Looking at the back of her daughter leaving, Mo Jin was worried that there were 10000 in her heart.

That's his daughter. She has to go through danger. She may die. Even if Mu Ruchen guarantees that she won't be in danger, what if she gets hurt?

Although Mo Jin's medical skills can be relied on, her daughter must still suffer.

"What are you sighing about?" Xiliang walked over with a plate of fruit and sat down beside Mo Jin. "What's your intention to give your daughter such an important thing?"

"Self defense," Mo Jin raised her eyebrows, "these days, I always have nightmares and always feel that something bad has happened."

Xiliang despised him. "Aren't you a doctor? Why are you doing fortune telling?"

Mo Jin smiled, hugged Xiliang and didn't speak.

"Do you know anything?" Xiliang asked.

"Well, I don't know much," Mo Jin sighed. "Anyway, our good son-in-law asked me to take good care of Tiantian and Xiaoyuan at home. I won't take care of other things. Hum, if he dares to hurt my daughter, he'll wait to collect his body this time!"

Voice, just like narration, is not very cruel. Xiliang knows that he is just joking.

An Lixia drives out to pick up Xiaoyuan and Tiantian home.

Recently, this has become her job. In order to avoid paying too much attention to painting and ignoring time, an Lixia specially set an alarm clock. As soon as the time comes every day, she will come to pick up her children.

She likes doing such things.

The only regret is that mu Ruchen didn't follow.

Speaking of Mu Ruchen, it seems that he hasn't called them since he left, has he?

I don't know where he is now. Ono said that he has come back, but so far there is no news about him. It's reasonable to say that mu Ruchen should come back from country D?

And if he has finished his work and decides to come back, will he at least tell her?

It's really not his style to say nothing?

Did something happen to her again?

An Lixia was thinking all the way. A beautiful figure appeared on the side of the road. She stretched out her hand and motioned her to stop.

It was a feminine man with long flaxen hair, wearing a white T-shirt and smiling at an Lixia.

Mu Feng?

An Lixia stopped the car and heard that he was with Si Yue. Since he was here, what about Si Yue?

Mu Feng sat on the co pilot and smiled at an Lixia, "take me to a place?"

"Where's Si Yue?" an Lixia asked, "isn't he with you?"

"Yes, but he is now in Japan and may need your help to come back!" Mu Feng looked at an Lixia with a lazy smile, "do you want to help me?"

For mu Feng, an Lixia is on guard. After all, he once used a snake to deal with her.

"What do you want to do?" an Lixia's body retreated.

"So defensive?" Mu Feng smiled, touched his chin and looked at her lazily, "you just want you to take me to a place, don't want to help me?"

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry, please get off!" an Lixia looked at Mu Feng stubbornly.

"So heartless?" Mu Feng leaned back in his chair. "Anyway, I'm also mu Ruchen's cousin. Should you call me brother? How can you be heartless for your brother?"

"Your relationship with mu Ruchen is your business, not mine!" an Lixia looked at Mu Feng coldly, "please get off!"

Mu Feng smiled, "seeing that you have such a heavy sense of defense, I don't know whether I should be happy for you or sorry for you."

His hand suddenly stretched out. On his fingertips, there was a folding knife. The blade was only a few centimeters from an Lixia's neck.

"It seems that there is no room for discussion. Come with me!" Mu Feng looked at her lazily.

"What if you don't go?" an Lixia turned off the car and looked at Mu Feng. "If you have the ability, you'll kill me!"

Mu Feng sighed, "I'm not a murderer, and what I want is a living man. What do I do to kill you?"

"What do you want to do when you catch me?" an Lixia looked fearless.

"Exchange you for Si Yue," Mu Feng smiled. "Si Yue is your friend. I think you won't die, right?"

"Why should I trust you?"

"Why?" Mu Feng frowned, as if thinking about the reason, "well... Because..."

While he was thinking, an Lixia blocked Mu Feng's hand, then kicked his body, then opened the door and ran ahead regardless!

Although she was very worried about Si Yue's safety, the devil believed his words!

An Lixia is not so stupid. If he is caught, isn't he going to add trouble to ah Chen?

While running, an Lixia dialed ouyangye's phone, but just after the phone was connected, an Lixia fainted without saying a word.

"Hello?" ouyangye's voice came from the other end of the phone, "Xia Xia?"

Before the phone fell to the ground, Mu Feng caught an Lixia's body with one hand and the phone with the other hand, then put the mobile phone in his ear and listened to the voice at the other end of the phone.

"Xia Xia, are you in any danger? Xia Xia, what's the matter with you?" ouyangye was worried because he couldn't hear the answer.

"Ono?" Mu Feng smiled lazily.

"You are..." ouyangye was stunned.

"I took your summer away. As for where I took it, I think your second master knows very well." then he hung up the phone.

The school is empty.

Tiantian and Xiaoyuan stood at the door and watched the other children being picked up by their parents until there was no one.

An Lixia didn't pick them up.

"Brother a yuan, do you think something's wrong with Mommy?" Tian Tian asked, "is it a little abnormal that she didn't pick us up so late today?"

Xiaoyuan nodded. "I called Mommy, but I couldn't get through. I called grandpa again. He said he would pick us up."

"What about Mommy?"

"Grandpa didn't seem nervous when he heard that we couldn't contact Mommy, so we didn't have to be nervous." although he said so, Xiaoyuan's small hand was tightly held.

How could he not be nervous without news from Mommy? How can you not worry?

"But brother a yuan, I'm still very worried." Tian Tian turns to look at him. "Do you think Mommy will have any accident?"

"No," Xiaoyuan held her hand. "Don't think about it. All we can do is go to school at ease, take care of ourselves, and don't let others worry about us. As for other things, I think Daddy and Mommy will solve them."

Adults have adult things, but they are still children. Their power is very small. The only thing they can do is not to add trouble to them.

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