Without the provocation of the enemy, mu Ruchen must still live a very comfortable life at the moment. Although he did not pay attention to the other party, there were always some messy things.

The wound on his body has almost healed. Mu Ruchen thinks it's OK, but Anxia seems to be very careful.

Seeing the documents in the study, mu Ruchen made an exception and didn't deal with them. Instead, he went back to the bedroom and lay in the bedroom, reassuring the silly girl.

After taking a bath, an Lixia was surprised to see mu Ruchen, who should have worked in the study, lying in bed.

"Ah Chen, you're back like this?" an Lixia walked over. "Don't you want to deal with the documents?"

"Don't deal with it," Mu Ruchen said comfortably in bed. "I want to listen to my wife and have a good rest."

An Lixia was curious, "what's wrong with you today? How can you be so good?"

"I'm a patient," Mu Ruchen looked at an Lixia. "Wife, you have to take care of me."

An Lixia walked over, "OK, what kind of care do you want?"

"Help me take a bath."


"Also, solve the needs."


"Coax me to sleep."

An Lixia couldn't bear it. "So you came back to torture me on purpose, didn't you?"

"No, no," Mu Ruchen sat up. "If you don't help me, I'll take a bath myself. In case the wound is stained with water, infection and inflammation..."

"Mu Ruchen, you are cruel!"

Mu Ruchen was almost wiped by an Lixia these days when he was injured, and he seemed to be addicted. Although he was hot and dry in the end, he still enjoyed the process.

An Lixia wiped his body as usual. In the process, he endured all kinds of flirtations, and then helped him solve some needs. Although it was not enjoyable, mu Ruchen was a satisfied person.

Holding your wife and lying in bed is much more interesting than reading documents.

"Ah Chen," an Lixia asked, "what happened to zero?"

"Zero's body may have stopped growing," Mu Ruchen said softly. "Maybe zero's father asked zero to come to us deliberately to make Mo Jin Law and order him."

"Why does the zero body stop not long?"

"I don't know, but there are so many enlarged animals on the island. I think it should be the result of his father's experiment."

"In other words, zero's father also wants zero to recover? This shows that zero's father is not bad?" an Lixia hopes you are not a bad person.

"I don't know," Mu Ruchen chuckled. "There are many ninjas near our house. They are just watching us, but they don't do it. I think they shouldn't be zero fathers."

"Ah?" an Lixia didn't understand.

"Since zero's father is willing to give us zero, he believes in us very much. Moreover, he also knows that if he sends someone to monitor us, it may cause our disgust, which is unfavorable to zero. How can he be willing to let things change if the other party takes so much trouble to send zero to us?"

"The man who watches us wants to take the zero away?"

"If I guess correctly, the masters of these ninjas should make zero become such a murderer. They choose to stand still. It must be because the time is not right. They must have other purposes."

The relationship is too complicated. Ann Lixia doesn't understand it very well.

Seeing her confused look on her face, mu Ruchen smiled and dropped a kiss on an Lixia's forehead, "but don't worry, I'll solve all things. What you have to do is to live happily every day as if nothing had happened."

"Ah Chen, will you throw away the zero?" an Lixia was worried about this.

Mu Ruchen smiled, "if it was me before, I would certainly. As long as he hinders my interests, I will throw him away, but now..." Mu Ruchen smiled bitterly, "maybe it's because I'm a father. I'd rather spend time and energy to solve these problems."

If you throw away the zero, maybe his life will be changed.

Zero is innocent. Since they met, whether it's fate or artificial, mu Ruchen has feelings for the child. Although he can't compare with Xiaoyuan, mu Ruchen will feel guilty for a long time if he throws him out now.

Late at night, zero can't sleep.

He didn't know what had happened, but he seemed to have brought trouble with them because of his own existence. He didn't want to.

Sitting on the ground alone, looking at the stars outside the window, my thin body is so lonely that it hurts.

Sweet hand pressed Xiaoyuan's chest, making Xiaoyuan have a nightmare. When he opened his eyes from the nightmare, he saw zero sitting by the bed.

There was no light in the room, and the bleak light came in. The dim light wrapped zero's body in loneliness, like an abandoned child who was not accepted by the world.

And he doesn't even know how to struggle.

Even if he is surrounded by a beast that will never leave him, it is just an animal and can't comfort his loneliness at all.

Xiaoyuan got up, put on his shoes, came to him and sat down next to him.

"Sorry to wake you up." zero's voice was very quiet.

"I woke up myself. It has nothing to do with you," Xiaoyuan smiled gently. "What are you thinking?"

"I don't know," zero blinked. "I just couldn't sleep suddenly, so I got up. Go to bed and don't worry about me."

Xiaoyuan smiled and put his hand on his shoulder. "A man should take responsibility. Don't show it all on his face as soon as he has something on his mind."

"..." zero looked at him.

Through the light, zero can clearly see Xiaoyuan's face. Because he sees it clearly enough, he feels that his smile is particularly gentle at the moment, like the tenderest light in the world, driving away the cold in zero's heart.

"You worry that if you bring trouble to this family, daddy and Mommy will not want you and throw you away, right?" Xiaoyuan patted him on the shoulder. "Your worry is superfluous. They will never do that."

"But I..."

"Don't say you're not trouble. Even if you bring trouble to this family, daddy and Mommy will resolve it. They are great people, greater than anyone in the world."

Xiaoyuan is very proud. He is very proud of his father and mother.

Zero has been looking at Xiaoyuan. His smile exudes reassuring power, which makes zero's heart sour.

"Why keep looking at me?" Xiaoyuan looked at him.

"Nothing... Nothing." zero turned to touch Xiao San's head.

"Cheer up, man!"

I turned around and looked at Xiaoyuan seriously. "I've always wanted to ask you, man... What do you mean?"

How to explain this?

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