In the end, Xu Yuan still didn't do anything to Tian Tian.

On the bed, two people hugged each other, shorting of breath and messy clothes.

"Xu Yuan?" Tian Tian wants to take off the cloth covering her face, but she is stopped by Xu Yuan.

"Let me... Hold it again."

Hold her again, with mu ruoyuan's body, hug her again and feel her.

"Xu Yuan, you are very strange today. No, you have been very strange recently," Tian Tian hugged him. "Is something wrong? Or are you going to do something?"

"No," Xu Yuan hugged her tightly, "don't think about it."

"But I really think you're strange," Tian Tian had a bad feeling, "Xu Yuan, don't lie to me!"

"I want to use this body, but this real face faces you and kisses you. I don't want to wear a mask," Xu Yuan said softly. "But I don't want you to see my ugly appearance, so I can only use this method. If I scare you, I'm sorry."

"I don't think you're ugly," sweet whispered. "I saw you that day. It's not ugly at all. Moreover, I can help you heal. I'm a poison doctor. I can't beat any disease."

Xu Yuan chuckled, "my sweetness is the best."

"Let me heal you, OK?" Tian Tian took his hand. "I have a way to treat your face and your body!"

"No," Xu Yuan smiled. "I have a more labor-saving way, but I want to keep it a secret from you first."


"Tomorrow, I need a day to deal with things. If things go well, I will appear in front of you on time the day after tomorrow. If things don't go well..." Xu Yuan smiled bitterly. "Hughes will give you a letter. Everything is in the letter."

"Xu Yuan, what are you going to do?" Tian Tian became more and more worried. "You make me very upset, I......"

"I want to be with you!" Xu Yuan interrupted sweet. "I want to be a person worthy of you. I want to stay with you more than anyone and make you happier than anyone."

Tian Tian lay still, and the feeling of uneasiness became more and more obvious.

Xu Yuan left her, stood up and put on the mask again.

Tiantian listens to the faint movement in the air. She knows Xu Yuan is pretending to be herself.

"See you the day after tomorrow!" Xu Yuan went out.

Sweet's eyes are dark, and she can't see her back far away.

After a long time, Tiantian took down the blindfolded cloth, and then lay on the bed, quietly and didn't want to move. No matter what Xu Yuan wanted to do, she had to stop it. Maybe he had his reason, but Tiantian didn't allow him to do any stupid things.

The morning class is almost over.

Thousands of white sitting alone, side, is empty.

These days, he has been in a restless mood. Later, he figured it out, because there is less one person around, less... Mu Si Tian.

When she was around, he always felt very annoyed. He felt that she always pestered him to say some boring words, which made him very annoyed. But now, without her, he felt that today's days were too lonely and lonely.

Obviously, he has been used to a life, and clearly feels that being carefree is the best state, but mu simian's appearance breaks his peace and makes him... Want to hope that she will always exist and annoy her around him.

The bell rang after class. Today, she didn't come to class again.

Before she pestered him, she regarded him as another person. However, even so, he still hoped that she could appear and pester her as before.

Very humble feelings.

Qianbai packed his things, carried his backpack and walked out of the classroom.

"A thousand white!" Hughes, Dean of the business school, shouted to him at the door.

Qianbai turned back and looked at him indifferently, "what's up?"

"The headmaster wants to see you. Let me take you there." Hughes obviously didn't mean to discuss, but simply told him.

"What's up?"

"You'll know when you go."

Qianbai followed Dean Hughes and came to the headmaster's office.

It is said that this office has always been empty. The headmaster's whereabouts have become a mystery. Few outsiders know where he has gone.

At the moment, behind the desk, there is a cold-blooded teenager with ordinary facial features. The tenderness once disappeared. Instead, it is a kind of threatening dignity, high above, as if he can control everything freely.

Originally, Xu Yuan is the headmaster.

It is said that the reason why this young man under the age of 19 will become the president is not only that he has passed various tests, but also the personal recommendation of the president, not only the president of the state of menzabar, but also other kings around him, and even most of the kings who maintain cooperative relations with the Royal College are recommending this man as the president.

He is a great young man.

"What are you looking for me?" Qianbai asked directly.

"Well," in front of the desk, Xu yuan raised his head and looked at Qianbai. In his black eyes, with a sharp light, "do you have anything you want to do, but haven't done yet?"

"Qian Bai looked at him," what do you mean? "

"Do you have any unfinished wishes?"

"Is learning still responsible for helping people realize their wishes?" Qianbai looked at Xu Yuan coolly.

For him, Xu Yuan has always held a hostile attitude, not to mention the dangerous feeling in his heart. If it wasn't for his appearance, how could mu Sitian even be unwilling to see him?

"I can help you realize some wishes, within my ability," Xu Yuan looked at him. "I'll give you ten minutes to think."

"My wish can be realized by myself. You don't have to worry!"

"Really?" Xu Yuan tilted his lips and smiled, cold and etching his bones. "If you don't have a future?"

"What do you want to do?"

"You like Mu Si Tian, don't you?" Xu Yuan stood up, bypassed his desk and looked at Qianbai. "You like her, but she just took you as a double. Now he thinks you're not, so he doesn't even want to see you, but you won't be reconciled?"

"..." Qianbai retreated.

"I have a way to let you stay with her." Xu Yuan approached him step by step.

Qianbai looked at him and looked at the man who was like a devil slowly approaching himself, "who are you? What do you want to do to me and mu Sitian?"

"I want to turn you into me, and I want to turn me into you."

"..." Qian Bai's body has hit the wall and there is no way back.

"Before that, you can say a wish you want to realize. If it is within my ability, I will do it for you."

Thousands of white eyes!

Devil, this man is a devil!

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