Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 1114: nagging!

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After Yun Qingyan reported his name, he surrounded his patrol team, and then he ... All kneeled down.

"Meet Yun Yunzi!"

"Mr. Yun, please forgive our previous offenses!"

"Yunzi, our young master, has told us that whenever Yunzi comes to Qishazong, let us take you to see them as soon as possible."

Yun Qingyan nodded slightly, and immediately followed them and flew to the depths of Qishazong.

On the way, Yun Qingyan and Qi Ling released their consciousness.

However, the situation is similar to that of the Seven Nights Sect. The buildings of the Seven Sects also use a large amount of material that can shield the consciousness.

"Boss, Qiye Zong and Qisha Zong, they are too violent, and the material that shields the gods is very precious, even in the fairy world. Just pick a building here, and almost all use this material."

Prayer vomited his tongue.

"Before returning to the immortal realm, we went to Qiye Zong and Qisha Zong, and exchanged more materials that shielded the gods." Yun Qingyan said.

"Hahaha, that's what I mean!" Qi Ling laughed.

The people who led the way were just fake immortals and didn't fly at full strength, so it took them more than ten minutes to reach the destination.

"Master Qi Yun Yun, this is the residence of our young master!" Said the person who led the way respectfully.

Under them is a luxurious palace, which is also used around the palace to shield the spiritual material.

Therefore, neither Yun Qingyan nor praying spirit can use the divine knowledge to spy on the inside of the palace.

"Brother Yun!"

"Brother Yun!"

Two excited voices came from below the palace. Before the voices fell, the two figures flew out of the palace.

Su Tutu followed Chen and flew to Yun Qingyan in the first place, and everyone gave Yun Qingyan a bear hug!

"Brother Yun, I thought it would take you a while to get to Qishazong. I didn't expect to arrive so soon!"

"Brother Yun, let's go down first, ha ha ha, we have set up the best banquet!"

Su Tutu kept up with Chen and said one after another without giving Yun Qingyan a chance to speak.

Yun Qingyan nodded slightly, and flew to the palace below with prayer spirits.

"Brother Yun, Sister Caier is still in retreat, but we have already notified her. It is no accident that she can go out tonight!"

Sututu said again.

Because Caier is Yun Qingyan's nominal sister, Su Tutu followed Chen and also called her sister.

"Well!" Yun Qingyan smiled and nodded.

Although he was anxious to see Caier, it was not so long that he could not wait for half a day.

"Brother, don't talk about anything else, let's get drunk first!"

"Yes, drunk, we haven't had drinks together for a long time, hahaha!"

Su Tutu followed Chen, his face was full of excitement.

The long-awaited reunion three days ago, the two sides hurriedly parted, this time, they must be drunk endlessly!

"And me, and me!" Qi Ling shouted beside him, his expression was quite uneasy, because Su Tutu followed Chen, the focus was on Yun Qingyan, and he ignored him.

"Hahaha, of course, you, Prayer Brothers, speaking of the time we haven't seen, it's longer than the boss!"

Su Tutu laughed quickly, then took the spirit from Yun Qingyan's shoulder and placed it on his shoulder.

"It's almost there!" Qi Ling snorted softly.

The dishes prepared by Su Tutu and Chen Shang Shang are ordinary home-cooked dishes.

For their current practice, eating and drinking is just pure appetite.

Compared to the mountain and sea food, the home-cooked dishes of the Tianyuan Dynasty are more suitable for their appetite.

"Brother Yun, are you satisfied with these dishes?"

Sututu points to sweet and sour pork ribs, braised elbow, and stir-fried tenderloin.

"Brother Yun, these are all vegetarian dishes!" Chen Shangshang took the topic, pointing to water spinach, tofu, and boiled cabbage.

Yun Qingyan nodded slightly, these dishes are home cooking that he usually eats.

Yun Qingyan immediately moved chopsticks and sandwiched a piece of stir-fried tenderloin.

The meat is tender, the heat is moderate, and the mouth feels very comfortable.

"Brother Yun, I'm trying this ribs. It's not me bragging. Our Qishazong pigs are all irrigated with spiritual power from an early age, so its ribs are crisp and tender!"

Sututu said proudly.

At the moment, Yun Qingyan clamped a rib, which was as crisp and tender as Sututu said.

Yun Qingyan tasted every dish, and each dish, regardless of color and taste, belonged to the top.

I have to say that the fact that the great forces are particular about the ingredients is really difficult for ordinary people to compare.

Sweet and sour pork ribs, braised pork ribs, stir-fried pork tenderloin are all pork, but because of the different ways of raising pigs, these pork tastes are top-notch.

Even if it is vegetarian, everything has the sweetness of the ingredients.

If it is an ordinary person with no practice, eating such food all year round is definitely not a problem to live a hundred or two hundred years old.

Soon, as soon as the table was delicious, Yun Qingyan and Qi Ling dried up!

Immediately, the next table was changed for another dish. It was still a home-cooked dish, and the ingredients were different.

After Yun Qingyan and Qi Ling ate six tables, they started to fight with Su Tutu and Chen Shangshang.

The four of them just drank casually, and drank it until they couldn't drink it!

The four of them have three chapters of the law. They must not use their power to evaporate the wine, but only rely on the amount of wine to resist the wine.

Time soon arrived at night!

All four were drunk, and Qi Ling fell asleep on the table.

Su Tutu and Chen Shangcheng were also in their 70s, with a flushed face!

It's Yun Qingyan, the best one on the scene!

"Brother Yun, you still want to keep us alive. On Xiuwei, you are the highest of us! On the amount of alcohol, but also the best of us!"

Sututu said something jealous.

"Ha ha ha, fortunately for us, there is one aspect, you can't even catch up with a horse!" Chen Shang Shang laughed suddenly.

This laugh is a kind of man who knows to laugh.

"And we will, things that Brother Yun won't?" Su Tutu did not respond for a moment, looking at Chen Shangshang.

After Su Tutu asked, she saw the smile on Chen Shangshang's face.

At the moment, I also came to my senses and laughed, "Hahaha, Brother Yun, would we like to arrange one for you tonight!"


Yun Qingyan forcibly endured, the impulse of the two brothers Fat Chu.

However, Yun Qingyan also admits that the woman ... he really has no experience!

Physically, so far ... the first brother!

But it's not that Yun Qingyan can't do it, or that Yun Qingyan's feminine status is not enough, but Yun Qingyan's vision ... too high!

"Brother Qingyan!"

At this time, an extremely loud voice was uploaded from the sky. Looking in the direction from which the sound came, a sacred, beautiful, beautiful shadow slowly fell from the sky.

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