Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 1116: Caier's sorry!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiandi!

"Strictly speaking, the star continent is only my hometown, and the stage that belongs to me is in the fairyland!"

"More than a year ago, the reason why I would return from the immortal world to the mortal world is because I can't let go of my father and mother, nor can I give up!

"But now, I have found you, so ... I want to take you all back to the fairyland with me!"

Yun Qingyan looked at Caier and said, when referring to ‘all of you’, his eyes turned to Su Tutu and Chen to catch up.

The two of them were the life and death acquaintance of Yun Qingyan after returning to the mortal realm.

So going back on this trip, Yun Qingyan also hopes to be able to take both of them.

"Brother, I really want to go to the fairyland with you, but now I ... can't!" Su Tutu sighed.

"I'm also a brother. I and Tutu have now found relatives. Although I want to go to the fairyland with you, I can't let go of my loved ones ..."

Chen Shangshang also sighed.

They are telling the truth, the truth from the bottom of their hearts.

They all want to go to Fairyland with Yunqingyan, except because Yunqingyan is their brother, and because they want to see the legendary fairyland.

But now they are not what they were before.

They now have close relatives in this world.

Relatives, how can we say that we can give up!

Take Yun Qingyan, for example, he returned to the mortal world from the immortal world because he missed his loved ones.

Hearing Su Tutu's and Chen Shangshang's answer, Yun Qingyan understood them though he felt lost.

Compare heart to heart, and change him to them, and he will make the same choice.

"Brother, rest assured. With our talent, it is only a matter of time to ascend. After we naturally ascend, we will reunite in fairyland at that time!"

"Hahaha, brother, you have to get better in the fairyland. Both of us should now be used to the second generation ancestors. When the time comes to rise to the fairyland, we want to rely on you and continue to be our second generation ancestors, hahaha ...

Su Tutu followed Chen and said in a joke tone.

Yun Qingyan nodded without thinking, "You can rest assured that when you ascend to the fairyland, I promise you to become the second ancestor!"

Yun Qingyan's words are still conservative, with him covering, it is not only to be the second ancestor, but also to be a mixed-world demon king, it is no problem to make the immortal world to the bottom.

In the fairyland, the word 'Emperor Yun' is one imperial edict, enough to hold trillions of souls.

"Hahaha, when we get there, we'll be there for you!" Su Tutu laughed with Chen Shangshang.

They are convinced of Yun Qingyan's words.

They believe that with the ability of Yun Qingyan, they can definitely be mixed in the fairy world.

Of course, in their imagination, they are just mixed up ...

No matter how they are, they dare not imagine that Yun Qingyan's identity in the fairy realm will be the supreme fairy emperor!

"However, since you are not going to the fairyland with me now, I will give you a gift first!"

Yun Qingyan suddenly said again, that when he was behind, he used the consciousness to implant two exercises into the minds of the two.

"Tutu, your God of Deceit, is the most powerful method I have selected based on your constitution! Remember, this method is only suitable for you, even if you are upper, you cannot reveal it!"

Yun Qingyan first looked at Su Tutu, and said with a solemn dignity.

The husband is not guilty, and there is a kind of concealment. The **** of heaven can do it, and he can practice the Daozu method!

Even if placed in the immortal realm, it is enough to cause all the powerful men below the immortal to compete with the blood and blood.

If Sututu leaks this method, it will definitely cause unnecessary trouble.

"Shangshang, your Vientiane magic formula cannot be leaked to anyone, including Tutu!" Yun Qingyan looked at Chen Shangshang again.

Vientiane God tactics, the grade is still above the Overlord God tactics!

Vientiane **** tricks are exercises that can be practiced as a half-step fairy emperor!

It is no exaggeration to say that even for the Emperor of the Immortal, the Vientiane God formula has extremely high value.

One thing worth mentioning.

Yun Qingyan gave Sututu Daozu-level exercises and Chen Chen first half-step Xiandi-level exercises, not because Yunqingyan was eccentric.

It is because these two exercises are both selected by Yun Qingyan based on their physical fitness.

For Sututu, there is nothing better than Yun Wuyan's skill for him.

For Chen Shangshang, Vientiane Shenjue is also the most suitable method for Yun Qingyan.

"Brother, you must give me the exercises, the level must be high?" Sututu asked.

The warrior tactics given to him by Yun Qingyan were beyond his comprehension, so he couldn't figure out what kind of warrior fighters specific.

"You can understand it as the sky-level exercises in the eyes of the astral warrior!" Yun Qingyan groaned slightly.

After speaking, Yun Qingyan looked at Chen Shangshang again, "Your exercises are similar."

"We know! Brother, rest assured, we will never leak a word to anyone."

After hearing this answer, Su Tutu followed up with Chen and said in a very serious tone.

"Sister Caier, see you in fairyland, you must remember us!"

Su Tutu followed Chen, and suddenly turned to look at Caier.

Although Caier has not agreed, Caier will definitely go to Fairyland with Yun Qingyan without hesitation.

Yun Qingyan also looked at Caier with a smile at this time.

From the moment he moved back to the immortal world, he decided in his heart that the father, mother, and Caier would surely follow him back to the immortal world.

"Sorry ..." Caier suddenly took a deep breath.

"Sister Caier, what are you sorry for? Do you forget about our two brothers when you go to the fairyland? Sister Caier, if you do, you will be too cruel!"

Sututu joked halfway and smirked.

"Tutu, sorry for Sister Caier, no ... not to us!" Chen Shangshang quickly winked at Sututu.

When Caier said the word "I'm sorry", he looked at Yun Qingyan!

"Chaier, you're sorry, aren't you ..." Yun Qingyan's breathing suddenly stagnated and looked at Caier.

"Brother Qingyan, I ... I can't go to the fairyland with you!" Caier took another deep breath and refused in plain language.

"Why?" Yun Qingyan asked.

Two pupils, bloodshot inexplicably, and his fists became unconscious, and they clung together.

In Yun Qingyan's imagination, Caier is the three most important people in this world, he and his father and mother!

They are going to Fairyland, and Caier has no reason not to follow along. "I may go to the fairyland, but not now, or with Brother Qingyan ... So, sorry, Brother Qingyan!" Cai Er also did not know where the courage came, looking directly at Yun Qingyan.

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