There is a clinic in the school. There is a doctor in it. The doctor needs to ask for leave because of physical discomfort, but he can't find a suitable doctor for the time being. Therefore, Dean Hughes called and asked the Almighty dean to find a way.

Mu ruoyuan hung up and called Fukuyama zero without thinking.

"Hello?" Fukuyama zero's leisurely voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Zero, what are you doing?" Mu ruoyuan asked.

"Drink tea."

"What's the matter with you recently?"

"As long as you're all right, I'll be all right," Fukuyama said directly. "I was with you just to take care of you. Since you have a better doctor and take care of you more considerately, I'm relieved. I'm going to go back to Japan in the next two days."

"What's going on back?"


"Then don't go back," Mu ruoyuan smiled. "The doctor in the clinic of my school asked for leave. You can replace him for two days."


"Anyway, it's only a period of time. It's not cost-effective to find another doctor. Moreover, it's too troublesome." Mu ruoyuan's voice is lazy. "Anyway, you're all right. Come to work for two days. It's voluntary labor."

"Mu ruoyuan, you capitalist!" Fukuyama zero roared on the other end of the phone. "It's disgusting that you affect my travel and assign me a job. Now you let me work for nothing?"

"Are we friends?" Mu ruoyuan asked.


"Then don't complain." the tone was joking.

"Hehe, I take back what I said before. Mu ruoyuan, we are not friends. I don't know you!" after that, Fukuyama zero hung up the phone ruthlessly.

Mu ruoyuan put down his mobile phone and was not afraid that Fukuyama would not come.

Tian Tian looked at him and was curious, "brother a yuan?"


"Have you been with zero for a long time?"

"For several years," Mu ruoyuan smiled. "Once, I almost died. I accidentally met him in a deep mountain. Since then, he has been with me. When I was injured, he helped me heal."

"So he knows everything about you?"

"Sort of."

Tian Tian sat aside and stopped talking. She looked very depressed.

"What's the matter?" Mu ruoyuan approached her, "Why are you suddenly unhappy?"

"I'm jealous!"


"You know everything about you. I don't know. When you are most sad, you are accompanied by zero. When you need help most, what you pay for you is still zero. Your sad things, zero knows, your happy things, zero still knows. You are so good with zero. Just stay together!"

This vinegar is delicious

Mu ruoyuan smiled bitterly, "he is a man, and I am also a man."

"Uncle is a man, and father is also a man. Aren't they together?"

"...." Mu ruoyuan didn't know how to explain, "I don't like men."

"Before I met my uncle, my father also said he didn't like men. Now, isn't love miserable?"

Mu ruoyuan looked at her angry and lovely appearance, leaned over and kissed her lips.

Gentle tossing and turning.

She didn't let go until she wasn't angry at all.

"Remember my body's reaction. Next time I see zero, or I'll kiss him too. Feel my body's reaction again?" Mu ruoyuan joked. "The body is the most honest."

Sweet blushed, "I don't want you to kiss others!"

Mu ruoyuan chuckles.

"No!" sweet toot mouth, "have you kissed anyone else except me? I heard that boys begin to be dishonest when they are over sixteen. I don't believe the women around you have never done anything to you!"

"There are not many women around me. There is also a relationship between superiors and subordinates. I swear, I only kissed you."

Tiantian doesn't believe it.

"Is my kissing skill so high that you mistook me for someone else?" Mu ruoyuan raised his eyebrow.

Sweet face reddened to her ears again.

"I always feel that my technology is not good enough. Originally, is it so good?"

"I haven't been kissed by others. Where can I compare?" Tian Tian said angrily, "brother a yuan, you're getting worse and worse!"

Mu ruoyuan hugged her, "ah yuan is not bad, sweet does not love."

"..." Tian Tian hit him and buried her face in his arms. She didn't know what to say.

It's really bad, he.

Mu ruoyuan's body is really bad, but it is not an incurable disease. Tian Tian patiently helps him treat it bit by bit.

First cure the taste, and then he said that his ears and ears were tinnitus because his kidneys were bad. Tiantian had to start conditioning his body.

Lacking several kinds of medicine, Tian Tian goes to the infirmary for change, while mu ruoyuan has a silver needle. He lies in the living room. When Tian Tian comes back, the silver needle can be removed.

However, on the way, another person stopped her.

It's Warren from the Black Hawks.

Today, he wore a very casual dress. The strong body of the male blocked his eyes. He was very tall and needed to look up sweetly.

The facial features are very deep, which is the standard handsome face of Westerners. The traces of years on him seem to be only shallow crow's feet at the corners of his eyes, but his spirit is very good. A pair of green eyes are sinister and cunning.

Tian Tian doesn't like seeing him very much.

"Meet and don't even shout?" Warren looked down at her.

"I've given you the antidote. I don't think there will be any intersection between us!"

Tiantian gave the antidote to Warren after asking for daddy's consent. The purpose is to avoid any involvement with such gangsters, otherwise it will cause trouble.

"If you want to poison me, I'll poison you. If you want to solve it?" Warren smiled. "Do you think the world is around you?"

"What do you want?" Tian Tian looked up fearlessly. "I'll heal your daughter's eyes, as long as you bring her."

"What if I want to take you?"

"I won't go to your territory!" Sweet's attitude is firm. "You'd better leave my sight immediately, otherwise, I can't guarantee that I won't poison you once!"

"I want to make a friend with you." Warren was not angry, but smiled faintly.

"The age difference between us is too big. There is no need to be friends!"

"That is to be an elder?"

"You are ruthless and unprincipled. You are not the same kind as us, even if you are an elder!" Tian Tian rebuffed completely, "I don't want to have any relationship with the Black Hawk!"

Warren clenched his fist. "Aren't you worried that I'll reveal your identity as a poison doctor?"

"Mouth on you, whatever you want!" Tiantian bypassed him and walked forward.

"I'll come to you tomorrow!"

"Sick!" sweet strode forward.

Brother a yuan is still acupuncture. She wants to control the time and has no time to gossip with a pervert here.

The Black Hawk party has too much trouble and resentment. Daddy wants her to stay as far away as possible.

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