Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 1917: True overlord!

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When Yun Qingyan knew that Chi Yao was going to marry an unloved person, Yun Qingyan's heart moved to the chaos world to stop this marriage.

of course……

At this time, Yun Qingyan just moved this idea, after all, he was also responsible for Jiang Ruoxian.

Responsible for this woman who has just become his wife.

So Yun Qingyan was in a dilemma!

I have to say that Jiang Ruoxian really knows Yun Qingyan too, and he is very concerned about Yun Qingyan ...

So Jiang Ruoxian persuaded Yun Qingyan to go to the chaos world to stop the marriage.

"You and the emperor met and knew each other before me ..." Jiang Ruoxian took a deep breath and said, "Thousands of years later, I see everything the emperor wants to do."

"If I selfishly take over you, it would be too unfair to Chi Yao. And I know that if I exchange my status with the empress, she will let you stop the marriage."

"So Brother Qingyan rest assured to go ..."

"Do your best to stop this marriage, and do your best to redeem the Empress Chi Yao!"

Yun Qingyan trembled suddenly.

He could feel how much sacrifice Jiang Ruoxian made.

But she resolutely persuaded herself to stop the marriage.

Before Yun Qingyan waited to speak, Jiang Ruoxian went on to say: "I will ask you to be your empress, I can't do it myself, I can't die, but ..."

When talking about the word “but”, Jiang Ruoxian flashed a ray of Chi Yao in the eyes, and eventually he was still firm. “However, I can make the biggest concessions, such as ... allowing you to accept the empress as well!”

Hearing this, Yun Qingyan's body shook again. In addition to the unexpected look at Jiang Ruoxian, there was also inexplicable gratitude and touching.

He has suffered too much in his life!

Jiang Ruoxian, Li Ranzhu, Chi Yao ...

Today, he has chosen Jiang Ruoxian, as for Li Ranzhu and Chi Yao ... he didn't even think about how to make up for them.

For Yun Qingyan, he can only take one step at a time.

"Of course, whether the empress would like to have you with me ... is not something I can decide!"

At the end, Jiang Ruoxian added again.

It is impossible to imagine how far Jiang Ruoxian's love for Yun Qingyan has reached ...

Today, Jiang Ruoxian, regardless of status or appearance, is not under the Empress Chi Yao.

Just repairing this piece, it even surpassed the former Emperor Chi Yao.

But it was such a proud woman, but she took the initiative to ... let Yun Qingyan pursue other women.

"If it ’s immortal, I won't say any more ..." Yun Qingyan's eyes were red.

At this moment, Yun Qingyan's emotions are extremely complicated. "Still that ... I will never lose you in this life!"

At this moment, Yun Qingyan could not express any emotions except for his brain's touching and gratitude, and his regret for Jiang Ruoxian.

Can not give birth to a little Shanmeng oath.

This life will never let you down, already Yun Qingyan's greatest promise to Jiang Ruoxian ...

This is also the best Mountain League oath!

"Before I go to Chaos World, I want to arrange for you ... an era wedding!" Yun Qingyan took a deep breath.

When Jiang Ruoxian promised to marry him, Yun Qingyan promised the other party that he would make up a wedding for Jiang Ruoxian.

An era wedding that has won the entire era and made all women in the universe envy!

Jiang Ruoxian nodded slightly and agreed with Yun Qingyan.

At present, Yun Qingyan and Jiang Ruoxian set off to return to Biyunxian Realm.

The most solemn and meaningful wedding cannot be separated from the family.

At the same time, Yun Qingyan also took out and contacted Yuxian of Yunxian.

Yun Qingyan's parents have already gone to the 'world of swords' with Wuxian.

Yun Qingyan naturally wants to let Xixian bring his parents back to witness ... and witness Yun Qingyan and Jiang Ruoxian's wedding.

After returning to Biyunxianyu, Yunqingyan called Yunfu Shijie.

Yun Qingyan handed over the invitations already prepared to Yunfu Shijie, and they were responsible for sending all the wedding invitations.

These invitations include the Emperor Xu Yuan, the Dragon Emperor, the Spirit Emperor, and the Patriarch of the Dragon ...

It is no exaggeration to say that the wedding invitation issued by Yun Qingyan has already included the fairyland, the top leaders of those forces.

Since it is an era wedding, naturally you can't stand it, a guest with a transcendent identity!

The first reaction of Yunfu Shijie to see the wedding invitation was to be stupid.

As soon as Yun Qingyan and Jiang Ruoxian returned, they decided to have a wedding?

"Boss, why are you suddenly going to marry **** girl?"

It's no wonder that Yunjie Shijie would ask this question. In their opinion, Yun Qingyan should have a lot of things to do right now.

With their understanding of Yun Qingyan, he should not have a wedding at this time.

"Ruoxian has recovered," Yun Qingyan said, his voice a little excited.


Shijie of Yunfu first laughed, and then laughed out.

"It's great. I have heard long ago that the girl Jiang was transformed from a demon realm to a demon."

"She's recovering now, doesn't it mean that after the boss, she needs an extra assistant!"

"Good guy, the magic emperor is the same as the immortal emperor. After the demon enters the magic ... it will only be more terrible. Even the immortal emperor is not her opponent."

When Yun Qingyan heard this, he slightly inserted a sentence, "The ordinary immortal emperor is indeed not the enemy of Ruoxian."

After hearing this, Yunfu Shijie was dumbfounded again.

Is Jiang Ruoxian so powerful?

At this moment, the boss of Shijie in Yunfu suddenly felt a shock in the sleeve of the letter.

Yun Boss did not hide, in the face of Yun Qingyan, took out the messenger jade in the sleeve.

When he finished reading the contents of the jade, the whole person was stupid.

"Big ... brother, you ... have had a big fight at Tianya Haige before you came back?"

Yun Qingyan nodded slightly, "Yes!"


Boss Yun took a sigh of air-conditioning. "The leaders of the top five immortals of the world died in the hands of the boss, and the void beast and the Emperor of Fire Rock also died in the hands of the boss."

"Even ... even Mo Huang was forced to retreat by the boss?"

The other nine people in Shijie couldn't help being stupid when they heard these words from Boss Yun.

"Brother, Boss Yun just said, wouldn't it be true?"

The nine were almost in the same voice.

"If it weren't for the immortal's shot in time, the runner would not be Mo Huang and Lan." Yun Qingyan said slightly.

The breath of Yunfu Shijie suddenly became heavy.

Yun Qingyan's words revealed a message, that is what the boss Yun said just now ... all true!

All got it, Yun Qingyan confirmed from the side!

"Boss, say so, now you ..." Boss Yun took a deep breath and said, "Already a fairyland ... really a true overlord?"

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