It's like having a long dream.

Mu Feng dreamed that Si Yue was smiling at him. His pure and brilliant smile brightened all the obscurities in his life, but he couldn't catch it with any effort.

I can only look at him and walk away bit by bit.

He knew it was a dream, but he would rather immerse himself in such a dream and never wake up.

However, the cool on his forehead slowly sobered his brain.

When Mu Feng opened his eyes, he found that he was in a hotel room, and beside him, in addition to Mu Ruchen and Gu Yichen, there was su Chen.

Obviously, Su Chen is treating him.

Su Chen is a great doctor. Since that's the case, what about Si Yue?

Mu Feng suddenly sat up and looked at mu Ruchen nervously, regardless of the pain of his wound.

"What about reading? Is he in danger? How is he now?" with Su Chen, he can heal even the most serious injury, right?

"He......" Mu Ruchen was embarrassed.

"What's the matter with him?" Mu Feng waited anxiously.

"We haven't found him yet," Mu Ruchen sighed, "but don't worry, we've sent someone to look for him again, although there's no news yet."

No news?

Mu Feng looked at mu Ruchen with empty eyes, "why don't you look for it yourself?"

Mu Ruchen frowned and didn't speak.

"Aren't you his own brother? Isn't he your family?" Mufeng raised his voice and shouted at him, "he thinks you are so important. What about you? What is he in your heart?"

Mu Ruchen was silent.

"Why don't you find it yourself?" Mu Feng was angry with mu Ruchen for the first time, and then got up first. "Since you don't find it, I'll go myself!"

Then he rushed to the door.

Mu Ruchen stopped Mu Feng's way, "they found Si Yue's shoes, clothes and blood, so it was preliminarily determined..."

Mu Feng listened to what he said behind him quietly.

"Below the cliff is a valley, which is full of original things. There are many beasts, so..."

The body shook obviously.

Mu Feng turned and looked at mu Ruchen. "Do you believe it? Do you think he was eaten by wild animals?"

"... well."


Mu Feng punched mu Ruchen in the face, then grabbed his collar, "you are his brother. You don't try your best to find it. You say such words here. Mu Ruchen, do you only have an Lixia in your eyes?"

Mu Ruchen looked at him without explaining.

Mu Feng raised his fist. However, his fist never fell again. "You are not worthy to be his brother or his family!" he said and turned to go out.

Mu Ruchen looked at Mu Feng's back and sighed.

Back to his room, took out his cell phone and dialed a phone.

"Hello?" at the other end of the phone, it was an Lixia's voice.

"How's it going?"

"He's not out of danger yet. Mr. Su is still rescuing. My father is here. Where's Mu Feng? How's he doing?"

"He went to the valley to find Si Yue." Mu Ruchen's voice was a little hoarse.

"But he's still hurt. How can he..."

"Let him go. Only in this way will he give up." Mu Ruchen sighed, "I'll go to the hospital to find you."


Si Yue is not dead.

He fell into the valley and happened to meet Su Chen.

However, when she was sent to the hospital, she had no breath. After a night's rescue, Su Chen was still in danger. Mo Jin came all night and is now in the operating room.

Together with the two best doctors, I believe Si Yue will be all right?

Tell Mu Feng that Si Yue is dead in order to make Mu Feng live a good life. Si Yue explained that he can't respond to Mu Feng's feelings. The only thing he can do is disappear.

Love is the most complex emotion of mankind, and no one will really understand it.

When mu Ruchen came to the hospital, Su Chen just came out of the hospital. One night's rescue consumed a lot of physical strength. Even Su Chen's body couldn't stand it.

"Instructor, are you all right?" Gu Yichen walked over and immediately held Su Chen.

Su Chen leaned against Gu Yichen's arms, "why haven't you left yet?"

"I'll wait and see what happens to the secretary."

"What can happen?" Su Chen straightened up and sat on one side of the chair. "If he can wake up within 48 hours, he will be out of danger. If he can't wake up..."

"What will happen?" Mu Ruchen asked nervously.

"Maybe he'll never wake up."

"..." Mu Ruchen stared, "how is it possible? Aren't you an authoritative doctor? My father-in-law is also a ghost doctor. How can you save one person together?"

Are you kidding?

Su Chen sighed, "when he was sent to the hospital, Si Yue was basically a dead man. He could have a chance of life. Does it all depend on our medical skills?"

Mu Ruchen took an awkward step back.

"Look at him." then he got up and changed his clothes.

My spirit was highly concentrated during the operation. For Su Chen, it was really more tired than the enemy fighting all night.

"Ah Chen?" an Lixia walked over and held mu Ruchen's hand. "Si Yue, he will be fine, won't he?"

"Well!" Mu Ruchen nodded, "he is very kind. He is reluctant to let his family feel sorry for himself. Therefore, he will try his best to wake up."

Si Yue was moved to the intensive care unit.

Many instruments were placed on his body to observe his vital signs. With an oxygen mask on his face, his thin body seemed to have lost life.

Mu Ruchen looked at his brother with a look of remorse.

He didn't protect Siyue. It's all his fault.

Su Chen and Mo Jin stayed in the hospital, while Gu Yichen and Li Yuan left by plane.

They are of no use here. Moreover, Gu Yichen has to hurry back to deal with the affairs of the Mu family. There is no Fushan group as a backer. I believe it can't make much waves just by relying on the Mu family.

In fact, Gu Yichen was not worried about the country. The only thing he cared about was Li Yuan.

He wants to take Li Yuan back to Linluo.

Li Yuan resumed his original position. When he resigned, Su Chen didn't sign at all. Instead, he pressed the matter down. When the superior asked, he said he was going to perform the task secretly.

Lin Luo has always felt guilty about Li Yuan, so Gu Yichen specially took Li Yuan back to Lin Luo to prove that he is really good now, so that Lin Luo can feel at ease.

However, Li Yuan is Lin Luo's first love. Gu Yichen cares very much!

After flying for more than ten hours, Gu Yichen didn't say a word to Li Yuan and remained silent until he came home.

This is mo Jin's residence.

Before Gu Yichen came, he deliberately told everyone that Mu's house was not safe, so they moved to Mo's house, which was very safe.

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