At the gate of the school, a black car was parked. Someone was guarding near the car, very cautious.

That should be it?

Tian Tian sat down and was stopped by the guard before she got close.

"I'm looking for your leader!" said Tian Tian seriously. "Doesn't he want Xu Yuan? Xu Yuan won't come. I'll talk to him!"

In this case, the person in charge of guarding didn't know how to deal with it, so he had to consult the people in the car.

The door opened.

"Get in the car!"

Tiantian sat in and closed the door.

It's a very dangerous thing for a young girl to sit in a stranger's car. However, Tiantian seems to be unprepared. Her clear eyes are innocent and her face is tender and sweet.

Warren looked at the girl, his cold eyes full of inquiry.

"You're the girl Xu Yuan likes?" Warren leaned back in his chair with a trace of contempt in his eyes.

Despise her innocence.

"Maybe, but he didn't say it, so I'm not sure," Tian Tian smiled sweetly. "First introduce myself. My name is mu Sitian. I'm mu Ruchen's daughter!"

"Oh?" this surprised Warren. "So you're here to plead for your father and let me let him go?"

"No, I came to tell you," with a sweet smile on Sweet's innocent face, "your death is coming!"

Very light voice, saying very innocent words.

Warren smiled. "Little girl, are you sure it's my time to die, not yours? If I want to kill you, it's just a matter of using my fingers."

"But if I want to kill you, I don't even have to move my fingers." Tian Tian still smiles.

"How are you going to kill me? You're not going to scare me to death with your words?" Warren smiled.

It's ridiculous for an innocent child to sit in front of him and do nothing but say he wants to die.

"Do you smell anything?" sweet smiled, as if she had digged off the topic. "Is it a little fragrant?"

"..." Warren stopped smiling.

"Don't you think it's the smell of perfume on my body?" sweetly smiled and looked at him. "Now it's been almost a minute. Do you feel the sting of your heart?"

"What did you do?" Warren suddenly became irritable. He took out his pistol and pointed to sweet. "Believe it or not, I'll send you to hell now!"

"Yes, of course I do," said Tian Tian with a sweet smile. "I'll wait for you in the palace of hell."


"Oh, by the way, I can't wait for you," Tian Tian still smiled. "You are a terrorist and I am a doctor. People like me will go to heaven after death. You should go to hell. We are different."

Warren grabbed Sweet's eyebrows. "Where's the antidote?"

His body has become more and more unwell, and his breathing is a little difficult.

"You won't die," Tian Tian looked at him. "This poison won't die, but torture people to death."

"Aren't you afraid I'll kill you and find someone to untie my poison?"

"Have you ever heard of a poison doctor?" sweet smiled innocently.

Warren's face changed suddenly.

"How many poisons do you think can be solved?" Tian Tian ignored the threat of the muzzle of the gun and leaned back in her chair. On her sweet face, she was still very innocent. "Miracle doctor, ghost doctor?"


"The miracle doctor has disappeared. The miracle doctor's son is Interpol. You go to him and basically throw yourself into the net. The ghost doctor is my grandfather. Do you think he will kill you or save you?"

Warren looked at the girl up and down. It was very green and astringent. It seemed that she was just an adult. How could she be a poison doctor?

"You're lying to me?" Warren didn't believe it.

Tian Tian stretched out her hand. "Dare you give me your hand?"

Warren saw that there was nothing in her hand, so he stretched out his hand.

Tiantian touched the back of his hand with a finger and didn't move, just quietly.

My fingers are a little cold.

However, the back of Warren's hand gradually became feverish. The place where she touched it with her fingers suddenly burned. Warren immediately shook off her fingers and looked at the back of his hand again. There was no skin on it.

How did she do it?

Tian Tian smiled and looked at him, "I don't want to kill you, but you have to answer some questions."

"You ask," Warren confessed, taking back his pistol.

"Why can't you afford to be far away from Xu?"

"He is a talent, and I have no successor to the Black Hawk party. I want him to marry my daughter and be my successor," Warren told the truth.

"Don't you have a son?"

"My son doesn't work hard, and he's thinking about seizing power all day!"

"Are you sure?" sweet smiled. "I haven't seen your son, and I don't know who he is, but if everything you have is his sooner or later, why should he seize power?"


"Instead of risking your life to seize power, it's better to listen to you and wait to inherit your property. What do you say?"

"You want to say that I misunderstood my son. In fact, someone wants to separate our father and son?"

"Yes!" Tian Tian smiled, "this man has been against us for many years. Xu Yuan is my father's adopted son. He was taken away by that man since he was a child. We haven't found him until now."

"Now, he is basically at a dead end. He wants to use you to create obstacles for us, but I didn't expect that Mr. Warren, who has always been tricky, would be fooled so easily."

"..." Warren's face was a little bad when he was educated by a young girl.

Sweet put a pill into Warren's mouth. "This is a relief pill. In the future, I will give you one every week. If you are willing to help me catch that person, I will not only give you an antidote, but also cure your daughter. How about you? Is it better than death?"

Looking at the innocent man in front of him, Warren frowned slightly. The daughter looked like an angel, but she had a devil hidden in her breath.

She deserves to be mu Ruchen's daughter.

"Are you threatening me?" Warren looked at her.

"If you don't plan to cooperate, I'm threatening. If you cooperate, we'll cooperate," Tian Tian looked at him. "You should know that the poison doctor is also very good at medicine besides being good at using poison. For people like you who live on the tip of the knife all day, it's very convenient to make friends with the poison doctor."

Warren had no way out, and he thought the girl in front of him was very interesting. Keep it, maybe it will be more interesting in the future.

"Yes, I'll make friends with you," Warren smiled. "I don't care about your father, there's a long way to go, but if you dare to play any tricks, I'll blow up the school."

Tiantian looks at him with a pure smile on her face. It seems that she is not afraid of his threat.

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