Siyue likes sushi very much, but Mufeng doesn't seem to like it at all, so Siyue hasn't said anything. However, today, Mufeng still brought him.

Self service sushi meal. Many different kinds of sushi will turn on a big table. There are many people sitting next to them. You can take what you eat. It's very convenient. Sushi readers like this feeling.

However, Siyue ate very well, but Mufeng didn't eat a mouthful. He just sat lazily and drank sake mouthful by mouthful. He had drunk a lot, but he still wouldn't get drunk.

"Don't just get drunk and have something to eat occasionally," Si Yue picked up a sushi and put it on Mu Feng's mouth.

Mu Feng opened his mouth and ate it. He was so lazy that he didn't even want to open his eyes.

"Is it delicious?" asked Si Yue with an expectant face.

"That's it!" Mu Feng replied reluctantly, "read, what don't you like to eat?"

"Ah?" Si Yue looked at him innocently.

"In my memory, you seem to like eating everything. I haven't seen anything you don't like since we've been in Japan for so long." Mufeng asked lazily.

"Yes," Si Yue replied firmly, "I don't like pork, and I don't like udon noodles we ate last time. My favorite is Kanto cooking and sushi!"

Mu Feng shook his head and sighed, "I thought you liked everything."

"By the way, don't you like sushi? Why did you bring me to this store?" the light on Si Yue's face said, "you didn't specifically bring me here to have a good meal?"

"Well, you think too much," Mufeng took a sip of wine. "Aren't we going to take a hot spring? This store is just on the road. I looked at it for a moment, so I brought you."

"Oh," said Si Yue, lowering his head to eat, "don't you lose a lot? You hardly eat anything."

"I'm not hungry. I'm fine if I don't eat," Mufeng said lazily. "Besides, I just ate it. I ate the sushi you handed me."

Si Yue picked up another sushi and said, "have another one?"

Mu Feng opened his mouth and ate it.

For mu Feng, he can eat what he likes and dislikes. He thinks that eating is just to fill his stomach and supplement energy. There is nothing delicious or not.

"What do you like to eat?" Si Yue looked at Mu Feng. "I think you can make do with whatever you eat."

"Me? I like to eat Kanto cooking." Mu Feng tilted his lips and smiled. On his beautiful face, he said, "eat quickly. After eating, we have to go to the hot spring. Don't waste all our time in this place."

"Oh!" Si Yue lowered his head and continued to eat.

The sushi here is very delicious. Siyue ate a lot, and then Mufeng paid the bill. Siyue said to wait outside first.

There were many people in the shop and many people were waiting to pay the bill. Mu Feng was in line, and Si Yue went out first.

When Mufeng finished paying the bill and went out, he just saw Si Yue coming from one side, holding a Kanto cooking in his hand, with a bright smile on his face.

"Oh, I bought it for you!"


Mu Feng looked down. The heat seemed to smoke his eyes, making everything in front of him a little blurred.

"Specially bought it for me?" Mu Feng took it over with a smile on his face.

"Yes, you didn't eat. You'll be hungry, so I went out to buy it for you," Si Yue smiled happily, "but..." Si Yue scratched his head embarrassed.


"I didn't bring any money. The boss is still waiting for me to pay the bill."

Mu Feng sighed and handed the wallet to Si Yue.

Si Yue happily went to pay the bill with his wallet.

Mu Feng looked at the food in his hand, and looked at the back and lips of Si Yue. He tilted a lazy smile. What's the matter with him? Is it really because of old age?

How can a Kanto cook make him feel warm?

So, is it really because you are old and start to be sentimental?

Mufeng was eating and walking with Siyue. In fact, sushi restaurant and the hot spring hotel they were going to were not on the way. No, it can be said that every road was not on the way.

Because the warm hotel is on the mountain, in a very remote place, even the car is not accessible. Because the traffic is not very convenient, there are not many people going to soak in the warm spring.

Si Yue and Mu Feng walked for a long time before they finally came to this place.

I don't know whether it's a non holiday or because it's daytime. There are few people here. It seems too quiet.

"Brother, it's so quiet here?" Si Yue whispered.

"Well," Mu Feng nodded and walked lazily forward, "have you brought the bathrobe I bought?"


"Let's go in!"

Mu Feng opened a room and said he would stay here for two days. After greeting the landlady for a while, they returned to the room.

Si Yue didn't understand Japanese, so he didn't know what they were talking about. Anyway, he didn't worry about everything.

"Come on, change your clothes. Let's go to the hot spring. The landlady said that no one has come today. The water inside is very clean. At night, there will be more people, so I won't come out."

"OK!" Si Yue immediately changed his clothes without hesitation.

Take off your clothes and put on your bathrobe. The whole process is seen by Mufeng. The beautiful face has a strange look, but Mufeng chooses to suppress it.

Si Yue is an innocent child. Mu Feng doesn't want Si Yue to fall into too complicated things and wants him to live so innocent forever.

Si Yue won't tie the belt of his bathrobe.

He bowed his head for a long time, either making his clothes loose or tied ugly.

Mu Feng sighed, walked over, squatted on the ground, took his clothes with his slender fingers, sorted out his clothes, and then tied them a few times.

Si Yue was surprised. He looked down at him and smiled.

"What are you laughing at?" Mufeng stood up and asked while changing his clothes.

"Brother, I suddenly feel that you are like my mother."

Mu Feng hesitated for a second and kicked Si Yue. He cared about him so much that he said he was like a woman? Forget it, and say he looks like a mother?

Are you talking about his mother, or is he old?

However, the foot had stretched out, but it didn't fall down.

Mu Feng took his feet back, "I don't want to be your mother. It's troublesome to take care of you."

"But you don't seem to be afraid of trouble at all?" Si Yue smiled happily.

"I'm afraid. I'm afraid to die." Mu Feng changed his clothes. "If he doesn't go again, the water will be cold."

"Eh? Will the hot spring water still be cool?" Si Yue heard it for the first time.

Mu Feng stared at him, "Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

Si Yue stuck out his tongue, stopped talking and strode ahead.

"In the opposite direction!"


"This way!"

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