The night is getting deeper and deeper, and the noisy crowd is getting quieter and quieter.

An Lixia secretly opened the door of the room and found that the corridor was quiet, no one was guarding, it was dark around, and only a few points had a faint light.

There seemed to be no one on the deck, and a lot of messy wine bottles could be seen faintly.

An Lixia sneaks around the stern. There are many lifebuoys and even a small speedboat. However, an Lixia doesn't know how to drive, so he can only use the most useless lifebuoy.

Despite the moving ship, an Lixia quietly jumped down from the stern with a life buoy on her back.

The sound of the waves outside was so loud that it obscured the sound of an Lixia's diving, so the person on duty on the ship didn't find it and just drove away.

An Lixia had some regrets when she jumped down.

The sea was cold and windy, and the waves came from time to time. They hit an Lixia face to face again and again. Although the body was protected by a life buoy, it could not resist the waves. Just being blown by the wind and hit by the waves, the body could not control it at all. It kept floating forward only by the impact of the sea.

It's hard to pour sea water into your nose.

At present, the only thing an Lixia can hope for is that the waves can wash her to a good place so that she can go home smoothly. If her father is a ghost doctor, should she have some popularity?

The old ships were driving on the sea, but when they were about to lean into an island, many ships suddenly came from the side. Each ship had threatening weapons and surrounded them tightly.

The ship was forced to stop.

In this sea area, there is no humanity and law. It is completely the law of the jungle. Some are just barbaric plunder.

As pirates, they are used to the law that the winner is the king. At the moment, they stay on the ship honestly. As long as they can save their lives, they will give whatever the other party wants.

Mu Ruchen was the first to board the ship!

He stopped every passing ship in this place. No matter what ship it was, he had to go up and check it to make sure that an Lixia's disappearance really had nothing to do with them.

"Did you hijack a girl?" Mu Ruchen asked, "when you were in country D."

"This..." the other party's face was obviously guilty.

"Say!" Mu Ruchen put a gun on a man's head.

"Yes, yes, I said, we did hijack a girl. It's beautiful. We want to dedicate it to our boss."

"Where are the people?"

"In the cabin."

"Take me there!"


If you can't find an Lixia again, mu Ruchen will go crazy!

However, there was nothing in the cabin.

"Where are the people?" Mu Ruchen shouted.

"We knocked her unconscious and put her here. How could she disappear?" the Little Pirate wondered. "Won't we run away after we're drunk?"


An Lixia can't swim!

Even if she lost her memory, she still had a brain. She wouldn't jump into the sea so rashly.

"Do you have a life buoy or something on board?" Mu Ruchen asked.

"Yes, yes, there are ten lifebuoys at the stern!"

Mu Ruchen walked over and found that there were only nine left.

In other words, an Lixia jumped out of the boat in the dead of night?


The sea is all around. Where can she go if she can't swim?

Give these pirates to others, and mu Ruchen takes several people to find them quickly in a speedboat.

The waves are so big that she will be in danger!

Fool, why don't you wait for him to save her?

The sea area is very large, and now it's night, and the visibility is very low. It's not easy to find someone. Moreover, the waves will blow her away, and she won't stay in the same place at all.

Although there are islands around, there are rocks, in case

Mu Ruchen could not imagine the consequences.

An Lixia has never been a person waiting to die. When she is in danger, she will try to save herself, rather than always put her hope on others. Therefore, she never expects mu Ruchen to save her.

I don't know how far she will be washed or how many rocks she hit. When she woke up, she found that she was on the edge of an island and her body was still in the water.

The island is desolate. There is no sign of anyone or even human life.

It is surrounded by rocks, only far away, there is a forest.

An Lixia stood up, but found that her legs were bruised a lot, and she was suffering from walking.

Dragging her body and sitting on the rock, she looked at the desolation around her, and her heart was more desolate than the environment at the moment.

I touched my pocket and found that the note inside was wet and the phone number on it was completely useless. What should I do?

An Lixia sighed and shouted to the sea, "Mu Ruchen -"

However, only the sound of the waves responded to her.

"Sebastian, Bawei, mu Ruchen, did you appear? Didn't you say you would appear if I called you? You did appear!" an Lixia shouted at the sea, "Mu Ruchen, you big liar!"

What do you say? Whenever she needs him, he will appear. It's a lot of nonsense, okay?

Now she needs him. Why doesn't he show up?

"Mu Ruchen, you bastard, I won't believe you anymore!"

An Lixia stood up and walked hard among the rocks. Sure enough, people should rely on themselves or rely on themselves. It's not reliable to rely on outsiders.

Thinking so, her foot slipped and her whole body suddenly fell to the ground!

It hurts to hit the rock directly.

The pain almost made an Lixia cry.

The head was hit hard. An Lixia felt that she was almost going to hit her brain out.

Stand up and go on. She has no time to shout pain.

Without fresh water and food, he can't live long at all, so he should get out of here immediately.

Halfway through, an Lixia suddenly remembered, where's her life buoy?

Didn't she take a life buoy when she jumped off the pirate ship?

But when she woke up, she didn't see it. Was it thrown into the sea?

An Lixia doesn't remember. She only remembers that she was knocked unconscious by waves of sea water last night and woke up here. Therefore, she really has no impression of the lifebuoy.

However, an Lixia felt that the life buoy was not the focus of the problem. Even if there was, could she swim home by herself?

The rocks of different sizes were very smooth. As soon as they were not careful, they fell to the ground. In order not to bump their head, an Lixia walked very carefully.

When she was about to go out, a violent explosion suddenly came in the distance.


The harsh voice rushed over. An Lixia's body was unstable, fell heavily on the rock and fainted.

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