Mu Ruchen's home was bombed, but now the new home has been completely built.

It is built according to the castle in an Lixia's cartoon. There is a garden in front, a fountain, a vegetable field, a greenhouse and a swimming pool in the back. It is very dreamy and beautiful.

In the back garden, there is a single cabin, a delicate house of about 100 square meters, in which is a sweet laboratory.

Surrounded by flowers and plants, the hut is beautifully decorated. However, the hut only has a delicate wooden door with few windows. It looks very sealed. Even if there are windows, it is not big, and thick curtains are often pulled.

Because some drugs need to be protected from light, basically, Tiantian will close the curtains when doing experiments.

One day, Xiao Jie was running when he heard an explosion in the experiment!


Although it was not a serious explosion, in the quiet afternoon, such a sound was very harsh. It came from the sweet laboratory. Xiaocheng and Xiaojie worried about their sister, so they immediately ran over.

Before they ran, they saw the door opened, and Tiantian kicked mu ruoyuan out without hesitation!

Yes, it's kicking, it's kicking out with your feet.


"Get out!" said sweet fiercely, "you seldom have a day off, can't you have a good rest? What's the mess?"

"I want to be with you..."

"We stick together all day, can't you let me sit quietly for an experiment?"


"Don't come here, do you hear me!" sweet is going to explode!

She worked hard for two days. An explosion, with no effort, wanted to start over. The explosion was because she was dropping drugs with a dropper. Just because he suddenly kissed her, she shook her hand and dropped two more drops. As a result, it exploded.

Tiantian is so upset!

Mu ruoyuan was kicked to the ground and watched the door closed.

He just wants to spend more time with her. No, he wants to be with her in your spare time. Unfortunately, it seems that Tiantian doesn't want to.

Mu ruoyuan sat on the ground and sighed.

"Brother a yuan?" the town took Xiao Jie to walk over.

Hearing the cry, mu ruoyuan immediately stood up from the ground, patted off the dust, arranged his hair and stretched his face as if nothing had happened.

"Well, what are you doing here if you don't run well?" Mu ruoyuan looked serious.

"Brother a yuan, have you been beaten?" Xiao Jie asked very directly.

"...." Mu ruoyuan looked embarrassed. "I'm kidding. How can your sister beat me?"

"Then why are you sitting on the ground?"

"I......" Mu ruoyuan looked around, "I'm sitting and watching the scenery."

Xiao Jie obviously didn't believe it. "Brother a yuan, you can force your good tempered sister to beat people. How did you do it?"

They haven't seen their sister lose her temper yet.

Mu ruoyuan was even more embarrassed, "you go running!"

"We've been running all day!" the town replied.

"Go, I'll teach you some Kung Fu!"

He always wants to find something to do, or he always wants to bother Tiantian.

Alas, he knew that was wrong and that he should leave her some personal space, but he just couldn't control himself. He wanted to hold her for a while and didn't want to do anything.

He thought, is this also a disease?

A disease called "if you leave sweet, you will die".

An experiment has been done all day. It is not until evening that Tiantian comes out of the laboratory.

Back home, there was rice in the restaurant. Xiaocheng and Xiaojie sat in the restaurant and waited.

"Sister, hurry to eat!" the town greeted warmly.

Tian Tian walked over and wolfed down, "have you all eaten?"

"Well, yes, these meals are specially reserved for you by brother a yuan. Let you go to the bedroom to rest after eating." the town said.

"Where is he?"

"I've been working in the study for a long time. It seems to be an emergency." Xiao Jie replied.

Tiantian bowed her head to eat. After eating, she drank a glass of juice, and then let Xiaocheng and Xiaojie go to bed.

"Elder sister, are you going to comfort brother a yuan?" Xiao Jie asked.

"Comfort?" sweet blinked. "Comfort what?"

"Didn't you kick brother a yuan out of the laboratory today?" the town replied, "I saw it with little stone."

Tiantian just remembered that her attitude is really bad today!

"Elder sister, you don't care at all, and you don't intend to coax brother ah yuan?" the town asked.

Tian Tian blinked her eyes. "I... forgot about it." Tian Tian thought about it. She really thought it was her fault. "Give me a cup of tea and I'll bring it to him."

"Elder sister, are you going to make amends?" Xiao Jie asked.

"I gave him a chance to revenge me."

Tiantian thought that she might be really wrong today. Mu ruoyuan rarely had a day's holiday, but she kicked him out. It's reasonable that she should put down her work and eat, drink and have fun with him.

However, after spending a long time with him, Tian Tian found that he could not eat, drink and have fun. He would only stick to her and then stick to her. He would hold him as soon as he was free. He wanted to stick the two people together with glue.

With tea, Tian Tian came to his office.

Mu ruoyuan was working with his head down. He was very focused. He put a pile of documents around him. When he heard the sound, he raised his head.

"Sweet?" Mu ruoyuan's voice was a little hoarse, which was the reason why he didn't speak for too long. "Is the experiment finished?"

"Yes," Tian Tian walked across from him, "drink tea."

Mu ruoyuan continued to look down at the documents. "I'll drink later. I still have several documents to deal with."

"Drink tea!" Tian Tian stubbornly put the cup in his hand.

Mu ruoyuan picked up the teacup with a smile, drank half of it in one breath, then put it aside and continued to work with his head down.

Tiantian took a chair, sat beside him, reached out and poked his arm.

Mu ruoyuan smiled and didn't speak.

Tiantian picked his hair with a pen and picked up a strand of his neat hair, which covered his eyes and prevented him from reading documents.

Mu ruoyuan continued to read the document.

Tiantian continued to pick, and the pen cap rubbed his throat and the buttons under his neck. In short, it was all kinds of trouble, interfering with his work, making him upset, yelling at himself and giving him a chance to retaliate.

However, mu ruoyuan put down the document, reached out and got her up from the chair and held her in his lap.

"In the bedroom or here?" Mu ruoyuan's eyes were bright. "I hope here."


"Did you lock the door?"

"Aren't you angry?" sweet asked, "I kicked you today. Shouldn't you kick you back?"

"It's my fault to disturb you. I apologize," Mu ruoyuan kissed her. "However, I'm very happy that you can tempt me."

"I didn't. I just wanted to make trouble and give you a chance to punish me!"

"I'll punish you now!" Mu ruoyuan's eyes with strong desire, "how about corporal punishment all night?"

Sweet embarrassed, "you still have a job."

Mu ruoyuan swept his long arm, and everything on the desk fell to the ground. Then he got up and put Tiantian on it, "now, you are my job."

A room is ambiguous.

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