Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 1932: Murderous!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiandi!

Yun Qingyan has actually been out of the chaos world long ago.

It was only disturbed by the formation of the chaotic world's self-protection that kept him constantly approaching.

"No wonder Mo Huang would say that it would take me at least two years to reach the chaos world ..."

Yun Qingyan whispered, counting the time, he has now spent 21 months.

In terms of two and twenty-four months, there are three months left ... Whether it can truly reach the chaos world is still unknown!

In an instant, three months passed.

Already in space storm, stayed for two full years.

In Yun Qingyan's sight, a huge planet finally appeared.

This star is immense, filled with terrible luck, and the immortal world is in front of it ... It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a small projectile.


Yun Qingyan's cold hair burst and felt a terrible crisis.

Coldly, a huge sky suddenly reached out of the huge planet.

In the face of this big hand, the great emperor Yun Qingyan, Yun Qingyan, felt an trembling like never before.

Providence of Chaos!

Yun Qingyan's mind immediately came up with an answer.

Only the will of the chaos world can illusionize a large hand and give him this feeling.


Yun Qingyan screamed, and in all directions, millions of avatars appeared.

Numerous avatars, like arrows in the sky, flew to the chaos world in a mighty manner.

Boom Boom Boom ...

With the advent of large hands, countless clones ruptured and turned into sky particles.

But there are also some avatars, who successfully sneak into the planet.

"Hunyuan Tower, whether you can successfully sneak into it, it's up to you ..." Yun Qingyan murmured, and directly separated the flesh of the starry beast and fell into the Yuanyuan Tower.

Then, the entire Junyuan Tower was struck by Yun Qingyan into the Chaos World.


Yun Qingyan burst into a drink, carrying the mighty Emperor Tianxian's coercion, and rushed to the hand of heaven's fantasy.

But the moment he shot, he suddenly felt a disdain.

The next moment, Yun Qingyan was strangled by Cangtian's hands.

Then he clicked.

The whole person was crushed.



Qing Cang Realm, one of the Nine Realms outside Chaos Realm.

When Yun Qingyan, a giant beast of the sky, just came out of the Tower of Junyuan, a big blood spurted from his mouth.

"The other body really died!" Yun Qingyan suddenly turned pale.

The blood he vomited slowly turned into a new body.

Half a day later.

The body cloud Qingyan successfully resurrected through the starry beast.

However, after the resurrection, the body Yun Qingyan's cultivation fell into the half-step fairy emperor realm.

The color of dolomite changed slightly.

Xiu Wei slipped into his expectations. After all, one died and was resurrected through the other body ... Xiu Wei would have been damaged.

But what he didn't expect was that he would fall into the realm!

Yun Qingyan quickly looked inward, and after a moment ... a little relieved, "There is no such thing as a fairy!"

This is the problem that Yun Qingyan is most afraid of.

"Eh?" Yun Qingyan's eyes were stunned again, because he found that there were three terrifying breaths, and he was coming here.

Within a fraction of a second, Yun Qingyan made a decision.

Yun Qingyan from the body fled with the Yuanyuan Tower.


The body of Yun Qingyan just left, and three figures came down on the hind feet.

"Sure enough, there is a leaking fish!"

"Eh? It's a realm of emperor. I didn't expect God's will, and sometimes I missed it."

After the three figures came down, they looked down at Yun Qingyan with a bird's eye.

"One more left, I'll chase!" Of the three, the one standing on the far left chased in the direction that the person Yun Qingyan left.

Yun Qingyan in the form of a star beast does not naturally allow him to chase a person.

But he hadn't had time to shoot, and the other two had already shot him.

"You are our prey!"

The moment the two men shot, they both sneered, "Remember, the person who kills you is the heavenly performer of Qing Cangjie!"


Yun Qingyan didn't even hesitate, so he transformed into the form of a starry beast and fought with the two.



The body Yun Qingyan, set off in the void, and escaped at the fastest speed.

"The fish that missed the net? God missed it? The heavenly performer?"

The person Yun Qingyan, because he was attacking memory with another body, knew what was happening there.

"Well? Someone chased me!"

Yun Qingyan's mind immediately appeared many solutions.

Hiding directly into the Tower of Hunyuan seems conservative ... but not a long-term solution.

As long as the other party cannot find his own trace, he will inevitably guard nearby.

He didn't have much time to hide inside the tower.

Counting the two years it took, Yun Qingyan had only one year and ten months left.


After hesitating for a moment, Yun Qingyan's mind directly surfaced the idea.

And since there is a fight, don't run away.

By bringing the two bodies together, you can maximize your combat power.


"Don't run away?"

An unexpected path flashed in the eyes of the Tiandao performer who was pursuing Yun Qingyan.

It was then that Yun Qingyan discovered that the person in front of him had only one face, but his face had no eyes, nose, or mouth!

"Everyone burns the jade!" Yun Qingyan rushed to the other side with a smirk on his face.

Terrible blood burned on his body.

"Not good, stowaways have to explode!" The Tiandao performer changed his face and dodged subconsciously.

And Yun Qingyan was also rushing past him at this time.


Yun Qingyan cast a slight cast, creating a giant blast.

After the Tiandao executors noticed, the figure was the first time to retreat.

"Damn, he was deceived. The explosion seemed horrible, but in fact he could not even hurt Tianxian!"

The executor of Tiandao sank, "The abominable smuggler, even I dare to lie!"

He caught up immediately.

Yun Qingyan, a giant beast of the sky, battled with two heavenly performers.

Not long after the battle began, Yun Qingyan was in a disadvantage.

Both of them are too scary, and their realm is equivalent to that of Emperor Luoxian.

It is exactly the same as Yun Qingyan after the fit.

Also lost, Yun Qingyan, the starry beast, has a powerful fighting force, and can still deal with them for a while.


Yun Qingyan was punched in the abdomen, and his huge body was blasted out.

"This beast is a bit familiar and seems to have been seen somewhere!"

"I think of it, it is a starry beast, together with the Chaos Ancient Beast and the Void King Beast, the Starry Beast known as the Chaos Big Three!"

"Take him down, take him at all costs, those first generations will definitely be interested in him!"

The two heavenly executors are even more aggressive, and their moves have become increasingly frightening.

"Where to run--"

Just then, a loud drink sounded.

It was the voice of the heavenly performer who went after Yun Qingyan.

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