Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 1187: Is it a sacrifice or a call?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiandi!

Yun Qingyan's guess is not only possible, but also extremely possible!

Don't forget, this is the site of the ancient Golden Wolf Kingdom. Ten thousand years ago, the Golden Wolf Kingdom was once the largest force in the Jade Sea Fairy!

There is a substance that shields the mind here, which is not surprising at all!

"If there is a material that shields the gods, I want to find the base of the Bad Blood Demon tribe in the huge ruins.

"It can only be done by unconventional methods!"

Yun Qingyan murmured, and the figure rose again.

Half an hour later, Yun Qingyan arrived, covering the frontier of the formation method covering the entire site.

This place, he had searched earlier, but nothing.

However, what he didn't gain at that time was because he hadn't thought about the existence of a material that shielded the gods.

Yun Qingyan jumped to a height of 1,000 kilometers, and the origin sword on her back had long been sheathed.

"Immortal Emperor True Explanation of the Sixth Form, Space Turbulence——"

Suddenly, the sword of origin swept out the horrible sword air, and the vacuum around it was split into countless fires!

Alas ... the restless voice is even more alarming.


Immediately after that, the roaring sound of the earth shook!

Yun Qingyan's 'spatial turbulence' hit the eyes of this formation.

As the eyes were bombarded, it caused a series of blasting sounds, bang bang bang ...

The earth within hundreds of thousands of meters was blasted almost at the same time.

With the stability of the fairy tale's spatial structure, the “space chaos” exhibited by Yun Qingyan today cannot naturally create such a destructive force!

The reason why such a horrible blast now appears is because the array of eyes is attacked, and a series of consequences are triggered.

"Sure enough it's tricky!"

Yun Qingyan's consciousness found an entrance to the underground that was over 100 meters in diameter in the explosion in the sky.

Near the entrance, there are smashed scallions. These scum powders can be seen with the naked eye, but cannot be captured with divine knowledge!

Obviously, these powders are the material that shields the consciousness!

Just the blasting just ruined, these substances that shield the gods!

Because of this, Yun Qingyan's consciousness can now find the entrance to the underground.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Almost as soon as Yun Qingyan found the entrance, dozens of figures had already emerged from it!

Among them, three are true immortals, and the rest are all immortals!

When Yun Qingyan was discovered, dozens of bad blood demon clan appeared in the eyes of people.

Without half a word, they all shot!

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!

Everyone, carrying their strongest killing moves, blasted towards Yun Qingyan.

Yun Qingyan didn't even want to, he greeted him head on, bang bang bang ...

After a series of heavy palms, no matter the bad blood demon tribe in human wonderland or the bad blood demon tribe in real wonderland, no one can stop Yun Qingyan's palm!

After a face-to-face meeting, these dozens of bad blood demon clan have all been severely damaged and piled up by Yun Qingyan.

"Swallowing the Heavens--"

Yun Qingyan was directly facing this group of ‘Blood Demon Clan’ and launched ‘Swallowing Heaven and Magic’ to swallow them all at once.

After more than a dozen breaths, dozens of bad blood demon clan, including three true immortals, all turned into dried-up corpses.

Yun Qingyan felt the first time that the power of the fairy had been greatly improved.

However, three true immortals and dozens of human immortals are still not enough to allow him to step into a half-step true immortal from the paradise of human wonderland!

This is a good thing for Yun Qingyan, but also a bad thing!

The more energy the promotion consumes, the stronger the combat effectiveness. This is also the fact that Yun Qingyan is only a fairyland of human wonderland, but already has the combat power of spike real immortal and half-step gold fairy.

The bad thing is that every promotion requires a lot of resources ...

After sucking these dozens of bad blood demons into dry corpses, Yun Qingyan was in the distance again, waiting for nearly a quarter of an hour!

But a quarter of an hour passed, but half a bad blood demon tribe ran out at the entrance.

"Strange ..." Confusion appeared in Yun Qingyan's eyes, which made him feel unusual.

However, inside the entrance, there is still a material that shields consciousness, so Yun Qingyan does not know what is going on in the base camp of the Bad Blood Demon tribe.

Yun Qingyan left, converged, and entered the underground entrance.

The Bad Blood Demon Clan is originally a creature that emerges day and night. Their night vision ability is no less than that of the demon clan of birds. Because of this, their base camp can not see the slightest fire.

The deeper he went into the base camp of the Bad Blood Demon Clan, Yun Qingyan felt that his consciousness was weakened, and in the end ... he could only rely on two eyes to explore the way!

Obviously, there is a lot of shielding material in it.

"% ¥ # ¥ ……% * (—— *"

Just then, strange words came from Yun Qingyan's ear.

"It's some kind of spell!"

"These bad blood demon tribes are sacrificing some kind of existence!"

Although Yun Qingyan heard this strange language for the first time, he guessed it right away, it was a spell.

Yun Qingyan continues to move forward!

In the time of Mozhancha, in addition to the strange spell, Yun Qingyan heard a scream of screaming.

Yun Qingyan's eyebrows suddenly cooled down!

The terrible scream is the voice of the human race!

Obviously, the sacrifice of the Bad Blood Demon tribe also uses living people!

Another tea is over!

In the sight of Yun Qingyan, a giant square appeared!

The square was built by hollowing out the ground!

At this time, there were nearly 10,000 bad blood demon tribes standing around the square. Each of them looked at the altar in the center of the square with pious eyes.

Above the altar, there is a huge blood pool. At this time, the blood pool is boiling, and there are no fewer than a thousand hearts floating on the surface of the blood pool!

"Human blood, the blood pool poured out!"

Yun Qingyan's eyebrows were gloomy to the extreme, and the killing power in his body was almost beyond control.

Thousands of hearts floating above the blood pool are all human hearts.

Over the blood pool, there are ninety-nine human races, suspended by ropes, and blood is constantly dripping from the body, falling into the blood pool below.

Among these ninety-nine people, Yun Qingyan recognized twenty-three disciples of Lei Yunzong who came here with him.

There are three half-step Jinxian bad blood demon clan, chanting ancient and infiltrating mantras around the blood pool.

At the top of the altar, there was also a figure of piety.

On it, there was a breath of Da Luo Jinxian, and at this time it was also whispering, chanting the language that Yun Qingyan did not understand.


"This is not a sacrifice, but a call--" Yun Qingyan stunned in his heart.

Just then, a blood beam suddenly burst out from the altar.


A loud noise and blood-colored beams directly hit the place where they lived in front of Yun Qingyan! Yun Qingyan was exposed!

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