Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 1542: Change object!

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The King of Snakes seems to be in a high position, overtaking others ...

In fact, the King of Snakes took the opportunity to create one, and informed those who were opposite ... Yun Qingyan was the identity of the Emperor Yun.

In this way, these people can be prevented from being killed or injured.

"what did you say?"

When I heard the snake king, I said the word "Emperor Yun", five Taoist ancestors, and eight and a half foot ancestors, all shaking.

They only felt that the weather was thunderous, and if they were struck by lightning, the whole person would be stuck in place.

"I said……"

The snake king took a deep breath and amplified his voice: "The person standing in front of you is the Emperor Yundi who has disappeared for thousands of years!"

After saying this, the snake king stopped talking.

Of the five Taoist ancestors opposite, three were his friends, and the other two had not-so-familiar relationships ...

After all, they were all with His Majesty the Emperor Kunpeng.

What he can do has already been done, and then ... it depends on their own good fortune, it depends on how smart they are!

Yun Qingyan didn't speak at this time, and the expression on his face was extremely calm.

Yun Qingyan's eyes only swept across the thirteen people on the opposite side, and he did not deliberately fall on which one.

I don't know why, when Yun Qingyan glanced, the thirteen people ... all subconsciously lowered their heads.

No one dared to look at Yun Qingyan.

"You ... Are you really Yundi?"

Among the thirteen people, a Taoist ancestor asked.

When questioning, the Daozu shivered unconsciously and did not dare to look directly at Yun Qingyan.

For Yun Qingyan, the honorable title "you" is even used.

Yun Qingyan didn't speak, but nodded slightly.


Seeing Yun Qingyan nodding, the thirteen people all became breathing heavily.

They all became panicked.

Yun Qingyan did not agree with their Majesty Kunpeng Emperor, which is not a secret in the entire immortal world.

Then think of the snake king at this time, they were tied ... Even if they were stupid, they could guess that it was Yun Qingyan's handwriting.

"Bye ... by Emperor Yun!"

Immediately a Daozu said, and knelt down while talking.

"Bye ... see Emperor Yun's crown!" The other twelve people, after reacting, also followed their knees.

"People who don't want to die, do it for themselves!" Yun Qingyan said lightly.

"Thanks ... Thank you, Emperor Yun!"

These thirteen people not only did not resist, but kneeled and thanked.

Although the entire immortal world is spreading, Yun Qingyan fell into the magic because of the fire, causing the repair to fall ...

But none of them dared to resist Yun Qingyan.

The shadow of a famous tree!

Unless they are 100% sure that Yun Qingyan is not their opponent, they will not be born at all, and they are against Yun Qingyan.

"It's fun." Yun Qingyan nodded slightly, and the five Taoist ancestors and eight and a half foot ancestors all took care of themselves in the first place.

After Yun Qingyan finished speaking, he tied them all up with the power of the fairy and threw them into the Yuanyuan Tower at one time.

"Go, let's change places!" Yun Qingyan continued.



After Yun Qingyan left this area, about half an hour later, the three Emperor Kun Peng stepped out of the torn space.

"There are no traces of people around the world ..."

Emperor Kunpeng, Emperor Huoyan, and the Void King Beast all appeared, and the consciousness was covered.

"In the vacuum, there is no breath of death ... in other words, no one has died here!"

The Emperor of Fire Rock and the Void King Beast both whispered.

The Emperor Kunpeng didn't say it, but secretly relieved, there was no breath of death, indicating that his subordinates ... had no accidents.

"But weird ..." The Void King Beast suddenly said again.

Talent is the void beast of space magic, which is most sensitive to the sense of space.

"There are traces of living life here, and the cultivation is not low ... at least five are Taoists!"

The Void King Beast mainly talked about five Taoist ancestors, and as for the other eight and a half trail Taoist ancestors, he did not mention it.

"In addition, there is a trace of the half-step fairy emperor. From the breath, it is a fierce beast ..."

"There is another half-step fairy, a Taoist ancestor."

"These three breaths are gathered together. It is no accident ... it should be Yun Qingyan, Kun Peng's subordinate snake king, and the half-step fairy emperor's beast, which is under the control of Yundi.

"But weird ..." A puzzle appeared in the eyes of the Void King Beast.

Emperor Kunpeng and Emperor Huoyan both looked at him, "What's strange?"

"The three of Yun Qingyan can still find traces of leaving, but ... your dozen subordinates have disappeared out of thin air."

When the Void King Beast spoke, it suddenly flew over 8,000 meters away.

"Here, there are traces of their kneeling, but they ... disappear here too!"

"Or, the traces they left were completely gone here!"

The eyes of the Void King Beast are all puzzled. "Theoretically, this situation should not happen. After all, even if the space is torn, it will leave fragmented marks."

"Maybe, they just evaporated ..."

Emperor Huoyan was beside him, saying in an uncertain tone: "Will it be a magic weapon in space?"

"The first thing I thought of was the space magic weapon. But the space magic weapon can only be filled with dead objects, and those subordinates who Kun Peng disappeared did not find any trace of their death on the scene.

The Nether Beast glanced at the Emperor of Fire Rock.

The meaning of the Void King Beast is very obvious. The dozen or so subordinates of Emperor Kun Peng are not death, but more terrible than death ... the world evaporates!

Even if they were immortals, they could not figure out what means Yun Qingyan used ... to make them evaporate.

"Will there be such a situation ..." the Fire Emperor Xiandi suddenly said: "The Emperor Yun is deliberately trying to make mystery!"

"So get mysterious?"

The Void King Beast and the Emperor Xun Peng both looked at the Emperor of Fire Rock, "How to make Xuan Xu?"

Emperor Huoyan smiled awkwardly, "I don't know ..."

After the embarrassing voice fell, Emperor of Fire Rock looked at the Emperor Kunpeng, "Xunpeng, next, let's move separately. I remember the drawing you took, the sea area recorded above, and there were only three left. Been there! "

"I think it is most conservative for us to act separately and go to the same sea area! Whoever among us is, as soon as we find the trace of Yundi, we will notify others as soon as possible."

"I have this intention!" Emperor Kun Peng nodded slightly.

Although the Void King Beast did not speak, he nodded, and in fact he thought of it.

At the moment, the three set off together, returned to the area where the sea was drawn, and then left in three directions.



Yun Qingyan took the King of Snakes to a place, and even they did not know where they were. "Snake King, calculate the position of the subordinates of Fire Rock." Yun Qingyan slowly said.

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