Qianbai looked down to read, but her eyes inadvertently looked at her neck.

On the white neck, a piece of skin has turned red, and a layer of skin has fallen in the middle. Although the wound is not obvious, it makes people care.

However, Qianbai feels that this has nothing to do with himself.

Energy is still in the book.

From the morning till noon, it's time for dinner, but Qianbai still doesn't mean to go.

Tiantian has been with me. There is no one in the library.

And then

"Goo -" sweet belly cried.

Tian Tian ignores this sound and still reads with her head down.

"Goo -"

Cough, sweet covers her stomach and continues to read.

"Go to eat when you are hungry!" Qianbai's voice was very indifferent.

"What about you? Aren't you going to eat?" sweet asked.

"Not hungry."

"Then I'm not hungry!"

Tiantian continues to read. Obviously, she is starving to death, but she still has to pretend to be stubborn.

Qianbai closes the book and gets up. It seems that he is leaving.

Tian Tian immediately got up and stubbornly followed him, "where are you going? Are you going to eat?"


"Then I'll eat with you!"

Qianbai looked at her and said nothing. He just strode forward, regardless of whether the people behind him could keep up.

"Qianbai, why do you call Qianbai?"


"Your name is for you. Does it have a special meaning?"


"Do you have parents?"


"Is there anyone else in your family besides yourself?"

A series of questions made Qianbai upset, stared at her, didn't speak, and strode to the canteen.

Tiantian wants to ask, do you still have to your parents? Remember when you were a child, your name was mu ruoyuan?

However, Tian Tian is worried that asking too many questions will scare the snake, so she plans to figure it out quietly.

Because after dinner time, there are few people in the canteen. However, what makes Tian Tian curious is that it is clearly located in Africa. Why are there so many Chinese food?

Not to mention snacks, even hot and sour noodles. Is this school so grounded?

Tiantian asked for a bowl of hot and sour powder and a drawer of small steamed buns. She sat in front of Qianbai and ate them. Qianbai bought several vegetarian dishes with a bowl of rice and soup.

Qianbai looked at her and wanted to say that if she was hungry, she wouldn't eat such spicy food, but she thought it would be very strange, so she didn't open her mouth. If she had a stomachache, she wouldn't eat it next time.

At this glance, Tian Tian looked at it, added a small cage bag and put it into his bowl, "come on, eat!"

A thousand white frowns.

"You just looked at my little steamed stuffed bun, didn't you want to eat?" Tian Tian was very generous, "Oh, try it!"

"I didn't."

"If you don't look at my steamed stuffed bun, you'll look at me again?" Tian Tian leaned over, "so I'm still more attractive than delicious food, right? If you want to taste my taste, I don't mind..."

"Self respect!" Qianbai interrupted her, then added the small cage bag and stuffed it into her mouth.

Taste, unexpectedly delicious.

Sweet heart sour, painful, however, she chose to ignore.

After a meal, Tian Tian stretched herself.

"Where are you going next?" asked Tian Tian.

"Boys' dormitory."

"Can I go?" Tian Tian asked with a pair of bright eyes.

"Don't you think a girl's behavior is a little disorderly when she runs to the boys' dormitory?" Qianbai's voice is a little angry. "I don't like girls who don't know their self love!" then she turned and left.

Don't know self love?

Tiantian sits in a chair, and her sadness is gradually amplified.

It was like someone stabbed her with a knife, gurgling and emitting cold air, which made more and more grievances gush out of her heart, and even made her unable to hide, so she let the wound hurt.

Tiantian takes out her cell phone and dials the phone at home.

"Sweet?" Mu Ruchen's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Daddy, what are you doing?" sweet asked stiffly.

"Having dinner," Mu Ruchen said softly, "what about you? What are you doing?"

"I'm having lunch."

"Lunch?" Mu Ruchen's voice raised a little, "now according to your time, it should be long past lunch time?"

"I ate late," said sweet in a coquettish voice. "Daddy, do you miss me?"

"Of course, I..."

"Sister!" Xiao Jie's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Obviously, the phone was robbed.

"Little stone?" Tiantian is very curious. How can her usually indifferent brother suddenly make such a move?

"Sister, tell me the names of those who bullied you." Xiao Jie's voice was indifferent and firm.

"No one bullies me?"

"Don't lie," Xiao Jie said very definitely. "You say it, I remember."

"Really not."

"Sister," the voice of the town came from the other end of the phone, "don't argue any more. Through your low voice, basically, our whole family knows that you have been bullied. Come, good sister, tell your brother who bullied you. I'll bully you with little stone."

"You think too much," said Tian Tian softly. "I'm just tired after dinner. I just call home by the way. I'm too lazy to calculate jet lag."

"Elder sister, it seems that you are not generally sad."

"I don't have, I..."

"Ah -" a girl screamed suddenly in the restaurant!

When Tian Tian looked back, she found a girl standing at the food intake, constantly shaking her hand, as if it was hot. Isn't that the girl who deliberately hit herself with a book in the library today?

Another good play!

"Sister, what happened to you?" Xiao Jie asked, "according to your breathing rate, are you excited?"

"I haven't been bullied. Don't think too much. I'm going to see a good play now. Hang up!" Tiantian hung up the phone. I can't enjoy it from a distance. I have to look closely.

Sure enough, even God is helping her?

The original sadness in my heart has become nothing at the moment. Tiantian immediately stood up and walked over.

That window, in the dessert area.

"Don't you have eyes?" the girl said loudly.

"Classmate, you spilled it yourself. If you must say that it is related to eyes, you are also the one without eyes." the voice is very flat and gentle.


"We have monitoring here. You can take the monitoring to complain about me," the other party said calmly, "but if you complain casually, I also have the right not to sell you cakes."


"Milk tea is very hot, but your hands don't seem delicate. If you're okay, please leave and don't hinder other students."

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