In Qin Guo's eyes, Fukuyama zero is a fool who doesn't have a brain at all. Therefore, even if he is used, it doesn't matter at all, does it?

The wound got better day by day. When it finally didn't affect the action, Qin Guo set off with Fushan zero.

Take a plane, come to country D, then go around to nearby countries, and then take a boat to a small island.

Here, there is a rotten smell, like a lot of rotten meat. The taste is disgusting.

There are trees around, and the branches block the diffusion of these flavors, so in the hot and humid environment, such flavors are everywhere, which makes people sick all the way.

"What's the smell?" Fukuyama zero asked, "is this a fish and shrimp farm?"

By the sea, do people here live on seafood?

"No." Qin Guo's face was very cold.

"How can there be such a strong smell?" Fukuyama zero smiled. "If it's not fish, is it still human?"

Qin Guo's face was colder.

"In other words, we haven't seen anyone since we entered here. There won't be only two of us on this island?" Fukuyama zero smiled innocently. "Are we going to live in seclusion?"

"There are many creatures and people on this island. They are no longer human."

"Ah?" Fukuyama zero didn't understand, "what do you mean?"

"Literally!" Qin Guo's attitude was very cold.

"Do you mean there are many bad people here?" Fukuyama thought, "what bad method? Robbers?"

Qin Guo didn't speak, just took him forward.

Fukuyama zero followed her. Walking and looking, he found that it was really quiet here. If he didn't occasionally see some traces of people's life, he would think that this is a huge morgue!

In front, there is a forest, which looks very gloomy.

Fukuyama zero's body has a layer of goose bumps.

"Qin Guo, it's so hot here. Why do I think it's so cold here?" Fukuyama zero simply asked, "you didn't invent any high technology and install air conditioning in the woods?"

Qin Guo stared at Fukuyama zero, "if you are afraid, there are two options, one is to close your eyes and go through, and the other is for me to send you out of here!"

"What about you?"

"I'm from here. Naturally, I want to stay here!"

"Then I'll stay too!" Fukuyama zero felt that a girl was not afraid. He was afraid of a big man, which seemed a little embarrassing.

He's not afraid, but he doesn't want to get into unnecessary trouble. Moreover, he doesn't have any curiosity. When he meets something wrong, he turns around and leaves. He's used to this habit of not causing trouble, so when he feels confused, dignified and instinctively wants to retreat.

But this time, he thought, just take a few steps forward?

The forest was covered with fallen leaves.

It's strange. Obviously, the environment here is very suitable for the growth of trees, but many trees have died and fallen leaves cover the ground.

What's more strange is that in such a primitive place, there are no other plants on the ground, even shrubs, but there are only fallen leaves on the ground.

Is there a special treatment here?

Fushan zero followed Qin Guo step by step.

The fallen leaves below send out a stench!

Fukuyama zero covered his nose, turned his head and looked at the expressionless Qin Guo around him. "These leaves haven't been cleaned up? They stink. Is this the smell of leaf decay? It's like a random burial post."

Qin Guo stared at Fukuyama and went on.

"Why don't you talk?" Fukuyama zero said, "Qin Guo, you have a word with me?"

"Don't look at your feet!"

"Huh? At the foot?" Fukuyama looked down naturally!

At his feet is a hand!

Half rotten, showing gloomy white bones.

"What?" Fukuyama zero screamed with fear, and his body kept retreating. Then he tripped over something and sat down on the ground!

The hand is not pressing the ground, but a round thing.

Fukuyama looked around. Under the leaves was a skull.

"Ah -"

Fukuyama zero was frightened and didn't know where to hide. He could only lie on the trunk and let his body leave the ground.

Is this really a mass grave?

Scared the hell out of him!

Cover the body with leaves? I wipe it. Did they dig a hole and bury it so hard?

"You come down!" Qin Guo looked at him.

One meter eight odd body, curled up, lying on a tree trunk, like a koala, holding the tree trunk with hands and feet. In that way, it's really hopeless.

Qin Guo began to regret. Why did she bring a fool back?

But considering that he is an excellent doctor and may be able to help, I still want to try him.

"Fukuyama zero, you come down!" Qin Guo looked at him.

"If you don't come down, you won't come down!"

He is a doctor, a corpse, a skeleton. He has seen a lot. He has seen it in horror, no matter how disgusting it is. Even at midnight, a person has seen disgusting horror films, but now, he really can't step on the rotten corpse!

It's disgusting!

"Does the choice you just gave me count? I don't want to walk past with my eyes closed, you can take me back!" Fukuyama zero recognition counselled, pride is worth a few money, and the disgusting scene in front of him will make him have nightmares for at least a week.

"Fukuyama zero, are you so seedless?"

"Yes, I have no seed!"

"..." Qin Guo looked at him and pulled out his knife. "If you don't come down again, I'll kill you!"

"Then you kill me!" Fukuyama zero hugged the tree, but didn't come down. "Anyway, I'm a doctor. I'm a doctor. If you kill me, you'll get retribution!"

"What do you want?" Qin Guo put away his knife.

"I want to go home!"

"It's impossible!"

"Then I want to know the secret here!" Fukuyama said angrily. "You tell me the situation here. Why is it like this under the fallen leaves?"


"You're lying!" Fukuyama zero said impolitely, "if it's really a tradition, if it's a normal death, then they're buried here, and the soil here should be very fertile. But you see, the ground doesn't even grow grass, and there are many trees that are dying, which shows that these bodies are poisonous!"

Fukuyama zero is a doctor. For Xiaoyuan, he has also studied the poison for a long time. He can still see this abnormality.

"Moreover, according to my experience, the skull I just touched will never be more than 18 years old!" Fukuyama zero said very definitely, "I'm a doctor, you can't deceive me!"

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