After completing the manuscript ahead of time, an Lixia must be very proud to hand in the manuscript in person!

In the past, it was mailed to the editorial department, but today, she wants to go to the editorial department openly, and then proudly put the manuscript in Xia Ying's hand. She said proudly that my mother is going to hand in the manuscript!

In the comic editorial department, an Lixia is the king of delaying the manuscript. She will never hand in the manuscript until the end. This time she will blind others!

So, on a sunny morning, an Lixia bravely walked into the editorial department and threw a stack of thick manuscripts on the table!

"Hand in the manuscript!" was a resounding word!

The busy editorial department suddenly became quiet.

"Lixia, what did you just say?" Xia Ying doubted her ears.

"Hand in the manuscript!" an Lixia repeated proudly, and then pushed the manuscript in front of her, "Oh, review!"

Everyone in the editorial department was surprised.

"Lixia, are you sure you handed in a two-month copy?" an editor asked.

"You forgot that you didn't hand it in last month, and the readers are very dissatisfied, so you will be given two issues this month. Are you sure you have enough manuscripts?"

"Enough, enough!" an Lixia was very confident.

"Lixia, don't you have a fever?" Xia Ying reached out and touched her head. "You said, since I signed you, when have you submitted the manuscript in advance?"

An Lixia was very proud, "today."

The arrival of the beginning of summer made the editorial department lively, and everyone joked one after another. However, the editor in chief just sat quietly, holding the painting in his hand, but looked absently.

As if he had finally made a decision, he stood up and walked to an Lixia.

"Did your big money come?" Mo Yu's voice was very calm. It was obviously a joke, but he said it without any joke.

"Here we are," an Lixia understood. "He's in the car with the children."

"Hmm!" Mo Yu went out.

"Lixia, why don't you bring sweet up?"

"Yes, we haven't seen her for a long time."

Facing the enthusiasm of the editors, an Lixia answered with a smile. As a mother, the most proud thing is that everyone likes their children, right?

In the car, because he knew that an Lixia would go for a long time, mu Ruchen sat in the back seat to accompany Tian Tian and Xiaoyuan.

An Lixia said that the weather is so fine today that they go to the suburbs to play, otherwise they don't want to go out when it's cold.

She always has so many ways to make the family happy together.

But mu Ruchen can't.

His so-called quiet company is really just quiet company, but with sweet, she won't make the atmosphere cold.

"Call the landlord!" a sweet voice came out of the car.

"Rob the landlord!" muruchen's voice also came through!

"Don't rob." Xiaoyuan said and handed Tiantian a look.

Tian Tian knows, "don't rob!"

The landlord is mu Ruchen's.

Mu Ruchen was holding the cards in his hand and looked confused. He didn't understand the rules. Just now Tiantian and Xiaoyuan explained that he was a little confused. Anyway, the fewer cards in his hand, the better, right?

"Two threes!" Mu Ruchen played cards.

"Wang fried!" Xiaoyuan decisively killed his relatives.

No one.

"Shunzi!" there was only one card in Xiaoyuan's hand, but they were still bad, so Xiaoyuan put down the last card.

In the end, the landlord lost, and Xiaoyuan and Tiantian pasted a note on his face,

"Come again!" Mu Ruchen didn't give up.

Xiaoyuan and Tiantian continued to start, but mu Ruchen seemed unlucky. He lost four times in a row, but I don't know why. From the fifth time, he suddenly seemed to hang up and win all kinds of games.

At first, mu Ruchen didn't understand the rules, but now he finally understands. As a business arrogant, can't he compare with two suckling dolls?

Through the cards in his hand, mu Ruchen can easily figure out what cards they have in their hands according to the shots they have played, so it's easy to win.

Mu Ruchen felt more and more that such a game was too childish.

Before long, Xiaoyuan and Tiantian's faces were covered with notes. They looked at daddy very bitterly, but mu Ruchen was very happy.

If the air is not fresh, it is bad for Xiaoyuan's health, so mu Ruchen has been driving the car half way. Therefore, Mo Yu saw mu Ruchen smiling at the two children with a note on his face from a distance.

Very bright smile, not like the legendary cold president.

Mo Yu walked over and knocked on the window.

Muruchen took the note off his face, "what's up?"

"Mr. mu, can you come out and talk?" Mo Yu is neither humble nor arrogant.

Mu Ruchen took down the notes on his face and pressed them on his son's and daughter's faces. "I won't go too far. You're waiting for me here."


Mu Ruchen got out of the car, sorted out his clothes, and then walked aside with Mo Yu.

"What are you going to say?" Mu Ruchen didn't think that an editor in chief of the editorial department talked to him about profound issues.

"Are you dating Lixia now?" Mo Yu asked solemnly.

Mu Ruchen nodded, "you can also think that I am pursuing her."

An Lixia is so good. Chasing her is not a disgrace.

"I advise you to stop."

"Hmm?" the sharp eyes were as cold as a knife, "what did you say?"

Mo Yu is not too afraid of angry mu Ruchen. "I don't think it's appropriate for you to be with Lixia. You won't be happy together. Therefore, Mu always shouldn't be so stubborn."

"Why do you say that?" Mu Ruchen asked coldly.

"Let's not talk about others. Can your family accommodate her? President Mu, she doesn't know much about the Mu family. What is it like?"

Mu Ruchen looked at him coldly, "who are you?"

"Editor in chief of the comic Department of Huayue magazine."

Mu Ruchen raised his lips and sneered, "as an editor in chief, don't you think you know too much?"

Not many people know what kind of family the Mu family is in this country. They all think that the Mu group, the Mu group, was founded by mu Ruchen's father and inherited by mu Ruchen. Few people know what kind of background they have, especially outsiders.

"I'm also good for Lixia," Mo Yu seems to really just make suggestions. "Mr. Mu thinks more. After all, none of us wants to see Lixia get hurt."

This man is very strange.

He is definitely not as simple as an ordinary editor in chief.

"By the way," before leaving, Mo Yu turned to look at Xiang Mu Ruchen, "be careful of Zhong man. He has been possessed and is difficult to control." then he turned and left.

Mu Ruchen frowned. He vaguely felt that this Mo Yu might be with Zhong man, but their purpose was not very similar.

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