Si Yue felt that since their relationship had reached such a point, they should simply end it, which would be good for each other. If they dragged on, it would also cause more harm and pain.

So Si Yue stood up and looked at Mu Feng on the edge of anger.

"Brother, I like the girl today!" Si Yue suddenly said, "I like her. I want to be with her. Please help us!"

Mu Feng looked at him and didn't know the truth of his words.

"I think being with a woman is happier than being with a man, and I'm not interested in a man's body!" Si Yue looked at Mu Feng's face stubbornly and said calmly.

Mu Feng didn't speak, so he looked at him calmly. At the bottom of his eyes, he didn't hate or anger. He couldn't understand that feeling.

"You said, when I have a girl I like, you let me go, and I, now I have a person I like, please let me go!"

Mu Feng's body shook, but he still didn't speak.

"Eldest brother, feelings can't be forced. I can't like you. In my heart, you're just my brother. I admire you very much. You're my family, a very important family. I hope you can live your life well and find a girl you like."

Mu Feng's eyes are red.

The mist obscured his eyes bit by bit, slowly converged into liquid and condensed in his eyes.

Si Yue turned away from him.

"Sorry, I know I'm going too far, but brother, I really hope you can live your own life!"

Mu Feng still doesn't speak.

"I don't think I'm suitable for living here," Si Yue lowered his head and clenched his fingers. "I'm going home."

Then he turned and walked out.

Mu Feng didn't stay.

In his eyes, there were too many hot tears, which burned his sight, so that he couldn't see clearly and didn't know how to deal with it.

Feelings are something he can't force, and he can't make a person who doesn't like himself like himself, no matter how hard he tries.

Si Yue ran back to Mu Ruchen's house. He wanted to talk to his eldest brother about it, but he found a lot of people sitting in the living room.

These people, one by one in white coats, are discussing something.

Si Yue blinked a pair of simple eyes and looked at them with a puzzled face.

"Si Yue, you came back at the right time," Mu Ruchen came down from upstairs. "I was just going to find you."

"What happened?" Si Yue looked at mu Ruchen. "Brother, why are there so many doctors at home?"

"I'll explain this to you later," Mu Ruchen took Si Yue and came to Mo Jin. "Father in law, Si Yue is also infected."

Mo Jin felt the pulse for Siyue, then frowned, "there's just the antidote and the rest. I'll get it for you."

"What antidote?"

Mu Ruchen sighed, "do you remember that day you cut your finger with a knife, and then Xiao Xia sucked your finger for you?"

Si Yue stared, "brother, do you know?"

Mu Ruchen nodded, "Xiaoxia has a virus that hasn't been cleared before. It infected you that time. Mu Feng took you away to protect you."

Si Yue was shocked.

"Sometimes, you become manic, beat people, and even Mufeng," Mu Ruchen explained. "He shouldn't have told you this?"

Si Yue shook his head.

Therefore, he dreamed that he was trapped in an iron cage and that he beat people when he was struggling. In fact, it was true. Mufeng followed him step by step, not because he wanted to occupy his time, but to protect him?

Si Yue took a step back and looked stunned.

"Elder brother, the poison on my body can also infect, can't it?" asked Si Yue.

Mu Ruchen nodded.

"Will I infect big brother?"

"I don't know," Mu Ruchen patted him on the shoulder. "You can let him do an examination."

The Secretary nodded and then stretched out his hand, "brother, lend me your mobile phone!"

Mu Ruchen handed him his cell phone, while Si Yue hurried out to make a phone call.

The phone was soon connected.


"Brother, it's me!"

"..." there was a moment of silence at the other end of the phone. Then he calmly asked, "what's up?"

"I have a virus. You already know this, don't you?"

"Well, I know."

"You know it's contagious?"


"......." Si Yue was flustered. "Come here and ask the doctor to examine you. If I am infected..."

"No need," Mu Feng said quietly. "People like me are disgusting and annoying to live in this world. Wouldn't it be better to be poisoned?"

"No, no!" Si Yue said hurriedly, "brother, you're fine, I..."

"Good. Why don't you like me?"


"You like the girl this morning, don't you?" Mu Feng sneered. "Do you think she will like you? Or, do you think she will like you wholeheartedly?"


"If you really want me to be treated, come to my office at noon tomorrow!" he said and hung up the phone.

Si Yue looked at the hung up phone and was in a daze.

Did he do wrong?

But how do men fall in love with men?

The antidote has been completely developed and injected into the bodies of an Lixia and mu Ruchen. However, it will take a day or two for the antidote to take effect, and it will take almost a month for the poison to be completely removed.

This is a torment for mu Ruchen, especially at night.

Don't touch her.

An Lixia paved a floor for mu Ruchen, far from her bed.

Mu Ruchen wants to sleep with her.

"Xiao Xia, our bodies are poisonous and have been injected with antidotes. Why can't we sleep together?" moreover, he just sleeps with her and doesn't do anything else.

"In order to prevent mutual infection?" an Lixia replied very simply, "endure for two months!"

"Why two months?"

One month is long enough. Now it takes two months?

"In order to completely eliminate the poison?" an Lixia looked at Xiang Mu Ruchen. "Why don't you live in the company for two months?"

"No!" Mu Ruchen frowned.

"Why don't I travel for two months?"


"But you will feel very painful?"

"It doesn't matter. I can hold it!"

Mu Ruchen lay on his floor, "well, go to bed, too."

Seeing mu Ruchen's wronged appearance, an Lixia shook her head, then walked to him, knelt down on the ground and dropped a kiss on his forehead.

However, such a gentle touch made mu Ruchen's body set off an uncontrollable impulse, even pulled an Lixia, and pressed her under her anyway.

A pair of eager eyes stared at her. Finally, they could only let go of her.

"Dead girl, I'm not going to seduce me like this in the future."

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