Early in the morning, Mo Yu, who had not slept all night, knocked on Xia Ying's door on time. He was carrying breakfast in his hand and wanted to eat with her before going out.

However, it is rare for Mo Yu to go out to buy breakfast. Such considerate behavior is obviously useless, because Mo Yu smelled a strong smell of instant noodles when he opened the door.

A quiet face, with obvious displeasure.

"Editor in chief, early in the morning, what can I do for you?" Xia Ying wiped the noodle soup at the corner of her mouth.

"Are you eating instant noodles?" Mo Yu frowned.

"Yes, didn't you say you would eat, too?"

"You can swallow such a heavy taste in the morning?" Mo Yu went into her house and put his breakfast on the table. "Come on, eat."

"But I'm full..."

Mo Yu looked at her without talking. His eyes were very fierce, with an expression of "you dare say I'll kill you if you don't eat".

Xia Ying swallowed back her words and immediately laughed, "editor in chief, why are you so kind today? You know I'm hungry, so you buy me breakfast? Did you go out and pick up the money?"

Mo Yu vacated a place on the sofa and sat down himself.

Ignoring her words, he just divided the breakfast into two parts, "it's boring to eat alone, so I want to find someone to eat with me."

Xia Ying belongs to the kind of person who can eat when he is full. Therefore, even if he has almost eaten instant noodles, he still eats all his breakfast.

Now, it's really holding up.

Mo Yu hasn't finished yet.

Xia Ying drank soybean milk and looked at him, "editor in chief, do you get up so early today? Don't you go back to bed?"

"Today, have you forgotten what you're going to do?" Mo Yu said calmly while eating breakfast.

"Ah?" Xia Ying doesn't know.

"Didn't you ask my father to go to the orphanage for free clinic?"

"Cough, cough..." Xia Ying choked by soybean milk. "I wipe it. Isn't he a ghost doctor?"

"Well, the ghost doctor can't have a free clinic?" Mo Yu silently handed her a paper towel, then bowed his head and continued to eat.

"Is he worthy of free clinic?"

I wipe it. It's a ghost doctor. Last night, she checked the legend about the ghost doctor on the Internet. I heard that he was very cruel. Even if someone died in front of him, he wouldn't take another look, let alone a free clinic.

Also, I heard that for some time, he began to treat people, but the price was very high. Before long, he was rich and could be enemies of the country, which was faster than businessmen.

However, many people have never seen his face. They are blind when they hear that they have seen his real face.

Xia Ying thinks that if one day he finds out that he and Mo Yu are pretending to be lovers, will he blind her?

No, although his eyes are not good-looking, we should keep them!

"What are you thinking?" Mo Yu bowed his head and continued to eat breakfast. "This morning, he called me and said he was ready. Just wait for us to pick him up."

"...." Xia Ying felt that she couldn't keep her eyes.

"What are you worried about?" Mo Yu asked carelessly.

"Editor in chief, how is your father's temper?"

"Very big."

"..." Xia Ying mourned for herself again.

"When I was going to help him fight in country D, he said that if I dared to go back, he would break the father son relationship with me. He was very angry," Mo Yu further explained, "so you'd better not mess with him."

The last sentence was obviously intentional.

Xia Ying was frightened. "What if... Someone made him angry?"

Like her?

"I don't know where he is. He always contains medicine powder and poisons at any time. If anyone makes him unhappy, he will directly reward the other party with some medicine powder and send him to God.

See... God?

Xia Ying was more guilty. "Then... What if he knew that the relationship between us was innocent?"

"Will be very angry." Mo Yu told her solemnly.

"...." after that, she knew that man was not easy to mess with.

Although he looks lazy and kind, even president Mu has to be obedient in front of him. It can be seen that his temper is really not an ordinary temper. If the ghost doctor knows that she is lying to him, will he give her no room for explanation and directly give him a bag of poison to kill her?

Mo Yu put away his breakfast and looked at her carefully, "so you should be careful when you speak in front of my father, especially for our relationship. You should show that you are very close to me, okay?"

Xia Ying nodded immediately. She knew, she must know, even for her own life.

"Now, lie down and have a rest. I'll clean up your room for you, and then we'll go out."

"What else to pack up? Your father is waiting. Let's go quickly." will he be angry if he has been waiting for a long time? Will you sprinkle powder on them?

"It's okay. Listen to me."

Anyway, Xia Ying has also decided that if his father sprinkles medicine powder on them, she will hide behind Mo Yu. Anyway, he insists on procrastination and has nothing to do with her.

Mo Yu cleaned up his house very quickly and soon cleaned up the living room.

Apart from the day she checked in, Xia Ying has never seen such a clean living room.

Taking the garbage in his hand, Mo Yu took a look at Xia Ying. "I'll throw the garbage, you change your clothes, and I'll wait for you downstairs." then he took two bags of garbage and went out.

Speaking of clothes, Xia Ying looked down at herself and suddenly widened her eyes!

Shit, she... Didn't wear underwear!

When she got up early in the morning, she only wore her thin pajamas and ate noodles. She simply ignored her clothes. No wonder Mo Jin said so little, so was he peeking at her?

Xia Ying lies on the bed and laments her behavior.

What a mess!

Slowly change your clothes, Xia Ying goes out, opens the door and sits in.

Seeing Mo Yu, he blushed before he spoke. It's a shame. It's a shame!

Mo Yu leaned over and fastened her seat belt.

When Mo Yu's hand came to her chest, Mo Yu's finger paused, and Xia Ying's heartbeat missed a beat.

He thought of her charm, and she felt like she was going to lose her life!

"Cough!" Mo Yu forced himself to recover. "Sit down, we're leaving."


In the narrow space, it's embarrassing.

Say something?

Xia Ying was thinking about the topic, and then suddenly remembered that she was still holding Mo Yu's card, so she immediately took it out of her bag, "editor in chief, your card is still with me."

"It's all right. Take it."

"But I..."

"If you go out today, you must spend money. Take it first."

Then it will always belong to you.

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