Siyue returned to his place with Xiaoyuan in his arms. Almost as soon as he entered the door, Xiaoyuan began to cough wantonly.

There was a terrible wheeze in his throat.

"Son?" Si Yue was frightened and immediately held his little body. "Son, what's the matter with you?"

"Nothing... Cough... Something..." Xiaoyuan tightly grasped his clothes and tried to restrain the feeling of death approaching.

The clothes on her body are bought by mommy, and the shoes under her feet are also Mommy's.

But today, he is so excessive to Mommy.

Mommy must hate him, right?

You don't want his son, do you?

In addition, he also made daddy angry. Daddy was so angry with him for the first time.

He must be the most disobedient child in the world. They won't like him anymore. They have Tiantian, and there will be other children in the future. They must not care about him anymore?

Xiaoyuan bit his teeth and endured the pain.

"Xiaoyuan, I'll take you to the hospital!" Si Yue was flustered.

"Read... Dad..." Xiaoyuan stopped his behavior, "after... A while... It'll be all right..."

"Where's your medicine?" Si Yue asked flustered, "son, where's your medicine?"

"Don't eat... Nothing..."

If you don't eat, you can't take medicine. Let yourself suffer and be punished as you deserve? Live and simply die, so as not to live and make everyone unhappy!

Holding this idea, Xiaoyuan endured the pain of suffocation and the sharp pain from his chest.

Time, minute by minute.

Finally, after half an hour, the asthma gradually stabilized.

Without medication, Xiaoyuan carried the pain by his own will.

Look, he can be strong, too.

Daddy doesn't have to worry every time he gets sick, nor does he need to rely on expensive drugs every time.

"Son, what's going on?" Si Yue didn't understand at all.


"Nothing. What did mu Ruchen scold you for?"

"I did something wrong," Xiaoyuan said weakly in Siyue's arms. "I... I deserve it..."

"What are you talking about?" Si Yue's childish face was a little angry. "How can my son be wrong? It's mu Ruchen's fault!"

Xiaoyuan tilted his lips weakly and wanted to laugh, but he didn't laugh after all.

"I'm really wrong this time," Xiaoyuan leaned against Siyue's arms. "I went to my biological mother without telling my father and Mommy, and I don't want to come back with them!"

"Why?" Si Yue thought it was incredible. "Do you like your biological mother?"

Xiaoyuan doesn't speak.

"You say you don't like mu Ruchen, I can understand. After all, he is so domineering, so grumpy, has a bad temper and doesn't know how to take care of people, but you don't like Xia Xia?" Si Yue said he didn't understand at all. "Do you think Xia Xia is not a qualified mother?"

Xia Xia treats Xiaoyuan and Tiantian alike?

Xia Xia is very kind and soft hearted. It's easy to like others. Once she likes someone, she will treat him wholeheartedly, and even take out all her hearts to hurt others.

Si Yue doesn't believe that there are people in the world who don't like an Lixia.

Xiaoyuan shook his head, "I like mommy and daddy. In my heart, they are the only one. No one will replace them, but..."

Later, Xiaoyuan won't tell Siyue.

There are others in his family.

Xiaoyuan smiled and swallowed what he wanted to say, "but Ling Yi is my biological mother after all. She is very poor. Daddy and Mommy are sweet, but she has nothing."

"Xia Xia raised Tian Tian from a young age. How many hardships and sins did she suffer in order to be sweet? But what did Ling Yi do? She didn't want you since childhood!"

"She has her difficulties." Xiaoyuan explained to Ling Yi.

"Hardship?" Si read disdainfully, "how much hardship will throw you into the orphanage?"

"She gave money to the orphanage to let them raise me. I checked it. She specially told the dean."

"Dean?" Si Yue became more angry. "What can money buy? Besides, how can she ensure that the dean will not treat you badly? There are so many children in the orphanage. Why should he treat you special?"

Xiaoyuan bowed his head and stopped talking.

Yes, he can't find an excuse for Ling Yi.

"Xiaoyuan, be obedient. Don't leave your parents casually," Si Yue hugged Xiaoyuan. "If you have a conflict with your family and don't want to go back for the time being, you can live with me, but don't go to Ling Yi, okay?"

Xiaoyuan nodded, "read dad, it's good to have you."

"I don't care who you choose at last. Anyway, I will always be your father!"

Xiaoyuan held him and the kind and innocent boy.

If only people could be so carefree forever.

An Lixia couldn't accept being beaten in the face, but now she seems to ignore this problem, even the hot pain.

In the study, an Lixia locked herself in the study, bowed her head, lay on the desk and pretended to draw.

But she didn't know what it was.

Xiaoyuan dislikes her?

He doesn't want her as a mommy anymore?


What did she do wrong?

Did she do something wrong?

An Lixia recalled in horror that he had ignored him too much? Or did he hate her because she always brought trouble to the family?

Outside, there was a constant knock on the door, but Anli pretended not to hear it and just bowed his head to draw.

At this time, the mobile phone rang, which was called by mu Ruchen.

An Lixia connected her cell phone and said, "hello?"

"Open the door!"

"Go to work, or have a good rest. I'm painting."

"You're finished. What are you painting?"

"New works?" an Lixia smiled foolishly. "I'm going to start painting new works and think about them carefully, so don't bother me!" he said and hung up the phone.

An Lixia thought, is it because she dominates mu Ruchen and makes Xiaoyuan feel no love?

Is that why?

If so, she can leave mu Ruchen's!

No, how could she have such an idea? How can you have the idea of leaving mu Ruchen?

What the hell should she do?

Outside the door, there was a sound of unlocking. Half a minute later, the door of the study was opened. Mu Ruchen strode in without saying anything. He just went to hug an Lixia.

"Don't be an ostrich, an Lixia, you give me courage!" Mu Ruchen held her tightly. "Don't attribute everything to yourself. You're not wrong. You're fine. It has nothing to do with you!"

An Lixia held mu Ruchen quietly, and there was always a sense of guilt in her heart.

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