Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 1506: Protect the short blue Yunyan!

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"Chi Yao, what do you say is the ultimate purpose of the Chaos Organization?"

After Yun Qingyan brought all the dishes to the table, he flipped his chopsticks and put a piece of meat into his mouth.

After chewing and swallowing the meat, Yun Qingyan looked at 'Chi Yao' and said.

"Since the blood world, the ink world, and the soldier world have been overthrown by the chaotic organization one after another, they are focusing on the purpose of the immortal world, and they want to destroy the immortal world.

"Chi Yao" put down his chopsticks and said in a guessing tone.

Yun Qingyan shook his head slightly. "I'm talking about their ultimate purpose, which means ... what they want to do when they destroy the world they want to destroy."

"It's hard to guess ..." ‘Chi Yao’ thought for a moment, then shook his head.

"Chaos can destroy the blood, soldier, and ink worlds, which means that they are extremely organized and terrifying organizations!"

Yun Qingyan said slowly, "Such forces cannot act simply to destroy! For them, they must have some unspeakable purpose ..."

"And the military, ink, and blood worlds that have been destroyed are likely to block the purpose they want to do ..."

"They are now reaching out to the fairyland, which means that the fairyland has blocked what they want to do ..."

I don't know if Yun Qingyan noticed it. When he said this analysis, ‘Chi Yao’ ’s eyes changed slightly ... but he soon returned to normal.

"Your analysis is very reasonable. We can indeed start from this aspect ..." "Chi Yao" nodded in approval.

If the Chaos Organization is a person, then he likes destruction, and likes destruction, it is easy to explain the past. Many people are born with bloodthirsty.

But an organization, especially a large organization that is so powerful that it can destroy the big world ... they are almost impossible, and exist purely for destruction and destruction!

An organization that wants to run efficiently will have its rules and disciplines. Besides that ... there are benefits!

Interest is also the most critical link!

Just like Her Majesty the Emperor, why is it so strong? Even if it is Daozu, a half-step fairy emperor, would you like to find a fairy emperor to rely on?

Because under His Majesty the Emperor, they not only have some instructions on cultivation, they also have a patron behind them!

For Taoist ancestors and half-step imperial emperors, this is an advantage!

If they depended on the Emperor, and if they let themselves die, they would not rely on the Emperor.

If the chaotic organization is only pure and pure, it is mainly destruction.

Then it is impossible for them to grow to the scale they are today, or to have the ability to destroy a big world.

In the organization, a small group of people appeared to be happy for destruction. This is normal ...

Within a group of saints, there may be one or two scums, not to mention an organization that is itself hiding in the dark.

But to say that the entire organization loves destruction, and is happy with destruction ... it is impossible!

And, if Chaos Organization is really composed of people who like to destroy ... then it will not grow to the scale it is today!

Yun Qingyan analyzed these reasons before inferring that ... behind the chaotic organization is also driven by interests!

Destroying the blood world, the ink world, and the military world must give the chaotic organization some major benefits.

They pointed their guns at the fairyland, which must also be driven by interests!

"After the destruction of the immortal world, what benefits can the chaotic organization get ... We start investigating from this aspect, and sooner or later we can find the answer." Yun Qingyan added.

‘Chi Yao’ did not answer after hearing the words, but nodded in agreement.

"Okay, don't talk about this, you can enjoy my cooking." When Yun Qingyan spoke, he put a dish for ‘Chi Yao’ and put it in her bowl.

"En ..." "Chi Yao" nodded slightly, and put the dish that Yun Qingyan gave her with shame on her face.


After the two had finished their meal, Jin Wudi suddenly asked for a meeting.

"Meet my son and my emperor!"

"Jin Wudi, what do you want to see?" When ‘Chi Yao’ spoke, Mei Yu wrinkled slightly.

They now seem to be enjoying themselves, enjoying their time alone ...

But in fact, ‘Chi Yao’ has been knocking sideways and inquiring about Yun Qingyan.

"I want to fight with my son and let me participate in the battle of Tian Xuan tomorrow." Jin Wuzhen said with his head down.

In fact, Jin Wuzhen would come here, and Yun Qingyan asked him to.

"The battle of Tian Xuan is just a mini-game made by Xun. It is used to screen young talents. You have entered Xuan Xuan's eyes. You don't have to waste time participating in the battle of Xuan Xuan."

‘Chi Yao’ waved his hand, and rejected Yun Wuyan instead of Yun Qingyan.

"Emperor Qiqi, the next ... Xiaxian has unbearable hardships and must participate in the battle of Tian Xuan!"

Jin Wudi bowed his head, his voice full of firmness.


Already cold, ripples came out of 'Chi Yao'.

"Chi Yao ..." Yun Qingyan called out.

"Jin Wuzhen does have a reason to participate in the battle of Tian Xuan."

Yun Qingyan said, looking at Jin Wudi again, "Wuyi, tell Chi Yao your pains."

"Yes, son!" Jin Wudi took the lead.

At the moment, Jin Wuzhen told his life history originally.

The illegitimate child was born, and his biological father became an adult Dan!

His father's intention to participate in the battle of Tian Xuan this time ...

It's just that his father didn't want to let Jin Wudi take part in the battle of Tian Xuan.

It was hoped that Jin Wuzhen would be seriously injured in the battle of Tian Xuan. Only in this way could his father make Jin Wuzhen into adult Dan without any effort.

"Although my father has a bad intention, I still want to participate in the battle of Tian Xuan and get a good ranking ..."

When Jin Wuzhen said this, his eyes showed firmness.

"Yundi, let him participate in the battle of Tianxuan is fine, but you also know that the first round of the battle of Tianxuan ..."

‘Chi Yao’ did n’t finish talking, and looked at Yun Qingyan slightly.

Yun Qingyan naturally knew what the words "Chi Yao" did not finish.

The intention is nothing more than the first round of the battle of Tian Xuan ... a lot of people will die!

If Yun Qingyan is not afraid of Jin Wuzhen's accident, naturally he can be sent to participate in the battle of Tian Xuan.

"Let's go, I will accompany Jin Wuzhen to participate in the battle of Tian Xuan. With my presence, his safety can be guaranteed." Yun Qingyan thought for a while and said.

"Uh ..." "Chi Yao" froze slightly, but never expected Yun Qingyan to do so.

"Although Jin Wuzhen is just my subordinate, I can't just watch him fall into danger." Yun Qingyan said again.

"All right ..." ‘Chi Yao’ said after hesitation. At the same time, 'Chi Yao' thought in his heart: "It seems that Emperor Yundi is really an extremely short-guarded person, as rumored."

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