"Don't you think the first one is richer?" Mu Ruchen asked casually.

"Of course, who ranks first?"

"Ou Yize's brother, Ou Zeyi."

"Ah?" an Lixia opened her mouth.

"The European family has occupied the list for a long time," Mu Ruchen despised. "Since Ou Yushi's grandfather ou mushuan, they have occupied the first place. Later, ou mushuan had two sons. After the two sons inherited the company, they even occupied the second place."

"So abnormal?" an Lixia stared.

"Ou Yuxi, who also inherited their European family's business talent, is very powerful and a very strong opponent." Mu Ruchen had to admire.

Speaking of this, an Lixia stretched out her head and asked inquisitively, "Mu Ruchen?"


"What's your number?"


"That's the list. What's your ranking?" an Lixia thought he was so powerful. If he didn't come third, he would also come fourth?

"Cough!" Mu Ruchen coughed, "change the topic."

"You have so much money that you don't rank high?" an Lixia stared. "How rich should they be?"

"What do you want so much money for?"

An Lixia looked at mu Ruchen seriously, "Mu Ruchen, you still want children, don't you?"

Mu Ruchen nodded.

"Then we'll have a daughter, marry their son, and blackmail them a dowry. Or we'll have another son and ask for a dowry!"

Mu Ruchen blacked his face, "an Lixia, are we very poor?"

"Aren't they rich?"

"If you like it, within ten years, I will definitely grab the position of the richest man for you." Mu Ruchen doesn't pay much attention to the accumulation of wealth, but if she likes it, the accumulation of wealth is only a small thing for him.

An Lixia blinked at mu Ruchen, "Mu Ruchen, do I love money a little?"

"A little."

"I don't like it because you have money." an Lixia explained, "don't get me wrong. I'm not such a secular person!"

"I wish you were for money, so it would be easier for me to keep you around." if money can solve it, mu Ruchen will be very good at solving it.

"If I were for money, would you still like me?"

Mu Ruchen raised his eyebrows and didn't speak.

He likes her because she is different from others.

"We won't talk about this topic," Mu Ruchen chuckled. "It's so late. Shall we talk about having children?"

Anlixia was embarrassed. This guy was not serious again.

"Go to the bedroom, or here?" Mu Ruchen stood up and came to her. "Last time I was here, I felt good. Do you want to try again?"

"Mu Ruchen, be serious!" an Lixia lay on the table. "I'm not in the mood."

"Because of Xiaoyuan?"

An Lixia nodded, "why does that super big take my son?"

Mu Ruchen did not speak.

"It's cold. I still want to take my son and daughter on a trip. I've made plans. I should have started recently. Even if I killed a super big one, I stole my son!"

This tone, she can't swallow anything!

"Maybe when Xiaoyuan goes to the United States, he doesn't feel comfortable and will come back soon." Mu Ruchen didn't say his plan, hoping to surprise her at that time.

Xiaoyuan shouldn't go to America!

It's nonsense to say that the United States has good education and good medical conditions. There is mu ruchenzi. What good things he can't get?

Since super dares to take it, don't blame her for taking it back!

It was late at night, but Tiantian was still in her small laboratory. She was a little sleepy. She yawned, put on a mask, and then continued the experiment.

A medicine has been prepared and put in a glass container. In order for mommy's plan to go smoothly, she needs to test another medicine to ensure that it is safe.

At this time, Tiantian's mobile phone on the side rang. It was the sound of text messages.

Tiantian put down her experiment and went to see the text message.

Love God Pikachu: asleep?

Tiantian: No.

Love God Pikachu: why don't you sleep so late?

Tiantian: because you don't have anyone yet.

Love God Pikachu: sweet, if, I mean if, if I can't come back, do you miss me?

Tian Tian: why?

Love God Pikachu: if you never see me again, will you remember me in more than ten or twenty years?

Tiantian: I don't want to be separated from you for so long.

Love God Pikachu: I will try my best.

Tiantian: what do you mean?

Love God Pikachu: it's late. It's time for you to go to bed. Good night.

Tiantian looks at her mobile phone. How does she feel that brother Xiaoyuan seems to be gone forever? It's like there's some danger over there, so you can't let her go, can you?

The medicine was packed, and sweet and carefully put the liquid into a small spray bottle, then covered the lid, took off the white coat and went out with two bottles.

When she returned to her room, she found that an Lixia was tidying up in her room.

"Mommy?" sweet walked over. "What are you doing?"

"Simply pack a few of your summer clothes!"

Tian Tian stared, "do you still have me in your plan?"

"Of course, we're going on vacation!" an Lixia took it for granted.

"Where's daddy?"

"The company has something temporary. He went to the study," an Lixia deliberately answered, "take less things."

"I see!"

"Meet in the living room at eight tomorrow morning!"


Mu Ruchen worked in his study for almost one night, then went back to his bedroom to sleep for two hours, got up to make breakfast, and then called an Lixia to get up and eat.

She told her that she was going to the company and would probably come back in the afternoon. Then she changed her clothes and hurried out of the door.

An Lixia looked at the time, seven thirty!

get up!

Wash your face and brush your teeth in two minutes, pack your things in ten minutes, disguise yourself in five minutes, and then hurry downstairs!

In the living room, Tian Tian is already waiting, but she is really shocked to see her Mommy.

An Lixia is wearing a loose sweater, a pair of cowboy suspenders, a cap with a duck tongue on her head and a mask on her face.

"Mommy, are you going to be an agent?"

An Lixia took out a small cap with the same style and put it on Tian Tian's head. "Today, we are all agents!"

Sweet will give the prepared spray bottle to Mammy, "Mommy, you take these two things, this bottle of colorless, spray on the enemy's face, so that they can faint instantly, this pink is spray super large."

An Lixia didn't look either. He took it and put it in his pocket. "Let's start quickly!"

Target, take Xiaoyuan!

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