a lot right away in his freshman year. This is a tacit understanding.

   "Compared to the second brother...I don't know what's wrong with me." The freshman looked at him guiltily.

  "It’s okay, it’s my negligence. You have been under such a lot of pressure during this period. I did not share your emotions and caused your nervousness. Just stop thinking about it next time. I can't divorce you, you know?"

   "Hmm!" The freshman nodded vigorously.

  Second brother handed her the cut fruit plate exactly the same size, and today he even put a little love.

  Is this his awkward confession?

  The freshman suddenly grabbed the second brother's neck and almost spilled the fruit plate.

   "What's wrong?" The second brother hugged her and felt her pumping.

  Is this crying?

   "If you don't like it, I'll do something else for you, don't cry!" He was afraid of seeing her crying and wanted to wipe her tears, but she held him tighter.

   "I don't want to leave you! I won't leave you in the future!"

   "No one told you to leave!"

  "I have nothing, I have no parents, no relatives, I only have you, the family is given by you, and the feelings are given by you. Without you, I would have nothing."

  That's why she was so scared, so she was so upset.

  "Don't you say that--"

   "You let me finish!" She didn't know whether she would have courage if she didn't say it now.

"I know that I have not been good enough, and I also know that other people’s marriages shouldn’t be like ours. Qian always said that marriages are equal, but I don’t seem to be equal with you. I just want to treat you as my salvation. I want to treat you as my god, my god, everything about me, I don’t know where I would be without you, I will be happy when I look at you, and I will be sad when I see you being angry!"

  She once tried to be a spine woman. She wanted to be as vigorous as President Qian, but she couldn't do it.

  She just admires the second elder brother, she just likes the second elder brother likes to death. She doesn't know that this kind of dependence is not promising in the eyes of others, but she just can't control her unusual love for him.

  "Don't hate me like this, OK? I will keep working hard until one day I can match you."

  A feeling seems to be low and dusty in the eyes of outsiders, but who can realize her sweetness, who can feel her happiness.

   "You don't need to have a day, you are not worthy of me-who is worth?" The second brother can hardly control his movement. He has the most important wealth in the world, and the woman he loves depends on him wholeheartedly.

   "Can I?" She looked at him with tears, feeling that she was very immature in running away today. Is she worthy of him?

"You can, you can always, you have always been with me, have always been, I like your dependence, I like your gentleness, like your thoughtfulness, that will make me feel a special surging power and make me more Have the courage to rush forward, I think you are a woman tailored by God for me, a unique love that belongs to me, freshman year, I love you..."

  Yu mother led Panpan to stand outside the door, getting goose bumps on the hot day.


In   , is the series of gorgeous parallels in Grandma Joan’s classic romantic drama really spoken by her calm second son?

  Isn't this really Yu's youngest being possessed?

   "Grandma, shall we not go in? I also want to tell my mother that I love her!" Panpan asked innocently.

  Although he didn’t know what his father meant, he probably praised his mother, right?

   "Um... your parents may be busy, grandma will continue to take you around, okay?"

The sound in    is muted, and I don’t know what to do, but Yu’s mother, who has countless experience in watching Leiju, is definitely not suitable for children. For the next generation of the motherland, she should take her children for a stroll!

  Xiaoqian made a pot of fruit tea and sat leisurely on her bay window to enjoy the quiet time.

  After finishing busy, I had a quiet enjoyment, read a book, and continued water twice. It was getting dark, and the leisure time passed by for a long time.

  It should be a small wooden table, placed on the bay window, you can enjoy tea at any time.

  What kind of wood is good... Huanghuali should be quite good.

   can give off a good smell to the human body, put it here, it’s okay to read a book with bubble tea, if Xiaoqiang comes back, he can play chess.

  Thinking of wood, Xiaoqian couldn’t help but think of that person. There was also a man who liked wood very much in her previous life, and asked her to drink tea in fluttering white clothes.

   shook his head, there should be no goodbye in this life.

  Pure handmade furniture is absolutely different from assembly line furniture. The furniture does not need a steel nail, and all have a tenon and tenon structure.

A good carpenter pays attention to slow work and meticulous work. A carpenter has many scary tools, at least dozens of them. Xiaoqian thinks that it is the same for consulting people. Different people have different personalities, such as freshman and second brother. It’s not a matter of principle, it’s just a matter of communication, just a little bit of aside.

  Presumably, the freshman and the second brother at this moment should have a deep-hearted chat, or have already been in bed, talk about life, talk about ideals, and talk about strangers by the way?

  Thinking about it, Xiaoqian picked up her phone and sent a text message to her freshman year.

At that time, the second year of Yu and his freshman fell in love with each other. After the conversation, the two of them hugged each other like honey. Hearing the freshman’s mobile phone rang, the second child quickly pulled away and grabbed the phone first. .

  Sure enough, it was sent by the wicked girl Qian. What kind of moth would the woman who tricked his wife who ran away from home?

  Second brother clicked on angrily, there was only one sentence in it.

  No river in the world is exactly the same, and no love is exactly the same. Just be happy. Ps: It is not allowed to share the bed for the first three months. If necessary, please restrain yourself.

  I was still moved when I saw the front as a freshman. Mr. Qian is really as expected. This is a very good summary.

  No one’s feelings are exactly the same, and no one has set up templates for marriage and love to say that it’s right, and it’s good to live comfortably.

  I can see the next sentence, my freshman blushes.

  "Second brother, you..."

   "I'll drink water, you eat fruit." The second brother stuffed the fruit plate to the freshman, and continued to drink ice water, recognizing his fate.

  Even though the wicked girl Qian is good for him and her freshman year, but the second brother of the account is in her heart, she waits for her breath to wait for Xiaoqian to treat her body in a human way after she becomes pregnant!

  Of course, he wouldn’t say this to Mr. Qian. Naturally, this account must be credited to his younger brother.

  (End of this chapter)

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