Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 1175: Once every 1,000 years!

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"Yes!" Yun Qingyan nodded.

Zhang Chuxuan and Zhang Chuxiu flashed shock in their eyes.

Even if Yun Qingyan had made it clear that he had resorted to 'Inverse Lingdan', both of them could not help but be shocked.

"Chener, you said just now that you added half of" Ning Ling Dan "in Liao Chengyun's food?"

Zhang Chuxuan said slightly, but before Yun Qingyan answered, he went on to say: "Then half of the" Inverse Lingdan "left, can it still be on you?"

"Yes!" When Yun Qingyan spoke, he took out a half of the "Inverse Lingdan" prepared in advance.

Yun Qingyan also knew that Zhang Chuxuan was interested in half of the "Ning Ling Dan".

You know, the poison that affects Da Luo Jinxian is extremely rare!

At the same time it can affect Da Luo Jinxian, it is still colorless and odorless, even less.

The battle between Zhang Chuxuan and the elders is now in a disadvantage. If the elders serve the half of the "inverse spirit dan", Zhang Chuxuan would be defeated without fighting, and laughed to the end.

"Young Master, these half-believers are very useful to Master. Would you like to dedicate him to Master?" Zhang Chuxiu said suddenly.

"Of course!" Yun Qingyan nodded without thinking.

His current status is ‘Zhang Yichen’, and Zhang Yichen is impossible for Zhang Chuxuan!

At the moment, Yun Qingyan threw half of the "Inverse Lingdan" to Zhang Chuxiu and handed it to Zhang Chuxuan.

"Zhang Chuxiu is indeed Zhang Chuxuan's disciple ..." Yun Qingyan muttered again in his heart.

Although Zhang Chuxuan was interested in ‘Ning Ling Dan’, he just met with ‘Zhang Yichen’, but it ’s inconvenient to ask for it.

Zhang Chuxiu apparently guessed this, so he spoke instead of Zhang Chuxiu.

Next, Yun Qingyan talked with Zhang Chuxuan for nearly an hour!

Mostly Zhang Chuxuan asked questions, Yun Qingyan answered!

What is discussed, more than 90%, are the experiences of 'Zhang Yichen' outside these years.

Before leaving, Zhang Chuxuan urged: "I'm still retreating now, this body is just a projection, then Chu Xiu will arrange you for me! If you don't understand, you can all ask Chu Xiu. In Lei Yunzong, he is Father incarnation! "

"In addition, for your safety, don't say that you are my child to the outside world! Your identity is my new disciple, and I will be called Master or Sovereign by others."

"Of course, even my disciples, there are not many people who target you. For these people, although you let go of your hands and feet to kill, I and Chu Xiu will bear for you any consequences!"

Yun Qingyan nodded and promised that with Zhang Chuxuan's words, he didn't need to bear it anymore when he was in Lei Yunzong.

"One more thing, the reason why I decided to pick you up now is not only because the news of your foster family in the Lin family was leaked, but also because the Thunder Cloud Wonderland will open in three months! This is a great opportunity once every millennium, and you must catch it Live this opportunity! "

Zhang Chuxuan also said.

Thunder Cloud Fantasy?

Yun Qingyan's eyes flashed with doubt.


Before Zhang Chuxuan had time to explain ‘Thunder Cloud Fantasy’ to Yun Qingyan, Mei Yu suddenly sank, “Dream to death, how dare you break into this place of retreat!”

"Chener, I still have important matters. This conversation ends here. When I leave the customs for a while, our two fathers and sons will slowly recount the old thing! Let Chu Xiu tell you the details of the Thunderland fantasy!"

After Zhang Chuxuan said, the whole projection gradually became illusory until it completely disappeared.

There was no surprise in Yun Qingyan's eyes. As early as when Yun Qingyan saw Zhang Chuxuan, he knew that Zhang Chuxuan was just a projection.

And from the strength of Xingying, Zhang Chuxuan's body is at least thousands of miles away.

"Master, I'll take you to your residence first, and by the way, I'll tell you about Thunder Cloud Fantasy!" Zhang Chuxiu said.

Yun Qingyan nodded slightly, followed Zhang Chuxuan and stepped out of the hall.

As Zhang Chuxiu led the way, he said, "Thundercloud fantasy is only opened once every thousand years, and each time there will be one person who is recognized by thundercloud fantasy, thus gaining great opportunities!"

"The last time the Thunder Wonderland was opened, there was a disciple of True Immortal, because it was recognized by Thunder Cloud Wonderland, and it was repaired from True Wonderland to Da Luo Jin Wonderland overnight!"

Yun Qingyan originally didn't care about Leiyun Wonderland at all, but I heard that because of Thundercloud Wonderland, he was repaired from True Wonderland and broke through to Da Luo Jinxian overnight ... I immediately came to interest.

From Yun Qingyan's point of view, with the exception of a few, extremely precious heavenly treasures, a true immortal can break through to Da Luo Jinxian overnight ... Only the strong can repair it!

"Chu Xiu, is this a rumor or a real instance?"

Yun Qingyan glanced at Zhang Chuxiu and said, "Don't get me wrong, I don't believe what you say, but I think it's incredible and incredible."

Zhang Chuxiu smiled and said, "The first time I heard, I also reacted with the young master! But this thing is really true, and it is also related to the suzerain!"

"Do you mean that the person who stepped into Da Luo Jin Xian from True Wonderland last time was recognized by Thunder Cloud Fantasy?"

Yun Qingyan couldn't help asking.

It is worth mentioning that it was Zhang Chuxuan who asked Yun Qingyan to call Zhang Chuxuan the suzerain.

"No, no, the Sovereign was not born a thousand years ago!"

Zhang Chuxiu hurriedly corrected, "Those who were recognized by Thunder Cloud Wonderland thousands of years ago, and who reached Da Luo Jinxian overnight from True Wonderland are the masters of the suzerain, our masters!"

"Because of the existence of Shizu, the Master pays special attention to Leiyun Fantasy. I want you to rush back to Leiyun Zong and participate in this time."

"The lord is really interested!" Yun Qingyan sighed.

"The young master is the most important person in the world for the suzerain. The suzerain naturally cares for the young master!" Zhang Chuxiu added.

"Chu Xiu, what is the specific content of Thunder Cloud Fantasy?" Yun Qingyan asked again, because after speaking for so long, Zhang Chu Xiu has not elaborated the content of Thunder Cloud Fantasy.

"The specific content, I'm afraid that no one in the entire world knows ..." Zhang Chuxiu shook his head with a grin.

"Thundercloud fantasy is a fantasy, which can only be entered by consciousness!"

"And what happened in the illusion will be completely forgotten once leaving Leiyun illusion, and no one will remember it!"

"Including the ancestor, although he has been recognized by Thunder Cloud Fantasy, he has soared from True Wonderland to Da Luo Jin Xian. But he also forgot what he experienced in Thunder Cloud Fantasy.

"Uh ..." Yun Qingyan heard the words for a moment, and in his eyes, the first accident happened, the real accident. All memories will be forgotten, and such weird things?

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