Zero body is definitely not healthy.

Zero's father checks his body for zero. Maybe it's because zero's body stops growing, and he wants to help his son, so the animals on the desert island are so big.

However, zero's father could not solve the poison anyway, so he would lead Mo Jin there.

As for those ninjas, if they are not zero's father, they can never escape any relationship with his father. To confirm this conjecture, it is actually very simple. As long as they take zero to test their bone age, they will know everything.

Although it's already afternoon, Mo Jin is anxious to know the answer, so she insists on taking zero to the hospital. This requires professional equipment and can't be checked out by medical skills.

Originally, mu Ruchen wanted to go with them, but he was injured. Mo Jin asked him to rest at home. In order to ensure their safety, mu Ruchen asked ouyangye to go with them.

On the bus, although zero didn't understand what happened, seeing everyone's expressions, he thought, shouldn't it be a good thing?

Zero low head, in the heart, some sad.

"What's the matter?" Mo Jin bowed her head and rubbed her hair.

"Did I give you trouble?" zero looked at them. "Although I don't know what it is or what kind of trouble it is, it looks like it's very serious."

Zero held his finger, "I'm sorry."

Mo Jin smiled, "zero also wants to know who he is and where his father is, right?"

Nod at zero.

"As long as zero is obedient, the rest will be left to us," Mo Jin smiled. "Don't worry, there won't be anything."

"Xiaoyuan said, you are all very powerful people. No matter what happens, you can handle it. Is that so?" although zero didn't understand, he seemed to want him not to worry.

Mo Jin nodded, "so, just want to live like usual."

"Well!" zero head, a smile appeared on his face, "I like here, my uncle and aunt, Xiaoyuan and Tiantian, and you. I like you very, very much, but if I bring you trouble, you can send me back to the desolate island. It doesn't matter."

Zero looked at Mo Jin seriously, with a calm smile on his face, "I like you, so I don't want to bring you trouble. I want you to be good and make you happy."

Mo Jin rubbed his hair. "Children don't think too much."

"Mr. Mo, you are so gentle," ouyangye, who is driving, looks back at him. "If outsiders see you like this, they will not believe that the legendary miraculous doctor with strange temper actually looks so gentle."

Mo Jin frowned, "Ono, it's rush hour now. Look ahead."

Ouyangye disdained to smile. "I can drive when I'm ten years old. I don't blow my skills. Even the second master is not my opponent. We've competed together for five times, and the second master won by luck once."

Ouyangye is very confident in his driving skills.

In his eyes, the second master is the greatest person in the world, and now the greatest people have lost to him so many times, which shows that their driving skills are really very, very good.

Mo Jin sighed, "how many times did ah Chen win you?"

"Fifth time!"

"This shows that he is growing up through failures again and again. He didn't surpass you before, so he drives with you, but now he has surpassed you, so there's no need to race with you."

"..." it seems that this is the truth.

In the past, the second master always failed. As long as he had time, he always called him to race, but after winning him once, it seemed that he had never competed with him again. Every time Ono called him to race, he said that he was tired of playing this game.

So, was he underestimated?


"Mr. Mo, you have to take care of my self-esteem?" ouyangye sighed.

"I'm kidding. You concentrate on driving."

Ouyangye turned in front, but a man was in a hurry to run the red light. Ouyangye didn't have time to brake, so he hit it directly!

The screeching sound of brakes pierced the eardrum.

Ouyangye got out of the car and wanted to see if he had killed the other party.

However, lying on the ground was a young man. He realized that he was a little unclear. He raised his eyes and looked at ouyangye with a smile on his handsome face.

"Please help me see if there are pursuers behind me?"

Ouyang looked at the back of the wild Dynasty. There was nothing at all. "Who is chasing you?"

"A group of aliens with only one eye on their head."

"Ah?" ouyangye thought that the man must be crazy, or he just hit his head.

"No, isn't it?" Zhou Fang smiled, "but they have surrounded me now. You don't see it, do you?"

Ouyangye shook his head. "There is no one around you except me."

"So?" Zhou Fang relaxed and lay on the ground. "Then I'm relieved. I'm scared to death. I thought aliens really invaded the earth."

"Are you okay?" ouyangye looked at him.

"It's all right," Zhou Fang stood up with a smile. "Your speed is so fast. Fortunately, it's me. If someone else had been replaced, I would have died long ago."

Yes, this man is right.

Just now, his speed was very fast. If he was an ordinary person, he would have died long ago, but this person was unharmed, which fully shows that his skill is very high.

"However, since you hit me, give me a ride by the way?" Zhou Fang looked at ouyangye with a smile. "I'm going to the hospital."

"Aren't you hurt?" ouyangye looked at his body. There were no scars except some broken clothes.

"I hurt here," Zhou Fang pointed to his head. "Now, there are many hallucinations in front of me. I've made an appointment with an expert. Take me, or I'll call the police."

"Ono, what's up?" Mo Jin came out of the car.

"Mr. Mo, such a person wants us to take him to the hospital to see his brain." ouyangye said impolitely.

"Psychosis?" Mo Jin raised her eyebrows.

Zhou Fang looked at them with a smile, "don't talk so seriously. I'm just in a bad spirit."

"Get in the car!" Mo Jin turned and walked into the car.

Zhou Fang sat on the co pilot, then looked back with a smile, "thank you. My name is Zhou Fang. Here is my business card." after that, he handed his business card to Mo Jin, "if you need help, you can find me."

Ouyangye laughed in his heart. Nancheng is their second master's world. Will you find him if you need help? It's ridiculous. It seems that there must be something wrong with this man's brain.

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