Return of the Antagonistic Lady Boss

Chapter 880: Strength and strength

   Chapter 880

  Xiaoqian plugged the phone into Yu Minglang with a thunder and thunder, and then ran away to apply the mask.

  What is the husband for?

  Professional back pot!

  Yu Minglang smiled and answered the call.

   "Mom, it's me."

"Oh! It's clear to get off work! Tired! Have you eaten yet, did the dead girl Qian'er didn't cook again?" There are definitely two completely different attitudes to the daughter and the son-in-law, Xiao Qian Ma asked Yu Minglang very kindly.

   "I haven't eaten it yet, I'll cook noodles for Qian'er later."

   "Oh, why is this kid not learning so well, how can he let you cook-the noodles, you put some shrimp, or it's not nutritious!"

"Yes, yes! Mom is right. There are bottled frozen shrimps you brought here last time in the refrigerator. I will put more in a while. Qian'er has worked hard today. I am busy with the game and I am thinking about having a good noodle with her. Noon We have celebrated outside, and my mother and brother are there."

  Xiaoqian's mother laughed into a flower, but she still abandons Xiaoqian with a sense of meaning. "This girl is too shameless. I have told her how many times I let her learn to cook, but she is too busy with her studies. I will definitely teach her when I come back this time!"

"It’s okay. Mom, don’t we live together now? I’ll do it if I can do it at home. I’m looking for a nanny these days. From now on, someone will take care of Qian’er’s three meals when I’m not at home. Qian’er’s business is busy. Don’t let her learn. My mother and my sister-in-law seldom cook, and there are little aunts at home."

  Hearing that this is the tradition of the old family, Xiaoqian’s mother stopped saying anything. She also knew that until the end of this topic, her daughter’s cooking skills really couldn’t handle it, so she went into the kitchen and burned it once.

   "Is the shrimp still enough? It was frozen last year. Recently, the sea has been closed and it is not easy to buy shrimp. I will freeze some more when I can buy it in two months."

  "Enough to eat, Mom’s craftsmanship is really amazing, this shrimp is so fresh, it tastes almost fresh after being thawed and boiled."

   "Of course, let me tell you, I have a unique cheat! Then you have to put the big live shrimp in a bottle of frozen mineral water, and then ah..."

  Xiaoqian's mother was taken quite comfortably by Yu Minglang. She praised the housewife's superb craftsmanship, which is similar to the honor that Xiaoqian won. Comrade Xiaoqiang obviously mastered the essence of the skill of courting her mother-in-law.

   Work more, don’t complain, praise her daughter-in-law in front of her mother-in-law, and praise her mother-in-law for her good manners, and intermittently praise her mother-in-law for her rich life experience and can’t be too deliberate.

  Xiaoqian’s mother couldn’t stop talking when she opened the box. The son-in-law was too good at chattering, and she was very happy to chat with the old lady. She kept asking and asking questions. Normally, men and mother-in-law didn’t talk so much, and Xiaoqiang was an exception.

  Waiting for Xiaoqian to cover her face mask and come out, Yu Minglang tried to please her mother-in-law's phone call.

  Xiaoqiang's eyes widened.

  The red mask of blood stabbing hula is no longer needed, and is it black again this time?

   Stretched out his finger, curiously trying to poke, what is this black and not rubbish?

  Following the last time you peeed something on your face, now it's muddy again? A woman is really an incomprehensible creature. She has such a small face, why do you put all the things on your face?

  Xiaoqian patted his dishonest claws, pushed him aside, and said with her mouth, don’t cook first, there will be something to do.

  Yu Minglang nodded, sitting next to her and holding her.

  Well, she must be her back to his face and her arms around, look at this little black face sparingly, even if the beloved wife is deeply, seeing his wife’s colorful mask face is also stressful.

  Xiaoqian leaned comfortably on his chest and continued to chat with her mother.

   "Mom, who is the cousin you asked me to help with? What is he doing?"

   "The one who strikes the iron! There is a tin bucket he strikes in our old house, you forgot?"

   "He!" Xiao Qian remembered.

  Xiaoqian picked up the glass jug and was thinking about letting Xiaoqiang taste the fruit tea she made in the microwave. She found this glass jug after searching for it for a long time. It can be used for microwave tea, and it won’t fry. That’s good.

  As soon as she picked up the pot, from the reflection of the pot, she saw a shameless man making faces behind her.

  Xiaoqian squinted and turned her head. He immediately looked serious, as if it was not him who made the face just now.

   "Qian'er?" Xiaoqian's mother did not hear her daughter talking, so she asked.

   "I'm here, Mom, do you think there is something wrong with my cousin?" Xiaoqian turned her head and pretended not to care.

  Yu Minglang immediately made faces again, la la la, you little black mask monster!

  Xiaoqian quickly turned her head and grasped Ming Lang, his face was still ridiculously pinched with his hands.

  One second later, Xiao Qian's face became her pinching Yu Minglang's face, Xiao Qiang did not dare to resist.

  Woo, this woman is too cunning and too cruel!

   "Mom, keep talking." Xiaoqian's hands are still working hard, I'll twist, twist you cheeky!

  Yu Minglang grinned in pain, hey hey hey, daughter-in-law, be merciful, the black mud on your face so emotionally excited will fall into pieces!

"I said, it’s not your cousin who has the problem, but his son. His son is almost 38 this year, but his wife is unwilling to get pregnant. The whole family is making trouble. Can you give you a pillar? Brother's daughter-in-law, what's wrong with her? The great gods in the countryside have read it all over, saying that it was for the dead milk, but he burned paper and made clothes, so his daughter-in-law was reluctant to give birth. , I just thought of looking for you, aren't you state-owned to take care of things..."

   Xiaoqian let go of twisting Xiaoqiang’s cheeky hand in depression, what the **** is this!

  The rural **** sees her no matter what happens. Why does this mean that a dead horse is a living horse doctor, breaking the jar?

It feels like a joke about Xiaoqian, meaning that it doesn’t matter if you don’t look good. There is an attitude of trying. She, a highly educated and soft psychologist, can open up to 5,000 money strings in an hour. How come it's the turn to be inferior to the rural gods?

   "Let them go to the hospital to register. Now the psychologist can see it."

"Isn’t it costly to go to the hospital? I heard that it’s not cheap. The registration fee is only 20. Last time I took his wife to the city to see a doctor. Look, isn’t this money from a black house? The registration fee is only 40!"

  Xiaoqian’s mother also admitted that she had a unique sense of justice and exposed medical shady!

  Yu Minglang Bare Yale, Xiaoqian used the external release, and the mobile phone of Shaping rubbed the volcanic mud mask on his face, and he could also hear it.

  Daughter-in-law's heart is probably broken at this moment. 40 yuan is too expensive. His wife is thousands of dollars an hour. The mother-in-law's strength pits his daughter-in-law!

  Xiaoqian's temple throbbed, and before she had time to protest, she listened to Xiaoqian's mother to add.

  (End of this chapter)

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