Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 1532: A half step fairy beast!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiandi!

If anyone sees Yun Qingyan's actions at this time, he will be shocked. He is actually using blood to portray the altar!

"Three holy immortals, two and a half trail ancestors, two Taoist ancestors ..."

Yun Qingyan muttered in a low voice, "Let me use blood to portray an altar, and you are proud to die ..."

Although the ordinary blood is not as precious as the essence, the blood of the Emperor ... is also the top treasure of the immortal world!

The altar that Yun Qingyan portrays now consumes at least ten drops of blood ... It is already a considerable consumption.

However, for Yun Qingyan, this is not a small amount of consumption.

After about half a cup of tea, the altar has taken shape, and a breath not heard by intelligent beings has swept out like a storm.

"If you remember correctly, the last time the ancient blood festival was set up, it was still 1,900 years ago ..." Yun Qingyan muttered in a low voice.

Coincidentally, the ancient bloodstain array that Yun Qingyan laid last time is also in the sea of ​​magic chaos.

I still remember that Yun Qingyan was not an immortal emperor, but was hunted down by an immortal emperor ...

Yun Qingyan finally escaped the hunt and seriously injured the immortal emperor ... just by virtue of the ancient blood sacrifice array!

"It would be seconds if Huoyan's men were here ..." Yun Qingyan's eyes flashed cold.

One thousand nine hundred years ago, the immortal emperor who hunted him down was the Fire Emperor.


Not far away, there were seven demons living creatures, and suddenly someone frowned slightly, "Why did I suddenly feel uneasy ..."




The other six people all looked at the demon who said he was disturbed.

"Snake King, you are a usurper, and your hunch is not targeted." Someone said immediately.

"This sea area is very likely to be changed. We better leave here!"

"That's right, the hunch of the snake king, never made a mistake, just in case ... we'd better leave!"

The other six demon clan said one after another.

Eventually, they looked at the ‘Snake King’ who said they were upset. “Snake King, let ’s leave or stay, or it ’s up to you!”

The Snake King has a high prestige among them!

In terms of cultivation, the Snake King is the Taoist ancestor and one of the only Taoist ancestors among the seven!

Moreover, the king of snakes is a usurper, and the usurper is not low ...

Even His Majesty the Emperor Kunpeng has sought out the King of Snakes and calculated things.

The King of Snakes was called to the Chaos Sea this time, which was also the intentional arrangement of Emperor Kunpeng!

Because of the existence of the King of Snakes, they escaped several crises in the sea of ​​magic chaos!

Otherwise, their end is likely to be the same as those ancestors of His Majesty the Void King Beast ... the death is unknown.

"Go! And leave immediately!" The snake king said immediately.

And the snake king also chose a direction, "Let's go in this direction!"

The magic chaos sea is disturbed by the field and cannot distinguish the direction. Naturally, it does not know east, south, west, and north.

So while the snake king chose the direction, he also pointed with his finger.

"This snake king is quite capable ..." Yun Qingyan's face flashed with playfulness.

The direction of the snake king is exactly where Yun Qingyan is now.

"Unfortunately, it's just a little bit capable, after all, I still can't work at home ..."

The corner of Yun Qingyan's mouth flashed a sneer.

The direction pointed by the snake king is really the safest place in a short time.

But once the 'short time' has elapsed, it is the point of convergence for the crisis.

The ancient blood sacrifice array itself is not destructive, it will not attack people, and it cannot actively protect it.

Its only role is to release a kind of special **** smell that is not heard by intelligent beings!

This kind of smell can make the beasts smell, and have a fatal temptation to the beasts, so that they gather in the direction of the ancient blood sacrifice array.

When countless fierce beasts are attracted by the ancient bloodstain array ... it will cause the red demon tide, one of the greatest crises in the sea of ​​magic chaos.

One thousand nine hundred years ago, Yun Qingyan escaped from the hunting and killing of the Emperor of Fire Rock by virtue of the red demon tide caused by the ancient blood festival ...


The snake king took another six demon clan for hundreds of thousands of miles, then suddenly stopped.

"Snake King, what is this?" The other six demons all looked at the Snake King.

"This place is enough."

The snake king groaned slightly: "When I came here, my uneasy feeling disappeared ..."

"This is certain, as long as we are here, there will be no crisis in a short time!"


The snake king said, a little doubt appeared on his face, "This place can't be long, I always think there is a greater crisis to come!"


The other six demons are a little embarrassed. "Will we stay here or leave here?"

"Stay here for a short time, and leave immediately after the crisis has passed!" The snake king said almost without thinking.

Just then, where they were living the moment before, a **** figure suddenly emerged.

"Enchanted blood snake!"

Suddenly, the snake king exclaimed that the demonized blood snake is a kind of fierce beast, and it is an extremely terrifying beast!

The demonized blood snake in front of him is a fighting force, a Daozu-level fierce beast not under the Snake King and another Daozu!


Everyone else took a breath.

"Voiceless approaching, and not letting us notice ..."

They only felt that their backs were cold. "If it wasn't for the snake king to predict the crisis in advance and let us escape to this area, we would be afraid ..."

A few of them couldn't think of it anymore!

boom! boom! boom!

At this time, with them as the center, the quartet of the waters also sprang out of beasts!

And they are all horrible beasts!

"This, this, this ..."

In addition to the King of Snakes, he could barely remain calm, and the remaining six turned pale in an instant.

Just the beasts they see with their naked eyes, no less, and every ... every one is Daozu level!

A terrible thought came out of their minds, "I ... we are most likely to encounter the red demon tide!"

Boom Boom Boom Boom ...

The sea and the sky were cold, and a deafening roar appeared again!

Ferocious beasts, a terrible number of beasts, spring up like mushrooms, all at once ...

Too much, too much!

Even with the consciousness of the seven of them, it is impossible to calculate the specific number of fierce beasts in a short time!

"What, half ... half-step fairy Emperor's beasts have appeared!" Just then, the snake king suddenly exclaimed.

"Run, let's run, this red demon tide is not accidental, but it was created by a caring person!" When the snake king exclaimed, he had already chosen to run away from the half-step fairy beast.

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