Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 1552: Yunzhou!

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"The top three are combined for a while, it seems that there are no flaws. The stronger the breakr, the stronger it will follow ..."

Yun Qingyan seemed to see the shock of the snake king, and casually explained: "But in fact, the top three are combined ... it is just an array that can be easily broken."

"Originally this formation method is called the top three in one ..." the snake king muttered in his heart.

If you think about it, this name fits the meaning of the formation law.

Because Yun Qingyan said before that the top three combined ... is composed of three different arrays.

"An array that can be easily broken?" The snake king could not help looking at Yun Qingyan.

If other people say this, the snake king will certainly sniff.

This formation method, he has personally experienced it just now!

In his opinion, if he was ... he wouldn't be able to get rid of his life.

Yun Qingyan said that it is extremely easy to break it.

"The Master of Formation Law is against the sky. It is not that he has cultivated himself to be against the sky, but that he knows how to use the power of Formation!"

"Same reason, I said that the top three is easy to break because it knows its lifeline." Yun Qingyan said.


The snake king Meiyu moved.

My mind could not help but remember again, everything Yun Qingyan did after facing this formation.

Yun Qingyan broke it with a punch. This seemingly anti-sky array.

"Must we break it with brute force?" Muttered the Snake King.

"No, if brute force can break it, this formation ... can't be placed on the black island."

"After all, after encountering this formation, everyone will subconsciously ... use brute force to break the formation."

"Wait ..." The King of Snakes seemed to think again.

With two eyes, he couldn't help looking at Yun Qingyan, "Under the crown, this array can only be broken with pure physical power?"

"Good." Yun Qingyan nodded.

"Of course, in addition to pure physical force, it can also be broken with pure force ..."

"Just looking at the immortal world, except for the Emperor Xian, other people can't do it."

The Snake King heard a bitter laughter.

The power of pure flesh can be broken, it seems very simple ...

But once faced, who can think of using the physical power just now?

It's as if the two enemies are killing each other, and the two sides think that they will use their strongest attack to bombard the other ...

No one will go near and far, with pure physical power.

"We move on," Yun Qingyan said, and now he continued to take the snake king forward.

What the snake king did not notice was that Yun Qingyan's expression became more and more excited ...

Next, Yun Qingyan encountered several defense-based arrays.

In the eyes of the Snake King, each formation is an formation that he cannot forcibly break through in his entire life.

But Yun Qingyan always broke through these formations without much effort.

And the snake king also noticed one thing!

After Yun Qingyan broke through these formations, these formations did not disappear ... but slowly reshaped.

The snake king couldn't help but asked this doubt.

Yun Qingyan nodded directly and informed the snake king that it was true, because he needed to break the array when entering or leaving the island ...

If the matrix does not have the ability to repair itself, isn't it necessary to rearrange a matrix every time someone enters or exits?

"Transfer array--"

The snake king Meiyu condensed suddenly, and he saw a large teleportation array not far away.

"This is a super-order teleportation array--"

The overall area of ​​the teleportation array in the sight of the snake king is not under a medium-sized city.

It depicts countless complex runes.

Fairy domain teleportation, you can teleport across fairy domains!

Super order teleportation array, the distance transmitted is beyond the distance between the fairy domain and the fairy domain!

Suppose one end of the fairy realm, to the other end of the fairy realm, under normal circumstances ... Even the fairy emperor must fly for several years, even decades or more!

The creatures under the Emperor Emperor, with the help of flying in the air, can't cross even their whole life ...

In this case, a super-order transfer matrix is ​​required.

And the super-order teleportation array can only be arranged by Xiandi!

Because of this, the super-order teleportation array is one of the rarest teleportation arrays in fairyland.

"You have some eyesight." Yun Qingyan nodded slightly, admitting that the teleportation array in front of him was a super-order teleportation array.

"I didn't expect the Yuanshi Demon Emperor ... even the super-order teleportation array could be set."

After hearing Yun Qingyan's admission, the snake king could not help but sigh.

Although Yuanshi Modi was named Emperor, he was also recognized by the Ten Great Emperors!

But because the Yuanshi Modi is a magic cultivation, the cultivation system is different from Xiandao ...

The external evaluation of Yuanshi Modi has always been that he has the strength comparable to Xiandi ...

But it is only comparable!

But in the hearts of most people, the real strength of Yuanshi Modi is not as good as that of Xiandi.

But if the Yuanshi Demon Emperor can arrange a super-level teleportation array ... then it shows that his strength is no longer under the Immortal Emperor!

Not being under the Emperor, and comparable to the Emperor ... are two levels of meaning.

"Yuan Shi's strength is indeed not under the Emperor ..." Yun Qingyan quietly began. "But this super-order teleportation array is not Yuan Shi's handwriting."

"Uh, not the Yuanshi Modi's handwriting?"

He wasn't stupid, and immediately returned to his mind, staring at Yun Qingyan tightly with two eyes, "Is this super-order teleportation array you arranged under the crown of Yun Emperor?"

What made the snake king miscalculate is that Yun Qingyan shook his head, "It's not me, this is a masterpiece of Chi Yao."

The age of this super-transportation array can exceed the time when Yun Qingyan became an emperor.

"It turned out to be Empress Chi Yao ..." The snake king nodded slightly.

"By the way, where does this super-order teleportation lead?"

Hearing this question from the snake king, Yun Qingyan fell into a brief silence.

Yun Qingyan's mood suddenly became extremely complicated. He wanted to answer the snake king ... but he seemed to be hesitating again.

In the end, Yun Qingyan sighed.

"I don't know if the other end of the teleportation team is still alive ..."

Yun Qingyan said to himself, could not help the snake king stunned.

The super-level teleportation array is the handwriting of Xiandi, and the other side it leads to ... naturally is a super-level teleportation array.

In other words, another super-order teleportation array is also written by Xiandi.

And who would dare to destroy the teleportation array under the cloth of immortal emperors?

Even if they are both emperors, they will not be destroyed ...

To put it bluntly, once this kind of destruction has begun, it will be followed by the loss of both games.

"It ... leads to Yunzhou!" Yun Qingyan suddenly took a deep breath.


The snake king heard the words and exclaimed directly.

He finally understood why Yun Qingyan became depressed after seeing this teleportation array.

I finally understand why Yun Qingyan sighed, and I don't know if the other end of the teleportation team is still alive ... Yunzhou is the base of Yundi!

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