Who is Alice? It doesn't matter in advance. How to get out is the key at present.

Everything in this place is big. Even mosquitoes are as big as birds. It's really scary. You need to suck a few mouthfuls of blood. Just suck the blood dry?

An Lixia is desperate for this place.

"Mu Ruchen, what shall we do?" an Lixia looked at him in despair. "I can't swim. How can we go back?"

"If we want to go back, it should be very simple, but some people are afraid they don't want us to go back," Mu Ruchen smiled. "The animals here are so big, which is definitely not a natural phenomenon. I guess someone deliberately cultivated them."

An Lixia stared, "so if we want to leave, we must find this man and let him take us away?"

"If the other party really wants us to leave, he won't blow up our ship."

When mu Ruchen was approaching the island, all the ships suddenly exploded. It was obviously intentional, but mu Ruchen didn't know why.

"What should we do now?"

"Wait," muruchen said a word, "wait for the other party to come to us, or we can go to the depths of the woods to find this man and ask his purpose."

Or just kill that man.

"Why do people here want to make these animals bigger? What's the meaning to him?"

"I think these animals should be the test objects of each other, and the purpose of each other is far more than that. Unfortunately, I'm not Mo Jin, and I don't understand these." Mu Ruchen doesn't understand these drugs and experiments at all, so there's no way to infer.

Speaking of Mo Jin, an Lixia was depressed again.

"My family must be very worried about my sudden disappearance?" an Lixia sighed. "I seem to be very unfilial. I always do things that make them worry."

"Don't worry, I'll take you out." Mu Ruchen hugged her. "You don't have to be afraid of anything with me."

"Ah Chen, let me swim back!" an Lixia stared. "Although I can't swim, it's the same if you give me a piece of wood to hold!"

It's like the Titanic. Don't men and women hold a board?

Muruchen did not speak, took her hand and took her to the beach.

"Look at the waves."

The waves in the distance are coming here.

An Lixia didn't quite understand, "what's the matter with the waves? I'm not afraid!"

"The waves are coming towards us, indicating that the wind direction is wrong. If we swim, we will be washed back by the sea," Mu Ruchen explained.

So they can't get out at all?

Mu Ruchen looked into the distance, then picked up an Lixia Heng, walked along the rock to the shallow water.

"Look down."

An Lixia looked down and saw that there were many fish below. They looked ugly and looked strange. The colors were bright, either green or bright red, giving people a toxic feeling.

Moreover, they squatted on the rock, and a group of fish swam towards them, as if waiting for feeding.

"What's the matter?" an Lixia looked at the fish. "Are they waiting for us to feed them?"

"They're waiting to eat us."

"Ah?" an Lixia was frightened.

"This is piranha. We eat meat. If we want to leave, we must go from this sea area, but there should be this kind of fish in the surrounding shallow water, so we can't leave."

An Lixia stared, "but when I woke up, I fainted in this place, and I didn't see any piranhas?"

She was in a coma for so long. If these things existed, wouldn't they have been eaten up long ago?

"So, there is someone here who doesn't want us to leave." Mu Ruchen smiled.

If Mu Ruchen guesses correctly, the other party should be using them as bait, so they may be safe for the time being until the arrival of that person.

Although I don't know who the other party is, the phenomenon here is like someone doing another experiment, which only reminds mu Ruchen of Mo Jin.

In other words, the other party is waiting for Mo Jin's arrival?

Mo Jin has come to the inside of the pirate. Because he is a ghost doctor, the people here are very respectful to him.

Because their leader needs ghost doctor's treatment.

The pirate in need of treatment has a rough face and a wild and uninhibited body. He looks like a natural adventurer. It's hard to believe that such a brave man will also be afraid of death?

He is a westerner with a big skeleton, golden hair, green eyes and a loud voice.

Seeing Mo Jin is like a dry man finally seeing the rain.

"Mr. Mo, you're here at last?" the man was so happy that he almost jumped up. "Come on, come and check me!"

The man's name is Derry. He was born in a pirate family when he was young, so he naturally became a pirate when he grew up. However, unlike other pirates, he only robbed money and did not kill people. Moreover, he did not want the money of the elderly and women.

However, he did not know where he contracted the strange disease, and his life was losing bit by bit.

Mo Jin ignored him, "where's my daughter?"

"I didn't take it away!" Derry quickly put aside his relationship. "It has nothing to do with me. I've never tied your daughter!"

"Don't you know where she is?" Mo Jin frowned. At this time, he didn't want to joke with anyone.

Mu Ruchen went to save her, but there was no trace at all and he lost contact. He was very worried. In case something happened to them

"Originally, your daughter was hijacked by a group of pirates, but on the way, your daughter secretly ran away. As for where she ran, I don't know. No one knows."

Mo Jin frowned, "prepare the boat, I'll find it!"

"Mr. Mo, what about my illness?" Derry was still afraid of death.

"You follow me. I'll look for it and heal you."

Derry is very familiar with this sea area. If he is there, things should be better. Mo Jin wants to find her daughter instead of taking risks.

Derui, who is used to adventure, is used to dying. Therefore, he doesn't mind taking another adventure with Mo Jin, so he immediately asked people to prepare a boat and follow Mo Jin.

Anyway, his life doesn't last two days. If he takes a risk, he can continue to live. Derry thinks it's worth it.

"Mr. Mo, the ship is ready. How many people do you need to take?" Derry looked as if he followed his command.

"Just three or five people."

"I see!"

It would be nice if someone set sail and someone was responsible for observing the surrounding situation. It was not necessary to take so many people. Moreover, with mu Ruchen's skill and mind, no matter which pirate was trapped, he should have a way to get out.

I'm afraid they're trapped on an uninhabited island.

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