Country D, a remote town, has a clinic.

This is the only clinic in the town. An old man and an old lady live a simple life. The clinic opens at 10 o'clock every day and closes at 9 o'clock in the evening. Occasionally, they don't open the door inexplicably.

The people in the town don't know their origin, but the doctor is very powerful. There are no diseases he can't cure, only diseases he doesn't want to treat. He can treat the poor without money, but he wants sky high prices for some people.

He has no fixed drug price. How much he wants depends on his mood. He is quite casual.

There is a big hospital not far from the town. Every time there is a problem, the president will ask him to go to the hospital. Sometimes he will promise, and sometimes no one can ask.

He is very rich, but he never makes public and lives a very simple life.

Their families come to see him from time to time every day. The president comes more often. He often brings his family to see him, very low-key.

The people in the town don't know who they are, but they know that they are great people.

That day, the clinic didn't open until very late.

Mo Jin yawned and sat at the door, basking in the sun. She looked lazy and enjoyed the quiet life of the town.

A young man had a fight and came here to see a doctor.

He was bleeding and seemed to have a knife wound.

"Hey, old man, see a doctor!" the young man seems to be under age. He was supposed to go to school, but now he is covered with scars.

He is a famous gangster in this town. He occasionally robs students at the school gate and asks for pocket money.

Mo Jin didn't lift her eyes, "don't look."

"You're a doctor, I'm a patient, and it's your duty to treat patients and save people!" the young man looked unhappy.

"Yes, you are a patient, but there are not my patients. Where did I come from and what responsibility?" Mo Jin basked lazily in the sun. "If you are ill, go to the hospital."

"You're not a hospital?"


"Then why do you have so many drugs at home?"

"Buy it yourself."


Mo Jin narrowed her eyes slightly and waved to the young man, "let's go. I don't treat scum. It's a good thing to cure the sick and save people, but it's not a good thing to save the wicked and harm the good people. Go. Don't come to me in the future. I won't treat you when I come."

"Why are you like this? I don't have credit?"

Mo Jin snorted lazily, "I don't need money."

He can't spend all his money in his life. Now, he just wants to live a peaceful life with his wife.

"If you don't treat me, I won't go!" the boy sat at his feet.

"If you don't go, just sit." Mo Jin didn't bother to take care of it.

At this time, a woman's voice came out of the room.

"Mo Jin, eat!"

Mo Jin, who had been sitting lazily, seemed to be suddenly injected with stimulants and immediately stood up.

"Coming, coming!"

Rice is eaten in the clinic. Open the door and put a simple table with two dishes, a soup and steamed bread.

Mo Jin said that they are old and the rice is difficult to digest and is not suitable for them. Therefore, Xiliang has learned to make steamed bread. They don't eat extravagantly every day, but they match it very nutritiously.

They are in good health and almost have no pain.

Mo Jin washed her hands, sat on the table, looked up and smiled at Xiliang. "Cool son, it's hard."

Xiliang smiled, "eat slowly."

"Good!" Mo Jin was obedient.

Outside the door, the boy sat on the ground and watched them eat. His stomach sent a signal of hunger.

Xiliang turned around and saw the boy.

"Who is he?" Xiliang asked, "why is he sitting here injured?"

"Little gangster, ignorant and incompetent, knows to bully children at the school gate all day," Mo Jin hummed coldly while biting the steamed bread. "Remember the seven-year-old boy who was badly beaten last time? That's him!"

"He deserved it. Who told him not to give me money?" the young man was indignant.

"Why should he give you money?" Mo Jin said contemptuously. "People's pocket money is given by their parents. Why do you ask people for it?"

"Because they all have parents, I don't!"

"..." Mo Jin paused, "where are your parents?"

"Divorced, reorganized the family, no one wants me. When my grandparents die, no one cares about me, and no one wants child labor. What else can I do in addition to robbing money?"

"If you have a job, will you work well?" Xiliang asked.

"You think it's easy to rob money? Look at my injury. It was beaten by the school security guard!"

Xiliang looked at Mo Jin, "shall we hire him?"

"No!" Mo Jin continued to eat.

"Say it again?" Xiliang changed his face.

"Don't hire..."


Xiliang slapped on the table, "Mo Jin!"

Mo Jin choked, immediately drank a mouthful of soup, rushed down, and turned to look at the young man, "I'm in charge of eating during the internship. I don't have money. I'll come if I want to be an apprentice, and I'll go if I don't want to!"

The boy stood up from the ground. "When will I start?"


The boy patted the soil on his body, walked over and sat impolitely in front of the table, "can I eat?"


"You said, tube rice!"

Xiliang smiled, "you wash your hands first, let Mo Jin deal with your wound, and then have dinner."

"Yes!" the boy stood up. "Grandpa, see a doctor for me!"

"Who's grandpa?" Mo Jin stared at him. "And, did I say I'm going to see a doctor for you?"

"I'm an employee. The employee is injured. The boss should be responsible for treatment. I'm an industrial injury!"

"What kind of work injury are you?"

"My grandmother asked you to help me heal."

Mo Jin looked at Xiliang and Xiliang stared at him.

"Oh, go, see a doctor!"

Mo Jin's small clinic has a worker who is responsible for cleaning, delivering medicine and washing dishes every day. It's also very good. Life is still light.

When the sun is not so dazzling, Mo Jin will sit at the door with Xiliang, look at the quiet street, just stay so quietly and do nothing.

"Mo Jin?"


"Are we wasting our time?" Xiliang leaned on Mo Jin's shoulder.

Mo Jin stretched out her hand and held her in her arms. She was lazy. "I just wanted to live like this. I stayed quietly with my cool son and did nothing. Maybe it's a waste of time, but I'm also enjoying time."

In the first half of their life, they wasted too much life for their family and country. When they can finally live their own life, more than half of their life has passed.

However, in the future, as long as they still have one day, they will be together for one day and one year. They will spend a year peacefully. Mo Jin will poison whoever dares to disturb their happiness, and will never be soft hearted.

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