Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 1892: decay!

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As soon as the three figures appeared, they had already fought together.

But instead of standing on three legs, two of them besieged the other.

"Ling Emperor, give up, this thing is a hot potato for you."

Emperor Fudi stood in the sky, the immortal emperor was overwhelming, and no one could look directly into his face as he gathered around the Tianmo Lake.

Before waiting for Emperor Ling to answer, Fu Di went on to say: "Don't say that you can't get it, even if you get it, it will only catch fire."

"Hahaha, the same Emperor, if it's a hot potato to me, what about you?" Lingdi laughed dismissively.

When Emperor Fudi changed his usual gentle and elegant image, he said rather coldly: "How can you be compared with you if you are alone?"

"Hahaha ..." Lingdi sneered again, "Since he disdains me, why did he call for help in fair competition?"

Ling Di said, eyes full of coldness, suddenly looked at the old figure standing side by side with Fu Di.

"Wang Raoping, you dare to blend even the battle between Emperor Feng and Emperor Fu, you are not afraid to cause the destruction of your Wang Shixian family?"

Wang Raoping in Lingdi's mouth was no one else. It was Wang Shixian's family who awakened not long ago, from the ancestors of the last era.

The breath on Wang Raoping's body was weird. He was so strong against the sky that it was strong enough to be comparable to the Emperor, but he was not the Emperor.

When Wang Raoping heard the words of the Emperor Ling, a sneer appeared on his face. "Your Emperor is not alone. If you move a sweaty hair from my Wang Shixian family, I will let your whole family go to bury.

"what did you say?"

Lingdi Meiyu cooled down completely, and similarly, he had not heard it for more than a century.

"I'm not saying that everyone burns with jade." Wang Raoping said nothing to the Emperor.

The Emperor Ling was no longer nonsense, and he carried the Emperor Xianwei directly to Wang Raoping.

Wang Raoping is not an immortal emperor. He takes a completely different path from Emperor Yuxian. In the face of Ling Di's full shot, there is no fear in Wang Raoping's eyes.

He grunted and greeted him head-on.

Suddenly, the two figures blasted the sky directly, fighting into the cracks in space.

Around the world, because of the fighting between the two people, the wind and the clouds became turbulent, and the wind was trembling.

The souls gathered around looked at this scene with great fear.

"God ... God, I ... we actually witnessed two super powerful battles!"

"Spirit ... Was Wang Raoping in the mouth of Lingdi the old ancestor of Wang Shixian's family who just woke up? Sure enough, against the sky, even Lingdi dares!

"No wonder Wang Shixian's family dared to come to the Forbidden Spirit Island to compete for foreign soldiers. It turns out that their old ancestors were fierce roles that even the Emperor could win ...

There was an uproar around.

These people generally come to the children of the Five Great Immortals.

There are people from the Black World Fairy Family, there are people from the Ji Shixian Family, there are people from the Yang Shixian Family, there are people from the Cui Shixian Family ...

There are also some people from the Wang Shixian family who came later.

The people of Wang Shixian's family saw their ancestors clenched their fists with excitement after seeing that even the emperor dared to win.

If the power of the fairyland is divided into several levels.

The first rank is undoubtedly the forces under the jurisdiction of Xiandi, followed by the five top world fairy houses.

Next, it is other Shixianjia.

Wang Shixian's family is one of the five top Shixian families. Strictly speaking, it has reached the ceiling.

They can hardly go any further.

The reason they couldn't go any further was because their family lacked such a strong man as the Emperor.

The awakening of the old ancestors made them see hope, right ... this is not hope, but fact, an established fact!

Because their ancestors have already been inseparable from an immortal emperor!

This shows that their ancestors had the same combat power as the Emperor Xian!

And this directly foreshadows that their Wang Shixian family will go further and reach a level comparable to that of the Emperor.



Yunqingyan, a million miles away, converged and looked at the battle that destroyed the world.

Yun Qingyan's attention is almost entirely on the ancestors of Wang Shixian's family.

"I'm obviously not an Emperor, but he has the fighting power that is better than the Emperor ..."

"Who is this Wang Raoping?"

Yun Qingyan muttered in a low voice, with doubts in his eyes, and at the same time, he seemed to be similar.

Wang Raoping said that he seemed to be in contact, but within a short while, he couldn't think of where he had contacted.

"Is that the one?"

Yun Qingyan's eyes snapped, and he suddenly thought that he would return to the time of mortal world.

I still remember when Caier died, Yun Qingyan went to the underworld to retrieve Caier's soul.

When Yun Qingyan was in the underworld, he was mistaken for 'Heng Lian Cultivation'. The so-called Heng Lian Cultivation refers to the promotion of the rank by practicing the physical body.

Different from the normal cultivators and demon cultivators, they cultivate by ingesting the energy of the heavens and the earth ... They take a completely different path.

Yun Qingyan noticed that during the battle of Wang Raoping, the energy displayed was far less than that of Lingdi.

The reason why he can compete with the Emperor Ling is incomparable because his physical body is too high against the sky, and by virtue of his physical strength alone, he can compete with the Emperor.

"Well? Jin Shen Luo Han?" Yun Qingyan's eyes glared suddenly.

Just now, Wang Raoping collided with Lingdi's fists. At the moment of the collision, Wang Raoping was dazzled with golden light.

At that moment, Wang Raoping's entire body turned golden brown, from fur to blood, all golden brown.

"No, that's not the golden body arhat of the Buddha world, but a path similar to the golden body arhat ..."

Yun Qingyan seemed to understand something. "Cultivating the physical body to advance is to continuously improve the physical quality, and even to let the physical body evolve ..."

"The physical body of Wang Raoping, compared with the physical body of ordinary creatures, should have undergone countless evolutions to achieve today's achievements!"

Emperor Fu Di did not shoot at this time, but watched the two men fighting like Yun Qingyan.

"No wonder they all choose to sleep for an era ..." Fu Di muttered in a low voice.

The emperor knows that Fu Di far exceeds Yun Qingyan.

For example, he knows that the Emperor Xian is only one way of the Immortal Road, and Wang Raoping takes the other way.

"Eh? That's rotten air--" Yun Qingyan suddenly found something new on Wang Raoping.

"Is Wang Fei Rao Ping choosing to sleep for an age just for decay?"

Yun Qingyan guessed with some uncertainty.

Yun Qingyan found that Wang Raoping's flesh was immersed in decay, and decay made his flesh more and more terrifying.

And if you want to give birth to decay, there is only enough time to nurture.

This is more than enough ... refers to millions of years, billions of years, even an era of time!

Only in such terrible time, it is possible to breed decay in the flesh.

"How can it be--"

Yun Qingyan widened his eyes coldly, because Ling Emperor was blasted out by Wang Raoping.

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