Abandoned, mu ruoyuan stayed on the island for a day and was urged by Mo Jin and Tiantian, so he had to return to the presidential palace.

The island is protected by Interpol, which is very safe. In addition, Mo Jin takes care of it. Mu ruoyuan keeps Ji fan again, so he can rest assured.

Xiao Jie's body has completely recovered. He is rarely free, and he doesn't know what to do. Mu ruoyuan simply prepares things, takes Xiaocheng and Xiao Jie by plane, and goes to the nearest rainforest to them.

Originally, Gu Luoyan wanted to go, but he had to stay to deal with the country's affairs.

The plane, the exit, put them down and wait at an exit. They have about three days.

Xiaocheng and Xiaojie each carried a backpack, but mu ruoyuan didn't take anything. He only put a folding army knife on his body, which was his self-defense weapon.

"Brother a yuan, don't you prepare water?" Xiao Jie asked.

"No," Mu ruoyuan smiled, "sometimes we may be suddenly thrown into this environment. We can't be prepared every time, and we don't know that if we stay too long, we can't prepare at all."

"What if you're thirsty?" Xiao Jie knew how thirsty he was when he was in the desert.

"It often rains in the rain forest. You can drink rain. Moreover, it's so wet here. A lot of dew can quench your thirst." Mu ruoyuan said as he took them forward.

"But how dirty the water is?" the town disliked it. "Are you sure you won't get sick after drinking it?"

Mu ruoyuan smiled, "people's bodies are not so fragile. Besides, the tap water we use must be clean?"

"Yes, compared with chemical pollution, this original ecological environment is the cleanest!" the town thought. Humans don't know how much gutter oil they ate unknowingly.

"When the people of primitive tribes didn't find a river, they all lived on rain and dew," Mu ruoyuan explained as he walked. "We are here now, which is tantamount to breaking away from civilization and living like a primitive man."

"Then we need fire, but we don't have any tools. Do we want to drill wood for fire?" the town asked.

"I've tried this, but I really can't," Mu ruoyuan rubbed the hair of the town. "It's a waste of time and energy. I have other ways. If the time comes, I'll show you."


The three men walked all the way to the depths of the forest. However, when they found a plant with small red fruit, mu ruoyuan stopped.

Take out your knife and cut the bark of the plant. Use some juice inside.

"These liquids can repel mosquitoes and insects, and can be applied to the body. Although they smell bad, some humble insects here are toxic. If they are bitten, they will be very painful."

"Brother a yuan, have you ever been bitten?" Xiao Jie asked.

"Well, more than once, once I fell asleep and met a group of cannibal ants. If there wasn't a river nearby, I would be eaten by them?" Mu ruoyuan smiled easily, "so you should be careful."

"Then after smearing this, the cannibal ants won't eat us?"

"When they smell this smell, they don't dare to come over," Mu ruoyuan seriously coated the juice on their legs and arms. "Moreover, there are many mosquitoes here, which can infect diseases."

"Brother a yuan, how did you feel when you first came here?" the town asked.

"Scared," Mu ruoyuan smiled, "when I first came, I didn't have a lot of you? Suddenly I was thrown in. I couldn't even climb trees. At night, I had bad luck and met wild animals."

"What did you do later?" Xiao Jie asked nervously.

"Later, I learned to climb trees. Otherwise, do you think I would fight a hungry beast when I was unarmed?" isn't that self seeking?

"Brother a yuan, you used to work so hard?" the town was distressed. "Really, why did you kill hall so easily? You should lock him up and torture him for at least three or five years!"

Mu ruoyuan smiled, "others torture you. If you are turning over to torture him, what is the difference between you and him?"


"Without him, I wouldn't understand these things, would I?" Mu ruoyuan interrupted the town. "Everything has two sides. I don't regret the suffering that created me."

Without hall, if he hadn't experienced so many hardships, he wouldn't develop his power. Let's not say whether he could protect Tiantian. At least now, he can't easily solve the matter caused by Mu family.

Therefore, his heart is not dark. Now when he thinks of it, he is a little grateful for the disaster.

"If I were you, I would never forgive hall!" said the town angrily.

"I won't forgive you either!" Xiao Jie agreed.

"I didn't forgive him," Mu ruoyuan thought of a sentence he had seen and said with a smile, "it's God's business not to forgive him, and I'm responsible for sending him to God."

There was no more hatred in his heart.

Once cold places are filled with sweet warmth. Whenever he thinks of those cruel things in the past, he will automatically think of Sweet's first initiative that night.

She said she hoped that she could use her beauty to drive away the hatred in his heart. She hoped that every time he wanted to hate, he could think of how she made him happy with her body.

Indeed, he is very happy.

So, some addictions.

Thinking of this, mu ruoyuan sighed. If it weren't for his deep addiction, could Mo Jin drive him away?

Now, he can't even see sweet.

"Brother a yuan?" Xiao Jie shouted to him, "what are you thinking?"

"Your eyes don't look very pure," Xiaocheng added.

Mu ruoyuan returned to his mind and rubbed their hair. "We should go forward, or if we can't get out of here in three days, the plan will fail."

"Brother a yuan, did you just miss your sister?" the town asked.

"Don't ask more!" muroyan pretended to be serious and took them forward.

"Brother a yuan, when are you going to propose to your sister?" Xiao Jie asked, "that day, I saw my sister staring at a wedding dress in a daze. Did she want to wear it?"

"If you don't go, I won't teach you to climb trees at night!" Mu ruoyuan didn't talk to them about this problem.

As for the proposal, he is already in preparation. He refuses to give any details.

Although daddy certainly won't allow them to get married now, let's get engaged first. He wants to be with Tiantian openly. Moreover, his fiance sounds closer than his boyfriend.

He wanted to be as close to her as possible and entangle her more tightly.

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