Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 1550: Find the exit!

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"What young man is the young man in front of you?"

This is the first thought that comes to their minds.

It was only soon that this idea was expelled from their minds again.

Huang Qiyuan is not a small person. He is a ancestor, and he is second only to the immortal world when he looks at the immortal world!

Except for the descendants of Emperor Xiandi, which big man can make Huang Qiyuan condescend to kneel?

There are only three Emperors of Human Race!

One Emperor Yun, one Emperor Chi Yao, one Emperor Xu Yuan!

But they haven't heard of any descendants of Yundi, Chi Yao, and Xu Yuan.

"What are you still doing? Don't be quick to kneel down and greet Emperor Yun!"

Just when these people were thinking, Huang Qiyuan's scolding voice suddenly sounded.


They heard that their bodies and minds were shaken.

I just feel thunder, and I can't believe my ears.

Huang Qiyuan's sudden kneeling just made them doubt whether the young red robe youth would be descended from the immortal emperor.

As a result, in this second, I learned from Huang Qiyuan's mouth that the youth of the red robe ... was the Emperor Xian.

"Bye ... see Emperor Yun!"

"Meet the Emperor Yun!"

"Bye ... by the crown!"


After the death, they all knelt down.

Yun Qingyan didn't speak, just glanced at them.

The person who was caught by Yun Qingyan's gaze was lowered to his knees, and almost completely pinched above the sea water.

The King of Snakes seemed to understand something, and immediately said, "Huang Qiyuan, take the lead and cultivate yourself."

Huang Qiyuan's eyebrows were wrinkled, anger was growing in her heart, but she was holding back.

The King of Snakes saw Huang Qiyuan's thoughts in just one glance, and said directly in a scolding tone: "Huang Qiyuan, if you don't want to die, repair it immediately!"

"Snake King ..."

In the eyes of Huang Qiyuan, hatred finally emerged, "Fake fake tiger power, I remember ..."

However, Huang Qiyuan said so, but he obediently followed the words of the snake king.

The first time he sealed his cultivation.

The half-step ancestor behind Huang Qiyuan peaked with Shengxian. Seeing that Huang Qiyuan had repaired himself, he could not help frowning ... He followed Huang Qiyuan unwillingly to do it.

"You should be thankful that the King of Snakes saved your life."

Yun Qingyan didn't open slowly until then.

The tone is full of indifference, as if without any emotion.

After that, Yun Qingyan put Huang Qiyuan and others into the tower.

"Let's go!" Yun Qingyan said, taking the King of Snakes and choosing a direction randomly.

Two men and one beast were walking in the sea.

Because Yun Qingyan was able to warn with consciousness, he avoided all the way, all beasts that might threaten them.

"Yundi, where are we going next?" The King of Snake couldn't help asking.

"Don't hurry ..." Yun Qingyan waved his hand.

"Huang Qiyuan disappeared, it will take some time to be learned by Kun Peng ..."

"Before that, we just dormant."

Yun Qingyan wants to ask for interest, but he is not blinded by hatred.

He now, after all, is just a half-step practice.

At this time, once they fall into the game that Peng Peng and others laid down, the one who waited for him ... is all gone.

"I remember you said that you have been in the Devil's Sea for more than half a year." Yun Qingyan asked suddenly.

"The exact time is eight months and nine days!" The snake king thought about it and said a specific time.

"Did you have encountered the island in the past six months?" Yun Qingyan said again.

There are 108 islands in the Chaos Sea.

The most central island is the demon shrine of the sea of ​​magic chaos.

Yun Qingyan only needs to reach any of the 108 islands ...

By taking the island as the center, you can calculate the specific position.


The snake king groaned slightly, "I have actually encountered one ..."

At the moment, the snake king said, "Three months ago, the team I led was hunted down by a group of fierce beasts and strayed into an island ..."

"But because that island feels so infiltrating to us, we left that island shortly after we escaped."

Yun Qingyan's expression moved, "Isn't that island a small area?"

The snake king nodded slightly, "equivalent to the size of a medium-sized fairyland!"

Hearing the words of the Snake King, Yun Qingyan immediately came to be interested. The area is equivalent to an island of medium-sized fairyland ... that is one of the 108 islands in the magic chaos.

"Take me to this island right away," Yun Qingyan said, looking forward with a look in his eyes.

"it is good!"

The Snake King nodded for the first time, but said at the end: "I need some time to calculate the route of the island ..."

The snake king has only been there, but because he has been away too long, he needs to use calculations to remember the route to the island.

At this time, Yun Qingyan could naturally give him.

At the moment, Yun Qingyan laid a large array of breathing interest, and fell on the sea floor.

At the same time, Yun Qingyan also used gossip and Liuxuan mystery to assist the snake king in his calculations.

About an hour later.

The snake king finished the calculation with a weak face, "I did not miss the expectations of my crown, and my subordinates have found the island location."

Yun Qingyan nodded slightly, then ... took a deep look at the snake king.

I have to say that the snake king is indeed a human spirit.

At this time in front of Yun Qingyan, claiming to be a subordinate ... the meaning beyond words is self-evident.

And the snake king is also accurate, Yun Qingyan will not be disgusted at this time.

Because he knew that Yun Qingyan could feel that he really meant it ... at the expense of his soul, to calculate the whereabouts of the island for Yun Qingyan.

"For you, Peng Peng is not a master."

Yun Qingyan slowly said, "If your performance behind me can satisfy me ... I can consider it and take you as my subordinate."

"Thank you, Emperor Yun ..." The King of Snakes got excited and knelt down.

If he could become a subordinate of Yun Qingyan, first ... his life would be saved!

Secondly, following Yun Qingyan is really more suitable for his development than following Kun Peng.

Although they are all immortals!

But Yun Qingyan's reputation is far better than that of Emperor Kun Peng.

There is a saying well, the scholar died for the confidant ... With these days, the snake king has long felt that Emperor Yun understands him better than Kunpeng the Great.

"Let's go!"

Right now, the two men and one beast set off again.

"As long as there are islands, let me determine where I am, and I will find a teleportation array leaving the sea of ​​magic."

"At the same time, I can find a way to contact Yuanshi ..."

In Yun Qingyan's heart, there was a worry in his eyes when he thought about the Yuanshi Modi.

No one knows whether Yuan Shi Mo Emperor is crossing the chaos, or hitting 'that realm'. Even the Emperor of Fire Rock, the Emperor Kunpeng, the Void King Beasts ... they just guessed one of them.

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