Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 1121: Yunqingyan discoloration!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiandi!

Thanks to Yun Qingyan's soul, it is the soul of Xiandi!

Only in this way can we resist the negative emotions of life across the continent with our own strength.

If you change another object, even if the other party is Da Luo Jinxian or even Xuanxian, it may not be able to withstand the negative emotions of a mainland creature.

Even Yun Qingyan was affected by these evil thoughts in a very short period of time.

Huh ...

After Yun Qingyan used the will of the Emperor, a burst of black smoke rippled out of his body.

The entire person of Yun Qingyan also recovered Qingming.

"It is indeed God's will, and it really has some means, but unfortunately, this is useless to me!" Yun Qingyan looked at the giant of God's vision lightly.

"Next, it's my turn to attack again!"

The Heavenly Sword of Cut Heaven appeared again in Yun Qingyan's hands.

Yun Qingyan started with the Excalibur, and an invincible momentum emerged directly from his body.





Yun Qingyan stared straight at the god-giant giant and waved the sword of the Heavenly Sword, saying it word by word.

With the "space turbulence" the four words completely fall!

The terrible space turbulent swept from above the Heavenly Sword.

For a time, the sky and the earth disappeared. Time and space seemed to stop at this moment.

The whole world is left with raging space chaos, tearing the sky, breaking through the space, and a brain rushing to the giant of heaven.

The chaotic flow of space is the sixth form of the true solution of Xiandi!

Stepping into Yunqingyan of the true immortal, this trick can be used at will, and the power is even greater than before!

Fortunately, this sword was used in the Dragon Formation!

Otherwise 'space chaos' is enough to destroy the entire Tianming continent.

To the naked eye, the turbulent flow of space is like a storm. As the sky is torn and breaks through the space, it is thrown on the god-giant giant.

The blast of silence, like a bamboo shoot after a rain, appeared on the giant.

"Ahhhh ..."

Even if it was as strong as God's providence, he could not help screaming.

The hair and flesh on his body, after encountering the turbulence of the space, were directly taken away, and rolled to another space!

If you compare the giant of heaven's will to a person painted on white paper.

Then the God-given giant, now facing the situation, is equivalent to a person on a piece of paper, being deducted from his body.

For example, the joint in the center of the knee suddenly disappeared and was swept away by the turbulent space.

For another example, a giant hole appeared in the giant's lower abdomen, but no flesh could be seen in the hole, because all flesh and blood was swept away by the space.

God-giant giants, just like the people in the paintings, were pierced with small holes.

Such pain is, to God's will, a heartbreaking pain.

"I said it a long time ago, it's just big and useless!" Yun Qingyan sneered and waved "space chaos" again!

God's state at this time is not an exaggeration to say that it is a live target.

Every sword that Yun Qingyan wields is in full swing!

"Murder! Listen to the solitary order and suppress the blasphemy!"

The god-giant giant, forbearing a pain, snarled loudly, releasing a monstrous murderous power.

These murderous spirits are mobilized by God's will, the murderous spirits of the entire continent!

Murderous, has the same effect as evil thoughts, and can erode one's reason!

But from a certain perspective, the power of murder is far above the evil thoughts!

Because of murder, in addition to corroding one's reason, it can also be used to deter opponents!

For example!

Two ordinary people of the same strength, one is an ordinary person who has experienced the battlefield and killed others, and one is an ordinary person who has not even killed a chicken.

If they fight, they will only be ordinary people who have experienced battlefield battles!

The reason is very simple, ordinary people who have experienced the battlefield and killed people already have a certain amount of murderous body on them!

In the face of a person who has not even killed a chicken, his murderous body can directly calm the other side.

After Providence releases horror and murderous power!

The whole world has become rumbling, even the vacuum is faintly groaning!

Kakaka ...

In the space around Yun Qingyan, cracks appeared one after another.

The murderous spirit released by Providence is really terrifying!

Horrible, even vacuum can't bear them.

"It's unfair to fight like this!" Yun Qingyan looked at Tianyi and raised his mouth slightly.

Yun Qingyan's expression looked like he was taunting God's will.

"Fair? Hahaha ... when are you, human beings, fair?" The god-giant giant laughed after hearing the words.

As the God of Heaven's continent, God of God has seen too many injustices.

Human beings are the heavenly underworld, the most treacherous and the most despicable beings!

Human beings have always acted uncompromisingly to achieve their goals. In the eyes of human beings, fairness has long been trampled.

As a human being, Yun Qingyan now talks about fairness, and it is no wonder that Tianyi laughs disdainfully.

"This is also true. There are indeed some humans who act only for results!" Yun Qingyan nodded slightly.

In this battle, God's will could not move, and they relied on the power of the entire continent.

Under normal circumstances, in the Tianming continent, no one will be the opponent of Providence.

Because confrontation with heaven, it is equivalent to confronting the entire heavenly continent.

This is also the Seven Nights of the Devil, the ancestor of Qinghe ... Those people know that when someone confronts God, they will show such a shocked expression.

In their opinion, Providence is simply a completely invincible existence.

"However, murderous gas is not a deterrent to me!" Yun Qingyan said slowly, and then dispelled the murderous gas in the presence of God.

Murder and capture are essentially the same as coercion.

For those with strong souls, murderous force and coercion can make no difference.

"How could it be, even murderous can't suppress you!" The god-giant giant changed color again.

"It seems that I can only use that trick ..."

Divine giants murmured in their hearts.

If he had no choice but to do so, he would be reluctant to use that trick.

For him, that move was the hole card, his biggest support, and it was exposed too soon ... it was not a good thing.

But now he has no choice!

The god-giant giant suddenly began to shrink and became the size of a normal human.

But he remained suspended in the air.

"The soul of the heavenly continent ..." Tianyi said suddenly.

This sound is not only not loud, but also dozens of times smaller than his previous popping sound.

But it ’s just that it ’s not that loud, not only Yun Qingyan heard it, but the entire continent heard it.

Yun Qingyan and prayed for spirits, when the scene changed dramatically. Because they, in the first time, guessed what Tianyi wanted to do.

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