Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 1510: Why is it broken?

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Yun Qingyan and Jin Wuzhen, where the naked eye sees the wind, the sun is beautiful, and the birds are fragrant.

The breeze is blowing, the sun and the hee are full of greenery!

Here, it is too much to say that it is a fairyland on earth!

Can it be so, Yun Qingyan said to Jin Wudi, is this purgatory?

If you say it for another person, Jin Wudi would definitely sneer.

But Yun Qingyan said this, and Jin Wuzhen would have no other ideas than trust.

"Have you heard a ghost hit a wall?" Yun Qingyan said suddenly.

"When I was a child, I heard my mother tell the story of a ghost hitting a wall." Jin Wuzhen thought about it.

As a holy fairy, Jin Wudi naturally does not believe that there is a ghost in this world!

In other words, the so-called 'ghost' is actually the soul.

So subconsciously, Jin Wudi understood ‘Ghost Hits the Wall’ as a story.

"Our current state is like a ghost hitting a wall." Yun Qingyan said again.

"Uh, the son meant that we walked all the way down, actually walking on the spot? The naked eye, the consciousness, and the sight we saw were all hallucinations?"

Jin Wuzhen said doubtfully.

Ghost hitting the wall often means that in the middle of the night, when walking in the wild mountains, my self-perception is blurred, I can't distinguish the specific direction, I can't distinguish the specific location ... so I keep spinning around.

In addition, their naked eyes will see pictures that do not conform to reality ... that is, illusion!

Because of the existence of hallucinations, even if the party is spinning in place, he does not know that he is spinning in place.

"No, not an illusion." Yun Qingyan shook his head slightly.

"It's not difficult to conceal your consciousness, but even my consciousness wants to conceal it. It is not an illusion."

Yun Qingyan repaired that although he fell, the godly knowledge was still immortal.

I want to create an illusion that confuses the Emperor, even if the Emperor can't leave.

"Not hallucinations, is that it?" Jin Wuzhen's eyes were full of doubts.

"What we see with the naked eye, what God sees ... is actually there!" Yun Qingyan said quietly.

"Ah, it actually exists?" Jin Wuzhen had more doubts in his eyes.

In his opinion, the actual difficulty ... far exceeds the illusion.

"Get up, Tianluo reversed!" Yun Qingyan suddenly flashed a formation method, covering Jin Wuzhen.

Yun Qingyan outside the formation method took out a memory crystal from the origin ring.

"With your fastest speed, fly a thousand kilometers in the direction of east!"

Yun Qingyan's voice sounded directly in Jin Wudi's mind.

"Yes, son!" Jin Wuyi copied it for the first time, his figure instantly turned into a phantom.

It's just weird that the phantom of Jin Wuzhen ... has been spinning in place.

Outside the formation, Yun Qingyan recorded the scene with a memory crystal.

"My son, I'm here!"

Jin Wuzhen felt that after flying for a thousand kilometers, he stopped slowly.


Yun Qingyan said "En" and the figure stepped into the formation.

"Look at this!" Yun Qingyan threw the memory crystal to Jin Wuzhen.

"Good!" Jin Wuzhen nodded quickly, and immediately looked at the contents of the memory crystal.

"How is it possible ..." Jin Wudi was dumbfounded, and he flew a whole thousand kilometers under the condition of sober consciousness.

But the memory crystal shows that he turned around!

"Son, may it have something to do with the formation you just laid out?" Jin Wuzhen immediately thought.

"Well,‘ Tianluo ’s reversal ’shields all your senses without your knowledge, so you do n’t know that you are spinning around.”

Yun Qingyan nodded slightly.

"So it is ..." Jin Wuzhen realized this.

Then he said: "So, Miaojue Daozu and others also use the formation method to make us turn around?"

"No!" Yun Qingyan shook his head.

"Like the hallucinations, it is almost impossible to create an array that can shield my perception ..."

"Why is that?" The puzzlement appeared again in Jin Wuzhen's eyes.

"They used the power of this world!" Yun Qingyan said quietly.

Yun Qingyan went on to explain: "What we see, hear, and smell are all real!"

"But in fact, what we see, hear, smell, and repeat is there!"

After listening to Jin Wuyi, he thoughtfully appeared in his mind. After a moment, he exclaimed, "Don't you do that, the scene we saw is actually only part of it!"

"But because Miu Jue Daozu and others can take control of the world, will we repeat the scenes we have seen?"

Yun Qingyan nodded slightly, "Yes!"

Take an example that Yun Qingyan once encountered!

In a palace, there are a hundred rooms, and each room is connected together!

The owner of the palace claims that every room has been renovated, but in fact only one of the 100 rooms has been renovated.

Yun Qingyan saw the exquisite decoration in the room ‘1’ at that time!

Then he walked from room '1' to room '2' again.

In room ‘2’, he really saw the exquisite decoration.

Then, he walked from room '2' to room '3', then from room '3' to room '4' ... and so on until the room '100'.

What he saw with the naked eye and his own experience proved that this palace is indeed the same as what it is known to the outside world. All one hundred rooms have been renovated!

But the truth is that only room ‘1’ is truly decorated!

Next, he saw room '2', room '3', room '4' ... until room '100', all repeating room '1'!

When he was in room ‘1’, he saw room ‘1’!

But when they went to room ‘2’, the master of the palace used great magical powers to move room ‘1’ to room ‘2’.

Then moved to room '3', room '4' ...


Yun Qingyan and Jin Wuzhen appeared in the world here. As long as they move around, the world within a certain range of them will also change!

Therefore, Yun Qingyan will say that what they see, hear, and smell is real!

It's just that these really exist, just repeating one after another.


"That boy, how can we break this law?" Jin Wuzhen asked again.

Knowing that what he saw and heard now was arranged by Miao Jue and others intentionally, Jin Wudi felt a horror.

"Can't break." Yun Qingyan shook his head without thinking.

"Or, if you want to break this law, you can only control the world."

"Then we shouldn't wait for the end of the battle of Tian Xuan?" Jin Wuzhen said a little unwillingly.

It ’s all come to the small world, and Jin Wudi naturally wants to achieve good results.

"Of course not!" Yun Qingyan said directly: "Miao Jue and others' methods, apart from controlling the world, we have no other way to crack! But the problem is ..."

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