Xia Ying always feels that no matter what happens to people like mu Ruchen, it's not surprising, because for excellent people like that, their existence is a legend. However, what Xia Ying didn't expect is that people like Mo Yu are also a legend?

A man, as the editor in chief of girls' comics, was originally worthless. Although he was excellent, he was a man. In addition, he usually got close to Xia Ying, who was called the man's mother-in-law, and refused all women. Originally, people in the company said that Mo Jin might be gay.

Although his experience is wonderful, he does look very ordinary. The editor in chief of comic magazine is not a very high position, and he usually doesn't show himself. Even if he is scolded by the boss, he always doesn't talk back.

Xia Ying thought he was an ordinary man.

But now think about it, isn't it right at all?

If he is an ordinary person, he is a small editor in chief who buys both cars and houses. Moreover, when he first saw mu Ruchen, everyone was afraid. Only he, like he didn't see the big boss, still went his own way.

"What do you want to ask me?" Mo Yu asked while driving. "As your reward today, I'll answer whatever you ask."

"You're not an ordinary person, are you?" Xia Ying turned her head and looked at Mo Yu.

She always felt that Mo Yu was really just an ordinary little editor.

Mo Yu smiled, "in this world, everyone's existence is not ordinary."

"I don't mean that!" Xia Ying's face didn't mean to joke, "what elder is your father?"

"We are the elders of Mo family."

"Where's Mo's house?" is it famous? But she hasn't heard of it?

"Country D," Mo Yu said patiently while driving, "country D is a very small country. The country is divided into many families, the most powerful of which are Mu family and Mo family. Mu Ruchen is mu family and I am Mo family. The two families are incompatible. I said I wanted to go back and planned to go to country d to fight."

Xia Ying thinks all this is strange.

"Now, the king of state D is Gu Yichen. He has cancelled the rights of major families and is carrying out reform. Therefore, the country has been peaceful." Mo Yu said easily.

"Gu Yichen?" Xia Ying stares. "You mean Gu Yichen, President of CHEYANG group?"

Mo Yu nodded.

Xia Ying thinks the world is crazy.

How can a good chief editor suddenly become the son of some family elder and a good group president? How can he become president?

However, Mo Yu is the elder's son. Is Lixia the elder's daughter?

It's incredible.

"Then your father is a ghost doctor. What does that mean?"

What is a ghost doctor? Cure ghosts?

"My father studies poisons, but his medical skills are also very good. I heard that as long as he wants to save the dead, the dead can be saved. Therefore, many people with difficult and miscellaneous diseases want to see him. Some people even offer hundreds of millions of compensation, but my father doesn't like to make trouble, so he has always refused. We are all surprised that he can promise you to go to the orphanage today."

Xia Ying thought it was incredible. "Is your father... So good at medicine?"

"More than you can imagine."

"What about you?" Xia Ying asked with wide eyes, "are you... Too?"

"I'm very ordinary," Mo Yu said carelessly. "My father didn't let me touch drugs. He sent me to other places since I was a child. His concern for me was limited to the numbers on the bank card and visits once or twice a year."

"Do you blame him?"

"He's protecting me. I never blame him," Mo Yu smiled. "He's trying to be strong by himself. I love him very much."

Mo Yu remembers that every time Mo Jin comes to see him, the first thing he does is to feel his pulse. Even if he has never been unhealthy, he must feel his pulse.

Mo Jin cares about him in her own way.

"Then your father... Is very rich?"

"Well, basically, it can be described as a rich country, but it doesn't have much to do with me," Mo Yu looked at Xia Ying. "Don't use psychological pressure. Don't think we are all a group of great people. You don't fit in with us."

"..." the worry was easily seen through.

"That's them. They're great people, not me. I'm still the editor in chief of girl man magazine, a very ordinary person."

Xia Ying doesn't like these great people very much because she is too ordinary. When she is with them, she will feel that no matter what she does, she is holding them back.

The mood is very low.

Originally, she thought that Mo Yu was very ordinary, and his parents were even more ordinary. Whether talking or getting along, they were no different from ordinary people. It turned out that they were not ordinary at all.

The most common is always herself.

Inexplicably, Xia Ying's mood became very bad until the car drove to the downstairs of the apartment where they lived. Xia Ying got out of the car, bowed her head and walked into the apartment.

At the door of the elevator, Mo Yu caught up and stopped him.

"I asked you to wait for me to drive into the garage. Why didn't you wait for me?" Mo Yu's voice didn't mean to blame, as if he was just talking casually.

Xia Ying reluctantly smiled, "aren't you going home?"

"Yes, I'm going home. We're neighbors, aren't we?"

"Don't you still have a very luxurious apartment?" Xia Ying blurted out without thinking. "Do you rich and powerful people like to play poor people?"

"I tore your passport. I'm sorry. I'll find the page I tore and return it to you."

"Don't worry, I'm gone?"

Xia Ying shook her head.

"In that case, I'll go back with my parents." Mo Yu's voice was angry, said to play, and took her into the elevator.

Go back... Just go back, go back to their great world and be a great man.

When the elevator came to their floor, Xia Ying bowed her head, walked to her door, took out the key and opened the door.

Just, but I think someone followed.

Turning around, I found that it was Mo Yu.

Mo Yu stepped into her room, closed the door and hugged her.

"Don't think about it!"

The sudden hug overwhelmed Xia Ying and wanted to push him away, but she always lost a little strength.

"I'm just an ordinary person, and I'm going to be an ordinary person in the future. I won't go back. Everything in country D has nothing to do with me. Like you, I grow up alone."

"I have no friends and I don't like traveling. I like junk food as much as you. On weekends, I'd rather eat instant noodles at home as you do. We are all comic editors. We work in the same company. We are the same kind of people."

Xia Ying was stunned.

"If we have to say that we are different, I think I am cleaner than you?"


what do you mean?

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