Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 1959: Injury is no secret!

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Ordinary emperor level!

Even the Emperor Jiutian can't resist the coercion of Supreme Realm!

But Yun Qingyan did it!

His body stood upright, showing no sign of yielding.

However, Jin Wuhuan's big hand came into the ground.

Qi and blood in the body are boiling to the extreme.

Yun Qingyan finally couldn't control it, and blew a big sigh of blood.

"Toughness is good!" Jin Wuhuan sneered, "But the more you do, the more lonely you will be forced to yield!"

For Yun Qingyan, Jin Wuhuan wanted to do more than just kill and kill!

He also had to humiliate and torture Yun Qingyan severely before he tortured Yun Qingyan.

Only in this way can he vent his hatred.

Only in this way can he comfort his dead ninth son, Jin Erwei.

"Forcing me to yield?"

Yun Qingyan's face was full of hardships, and a sneer suddenly appeared, "Without any resistance, you only achieved this level. Can you still force me to yield to this point?"

Yun Qingyan's words just fell, and he was blasted out of the body below the ground.

The coercion shrouded in him was broken open by Yun Qingyan and swept across the world.

The reason why Yun Qingyan did not do any resistance before was to let Jin Wuhuan's coercion cover him, and let Jin Wuhuan's magical power cover his shoulders ...

It was because he wanted to see how powerful Supreme Supreme was.

The result is obvious!

The Supreme Secret is really unfathomable, and it is really powerful to the sky.

If you change to Yun Qingyan before consuming three nine-day emperor-level performers, if you do n’t like Shangjin ...

There is only one end, and that is undoubtedly death.

But after swallowing up three nine-day emperor-level performers, Yun Qingyan's combat effectiveness skyrocketed. I don't know how many times.

Now Yun Qingyan, although not Jin Wuhuan's opponent, will never let Jin Wuhuan knead.

And if Yun Qingyan wants to leave, Jin Wuhuan can't stop it.

"The junior who speaks wildly, even dares to speak in the face of Gu Gu, Gu Gu will suppress you now!"

Jin Wuhuan was shocked first, Yun Qingyan was able to escape his coercion.

But when I heard Yun Qingyan's phrase, "I want to force me to submit to this point," I was immediately angry.

He shot, and the substantial hand shot directly at Yun Qingyan.

Behind him, the power of dense laws emerged.

It is just that although there are many powers of the law, there is only one kind.

Yun Qingyan saw at a glance that this is the 'law of thunder'.

It's no wonder that when Jin Wuhuan appeared, the whole body would be flashed with dazzling electric light.

However, Yun Qingyan can feel that the power of the rule of mine attribute of Jin Wuhuan is a combination of the power of the five rules of 'wing', 'ape', '绗', 'qing', and 'thunder'. .

Because the rule of thunder is one of the most orthodox 18 rules.

Therefore, after the power of these five rules is fused into one body, the rule occupied by Thunder's rule is the subject.

The power of the law that made them merge into the power of the law of mine attributes.

It's the Law of Thunder.


Yun Qingyan grabbed a large hand and caught a lightning directly from the void.

Yun Qingyan was so fast that he immediately threw the lightning in his hand to Jin Wuhuan's big hand.

"I realized the rule of thunder!"

Seeing Yun Qingyan's shot, Jin Wuhuan sneered.

The rule of thunder and the law of thunder are the gap between the nature gap.

Yun Qingyan uses the rules of thunder to deal with himself who understands the rules of thunder.


A light voice sounded, unheard of, and the lightning of the Lightning's rule transmuted into Jin Wuhuan was instantly assimilated by the Lightning Rule on him.

It is just like the water of a stream. After it flows into the sea, it melts into a part of the sea as soon as possible.

The figure of Jin Wuhuan became heavier from Yun Qingyan.

But at this moment, the flame of terror, intertwined with the dark breath, rolled like a giant wave to Jin Wuhuan.

There was a slight surprise in Jin Wuhuan's eyes.

This is the rule of fire and the rule of darkness.

Yun Qingyan actually realized the power of three rules at the same time.

But unexpectedly, unexpectedly, Jin Wuhuan still didn't take his mind.

For him, the power of rules is only the power of rules.

But soon, his complexion changed. The rules of fire and darkness swept out of Yun Qingyan were not as powerful as ordinary emperors.

For a moment.

Jin Wuhuan even felt that he was not facing the power of rules, but the power of laws.

"I didn't expect your combat effectiveness to be so horrible!"

Jin Wuhuan looked at Yun Qingyan for the first time.

However, this dignity is not the fear of Yun Qingyan, but the idea that he gave birth to strangle Yun Qingyan in the cradle.

Emperor level, he has such terrifying combat power, if let him step into the Supreme Secret ......

Wouldn't it sweep all the Supreme Realms?


It was another dazzling lightning that blasted out from Yun Qingyan's palm and slashed down directly from Jin Wuzhen's head.

Face to face!

Jin Wudi was numbed by the scalp, and rolled up in smoke.

"How can it be……"

In the eyes of Jin Wuzhen, an incredible color appeared.

Yun Qingyan was still working hard, using the rules of fire and the rules of darkness to confront him.

Under normal circumstances, at this time Yun Qingyan, there is no way to exert other tricks.

However, in this case, Yun Qingyan also thundered the rules of thunder.

This was beyond his expectation!

Unexpectedly, it also naturally caused the effect of sneak attacks.

"It seems that Gu is still underestimating you!" Jin Wuhuan said calmly.

Yun Qingyan's fighting power is stronger than he thought ...

It is so powerful that it has surpassed ‘half-step supremacy’, and in the true sense, it is infinitely closer to the Supreme Secret.

"You underestimate, but more than that!" Yun Qingyan sneered again.


A dragon groan sounded, and another fire dragon flew out of Yun Qingyan's palm and rushed to Jin Wuhuan.

"This ..." Jin Wuhuan widened his eyes directly, shocked to say a word.

Yun Qingyan is still fighting him with the rules of fire and darkness ...

How could it have spawned a new rule of fire?

This is totally against logic!

Violates the law of the Tao of Chaos.

It's no exaggeration to say that this goes against logic ... no less than the sun rising from the west.

Where does Jin Wuhuan know that the fire dragon transformed from Yun Qingyan is not the rule of fire at all.

It is the fire dragon he imitated using the "rules of light."

There are similarities between fire and light.

Fire, when burned, can create light.

Light can also be simulated into the color of 'fire'.


The fire dragon simulated by the rules of light directly bombed Jin Wuhuan.

With the loud sound, Jin Wuhuan, who was already quite embarrassed by the rules of thunder, was also fighting against the rules of fire and the rules of darkness ...

One was blasted out!

Blood stains appeared in the corner of his mouth in midair.

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