Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 1125: Showdown!

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After another ultimate collision, Yun Qingyan and Tianyi both spit a big blood.

Today's Yun Qingyan, even if all the cards are dealt out, cannot be a natural opponent of Da Luo Jinxian Peak!

However, he has a Tianlong array, and after several blessings, it is enough to repair Tianyi and suppress it in the early days of Da Luo Jinxian.

In this case, after the two bodies are combined, there is Yunxianyan, which is truly immortal, enough to compete with the will of God.

After both vomiting blood, both sides did not stop, and the figures were woven again.

Boom Boom Boom ...

Countless black holes, spawned, destroyed, reborn, destroyed ...

The space in the Tianlong array does not know how many times the hole has been penetrated, and the air and other gases inside have long been evaporated to nothingness.

In the Dragon Formation, it is completely blackened!

Even the fire light from blasting cannot be lit in this space!

The propagation of light also requires the help of a vacuum. If even the vacuum is gone, how does light spread?

"You are the most powerful human ever seen!"

Tianyi looked solemnly and ruthlessly: "But even so, you will die! Even if you have worked the whole continent, you will be chopped by the lone!"

Yun Qingyan sneered, "Isn't it just the power of the earth's veins? I thought I couldn't see it? In front of me, what big tail wolf is pretended to be!"

Yun Qingyan shot again, wielded the sky, and cut out a series of terrorist attacks!

God's will has drawn the strength of a continent, and as a result, reached the peak of Da Luo Jinxian in an instant.

However, in just one interview, the cultivation of the peak of Da Luo Jinxian was repressed by the dragon team to the beginning of Da Luo Jinxian.

But at the moment of being suppressed, the Providence blasted out the Xeon attack.

The entire space was broken, and the high temperature of 10 million degrees burned the entire void.

"Bodhisattva Golden Lotus!" Yun Qingyan had already prepared and screamed, and a golden refinement appeared directly under his feet.

Bodhisattva's golden lotus is Yun Qingyan, which blocks all physical attacks. His sword-cutting sword is once again chopped on God's will.


One arm flew up, and Heaven's left arm was severed.

"Ah ..." Tianyi screamed, but instead of licking the wound, he grabbed the broken arm for the first time.

For him, as long as he took his arm back, he could return instantly.

"The sword destroys the heavens—" Yun Qingyan directly uttered a true solution of the Emperor Xian, the horrible sword gas, and one face obliterated the broken arm of God.


God is so angry, he growls, "Human, you are looking for death !!!"

With the roar of Providence, the two battled together again, and the battle became more terrifying.

Qi Ling was not behind Yun Qingyan at this time.

Facing this kind of battle, Yun Qingyan has no time to protect him.

Prayer Spirit hid in the chaotic fire that became part of the Dragon Formation.

Qinglian Dixinhuo and Tianyanghuo also separated a ray of flame and wrapped him up.

"Qing Lian Di's heart is burning, Tian Yang is burning, can you send me out of the dragon array?" Qi Ling privately transmitted a message to two Heavenly Fires.

"I can't do it. I have all my strength and I've irrigated into the Tianlong array!"

"I can't do it either, I gave all my strength to the Dragon League!"

Qinglian's heart fire and Tianyang fire shook her head at the same time.

"Damn, then I can only go out on my own!" Qi Ling said calmly.

Qi Ling wants to leave Tianlong Zhen, the purpose is simple!

He intends to use the simplest and most rude method to cut off the Providence.

The power of Providence comes from the heavenly continent. If the entire heavenly continent no longer exists, the will of heaven will dissipate naturally!


Qi Ling shouted, the whole body turned into light, and rushed out of the dragon array.

The Dragon Formation does not hurt Prayer Spirit.

However, Yun Qingyan's battle with God's will, the shock wave produced was not recognized by the six relatives.

The current praying spirit is just a pseudo-immortal cultivation. Once it is affected by the shock of the battle ... it is likely to fall instantly!

As for the fire of chaos, Prayer could not be taken away.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Tianlong array has the current power, and the fire of chaos has accounted for more than 30% of the credit!

Without the chaotic fire, the entire Dragon Formation will collapse instantly.


Qi Ling screamed violently. He was hit by a shock wave, and a piece of meat was missing directly from his body.

However, Qi Ling screamed and screamed. She didn't dare to stop, and still darted out of the dragon array.



When Yun Qingyan fought fiercely with the will of heaven, when he saw Qi Ling leave, he guessed at the first time what Qi Ling wanted to do.

But Yun Qingyan did not stop.

Although he did not want to destroy the heavenly continent, if he did, he would face the point of life and death choices ... He would definitely choose to save himself!

And, strictly speaking, this battle is not about Yun Qingyan alone!

Prayer is tied to him!

Yun Qingyan is dead, and praying spirits can never live!

Furthermore, Yun Qingyan is not alone. Once he dies, those people behind him will sooner or later follow him!

Yun Qingyan cut out a huge black hole with the Heavenly Sword.

When God intended to see a black hole, the first reaction was destruction, and his behavior was also destruction.

Qi Ling took advantage of this festival and rushed out of the Dragon Formation.


Out of the big array, Praying Spirit's body grew directly, reaching as high as 10,000 feet, and it looked like a towering mountain from a distance.

Qi Ling opened her mouth suddenly and began to devour aimlessly!

As a chaotic ancient beast, pray for the spirit to devour everything in the world!

The earth, the mountains, the river, the sky, the flowers and plants ... For him, they are all huge nutrients!

Only before, with the restriction of Yun Qingyan, he has not devoured devastatingly.

Now, his purpose is to destroy the heavenly continent, and naturally he will not hesitate.

The mountains and rivers entered into the belly of praying spirit.

The practice of praying for spirits also increases as more material is consumed ...

In less than half a quarter of an hour, the practice of praying for spirits has soared to the fifth floor of the pseudo-wonderland!

With the improvement of Xiu Wei, the speed of his swallowing is also indirectly faster!

"As long as the boss holds back for a day ..."

"God is not worth mentioning!"

Qi Ling whispered, a pupil like a hill appeared with a bitter coldness.

"Well? What kind of monster is this?"

The ancestor of Qinghe, who was long overdue, saw doubts in his eyes when he saw the praying spirit of the towering mountain.

"This monster is so familiar ..."

"Well? Isn't it the spirit beast of Yun Qingyan?"

Suddenly, the ancestor of Qinghe recognized praying spirit.

"Well, just get rid of you first, and then kill Yun Qingyan!" Qinghe's ancestor shot directly at Qi Ling.

The overwhelming true will of the immortal swept to the praying spirit.

Pray for a puppet, huge body, backwards.

With just one face to face, Qi Ling was hit hard by Qinghe ancestors!

"Fuck, the wind is light!" Praying spirit looked ugly. He didn't choose to follow the wind and lightly resist, but torn the space directly to be taken away. "Did you leave in front of this seat?" Qinghe ancestor sneered and pulled the prayer directly out of the torn space.

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