Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 1135: No time to wait!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiandi!

"I just don't know. In the Jiehaixianyu, what level of immortal power can be called a great power!"

The size and strength of each fairyland are different!

Like the immortal realm that is qualified to be ruled by the immortal, the supervision inside it is also the most inferior level!

In such an immortal realm, the forces that are qualified to be called big forces, at least there are Shengxian sitting!

As for the immortal realm, like the world of immortal realm, it may be that Da Luo Jinxian is invincible, and of course it may be Xuanxian to be invincible.

A force must have a master who is second only to the invincible existence of the fairyland to qualify as a great force.

For example, if the invincible existence of Jie Haixian Realm is Xuanxian Xiu!

Then if you are qualified to be a big force in the Jade Haixian Realm, there must be a Da Luo Jinxian in the clan.

Only those who have access to the Superintendent and the Fairy Teleportation Array are the powerful forces of the Fairy Realm.

Yun Qingyan will go to Lin's house with another purpose.

It was through the Lin family that they were exposed to forces one level higher than the Lin family.

Lin Waner has talked to Yun Qingyan and introduced the Lin family in detail!

It is one of the top families in Yanshan City. Lin Wan'er's father is the head of the Lin family!

Lin Zhijie, who was driven away by Yun Qingyan, was the elder of the Lin family!

The Lin family, most of the matter, is decided by Lin Waner's father. For the most important things, Lin Waner's father can only decide with the other four elders after a family meeting.

The five most powerful members of the Lin family are all true immortals!

They are the patriarch and four elders!

As for the practice of several layers of Zhenxian, Lin Waner is unknown.

Because of their status, the specific realm must become the highest secret, and when necessary, it can break out and even reverse the victory or defeat of a battle.

Noon the next day!

The four of Lin Waner finally brought Yun Qingyan to the Lin family in Yanshan City.

Lin Waner first set Yun Qingyan to the most luxurious mansion of the Lin family, and arranged the most beautiful girl to serve Yun Qingyan.

Then he retired with Yun Qingyan. "Yanggongzi, we died a companion named Zhang Yichen on this trip. His identity is very important, so I need to sue my father for the first time, and I will retire now!"

Yun Qingyan naturally agreed and waved his hand, "Wait for me after you handle the things at hand!"

After Lin Wan'er left, Yun Qingyan also retired her aunt, and healed in the room alone.

He doesn't have any tools on hand, and he can't even deploy the simplest array.

Therefore, even when healed, you must separate your senses and pay attention to the wind and grass around you.

After two hours!

Lin Wan'er went and returned, and came to the outside of Yun Qingyan to knock on the door.

After Yun Qingyan agreed, he pushed the room open and entered the room.

"Gongzi, I wanted to introduce my father to you, but Zhang Yichen's identity is more important than I thought. After my father learned about Zhang Yichen's death, he contacted the four elders for the first time and held it temporarily. Family meeting. "

Lin Waner said with apologetic eyes.

She looked a little unnatural. It seemed that Zhang Yichen had been reprimanded by her father because of her death.

"It's just a small matter, don't worry about it!" Yun Qingyan waved his hands.

"Waner, I now need you to use the resources of the Lin family and collect the herbs for me in the shortest time!"

When Yun Qingyan talked, she used the consciousness directly, and in Lin Wan'er's mind, he implanted a memory of more than a dozen medicinal materials.

Lin Wan'er's eyes flashed with horror, some were frightened by Yun Qingyan's methods.

She is already the practice of the peak of the false fairy. If she wants to use **** knowledge to force her memory into her mind, at least she must be a true fairy!

"Originally, there are still speculations about Yan Gongzi's cultivation. This hand ... directly confirmed that Yan Gongzi is at least a true fairy!"

Lin Wan'er muttered.

On the surface, although I can't see anything, my heart is shocking.

There are many old monsters in Fairyland, obviously very old, but they like to use repairs to stay young, and they look like they are eighteen or nine years old.

Yun Qingyan's feelings, although unfathomable and emotional and subtle, but she had a feeling that Yun Qingyan's age was definitely not great!

It is very likely that Yun Qingyan is as old as his appearance.

If that's the case, it would be too scary. A true immortal who is less than 20 years old, but a second genius!

Not to mention far away, Yanshan City alone, from ancient times to today, has not appeared in two sections of genius!

"Yan Gongzi, I'll collect the medicinal herbs now!" Lin Wan'er said immediately after calming down her mood.

Since Yun Qingyan is injured!

Then he wants these herbs now, it must be used for healing.

For Yun Qingyan, the sooner these medicines are delivered, the more happy he will be.

Lin Waner talked to Yun Qingyan, but knew each other in just one day!

But after this day, Lin Wan'er paid only one immortal-grade elixir and got great benefits on Yun Qingyan!

First, let her practice improve from the eighth floor of the pseudo-fairy land to the peak of the pseudo-fairy!

Then, she improved her practice, not only speeding up her future practice, but also showing her the hope of stepping into Da Luo Jinxian in her lifetime.

In a blink of an eye!

Time has come late into the night.

Yun Qingyan hasn't stepped out of the room since he came to the Lin family.

Yun Qingyan also had long been instructed that there is no need to eat meals, and there is no need for people to deliver meals.

Late at night, Lin Waner knocked on the door again.

"Yan Gongzi, live up to your account. I have bought the medicinal herbs you need!"

When Lin Waner knocked on the door, she also said.

"come in!"

Yun Qingyan nodded slightly.

In his heart, he whispered, "Lin Waner's ability to handle things is pretty good!"

Yun Qingyan has decided that when he leaves Lin's house, she will give Lin Waner a chance ... enough to change her destiny!

Anyway, for him, this is just a hand.

"Waner, for the next three days, in order not to have an accident, let you protect the Fa for me outside the room!"

Yun Qingyan scanned the medicinal herbs and confirmed that they were all he needed, then he said.


Lin Waner heard the words, and then she was stunned. Yun Qingyan actually asked her, a daughter of Qianjin, to watch for him?

But soon, Wan Waner reacted, and quickly agreed, "Good rock boy!"

"Well!" Yun Qingyan nodded with satisfaction.

"I won't let you keep the door in vain, and in the past three days, I will also take the time to instruct you to practice!"

"Thank you, Prince Yan ..." Lin Wan'er was so excited that she almost knelt down, but she stopped slowly after touching Yun Qingyan's gaze. "Well, you go out first!" Yun Qingyan once again issued a guest order, he repaired Xuanyin pulse is an urgent matter, naturally no time to chat with Lin Waner.

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