Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 1961: Meet the people of Fu Di!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiandi!

Because Yun Qingyan's main purpose is to get rid of Jin Wuhuan's pursuit.

Therefore, he did not immediately go to meet the emperor of the days.

After crossing the sea of ​​sand, Yun Qingyan continued to tear the space in one direction.

It took a long time for Yun Qingyan to stop over a vast expanse of barren forest.

The vastness of this barren forest, referring to Yun Qingyan's consciousness, can only cover a corner of his edge.

And because he was busy avoiding Jin Wuhuan's pursuit, Yun Qingyan accidentally penetrated into the depths of this barren forest.


A terrible beast roared, and a small hill, more than 500 feet wide, suddenly stood up.

"This is a ferocious beast!"

The face of Yunqingyan changed slightly, and he secretly took care of himself. This hill was turned into a beast of rocky nature.

Yun Qingyan's clone immediately explained the characteristics of this rocky beast to the Emperor of the Heavens.

From the mouth of the demon emperor in the past, Yun Qingyan learned that the rock monster was not a ferocious beast.

It is the cursed prehistoric rock tribe.

"Panshi tribe?" Yun Qingyan accidentally, isn't that the emperor's race?

The Emperor Fu of the Ten Immortals of the Immortal Realm was from the Rock Clan.

It's just that this group of people is withering, and the number may not be more than a hundred, and it has been under the protection of Fu Di.

Even Yun Qingyan has never seen those people of Fu Di.

Yun Qingyan's avatar immediately asked again what was the difference between the cursed rock clan and the normal rock clan.

Over the days, the Emperor told him that the cursed Rock clan had their consciousness sealed and the flesh reduced to the walking dead.

And the longer the seal lasts, the more opaque the consciousness will be ... until all consciousness dissipates.

In other words, the cursed prehistoric rock tribe, though not fierce beasts ... is no different from fierce beasts.

Because fierce beasts do not have their own reason.

Then the magic emperor was strange again. According to the current chaos world, the Rock Clan should be extinct ...

After Yun Qingyan asked about the reason, it turned out that the original Rock tribe had different talents, and their talents were too powerful, which caused those early generations to fear.

Therefore, the Rock Clan and the Clan all encountered an ending similar to the "lord of the ghost" ...

Dealt with by all early generations.

For reasons that even the demon emperor did not know, those early generations did not kill the Rock Clan, but used a vicious curse to seal their consciousness.

Then the Emperor of the Heavens suggested Yun Qingyan to kill the prehistoric rock family he encountered.

Because these rock tribes have planted curses that are difficult to dissolve, and in the past so many times ... they have long been no different from ferocious beasts.

The Rock Clan is proud.

They would rather die than be unconscious walking dead.

So killing them is actually fulfilling them.

Yun Qingyan nodded slightly, not only did he not be pedantic, but he also understood the reason that the emperor of the past days made sense.


Yun Qingyan shot directly at the 'rock monster'.

The moment Rock's monster shot, Yun Qingyan felt hesitant gasp on him.

Its ferociousness even exceeds the scope of common ferocious beasts.

Boom Boom Boom ...

Although the rock monster's size is huge, its movements are very agile, and it fought with Yun Qingyan the first time.

In Yun Qingyan's eyes, there was a slight flash of dignity, and the strength of the rock monster was far beyond his expectations.

If he was in the heyday, he now, not only dragged a serious injury, but also because of a long and large-scale hurry ...

As a result, more than 70% have been consumed.

Yun Qingyan pulled out the Celestial Sword, and directly used the true solution of the Emperor, bang bang bang ...

Countless sword qi, constantly bombarded the rock monster.

"How is it possible?" Yun Qingyan's pupils shrank abruptly, and when he was going to use 'Fengshen Zhi', the rock monster suddenly broke his eyes.

Without the eye of the wind, Yun Qingyan could not use the 'Fengshen Zhi'.

"So it was ..." Soon, Yun Qingyan understood it.

Combine previous fights.

Yun Qingyan has understood it, and Rock can blame him for every move he takes.

"Fu Di once said that every rock clan is a born usurper."

"Although the Rock Monster has dissipated, some instincts are still ..."

"For example, deduction!"

As Yun Qingyan thought, the prehistoric rock family in front of him is expecting Yun Qingyan's next move.

Therefore, Yunqingyan can always be restrained in time.

The wind eye was destroyed because he knew that the wind **** greeted him after the wind eye.

"Void body method!" Yun Qingyan burst into a scream, and the figure directly disappeared into the void.


Rock blame a rock arm, suddenly detached from his body, five-finger fist blasted to the hidden place of Yun Qingyan.

Fortunately, when Yun Qingyan used the void body method, he never thought that the void body method could hide from the other party.

Therefore, I was ready to use the Divine Sword to greet this rock arm.


With the roar of terror, Yun Qingyan's body took advantage of this shock ...

All of a sudden, they retreated billions of meters away.

Suddenly retreating so far, Yun Qingyan was not trying to shake off the other party.

Because Yun Qingyan knows that it is almost impossible to get rid of the other party than to defeat the other party!

Because the instinct of the other usurper is still there!

Even if his consciousness was gone, he instinctively deduced Yun Qingyan's position.

"The true solution to the insufficiency--"

Yun Qingyan burst into a scream, and a terrible big hand appeared directly over the rock monster hundreds of millions of meters away, covering it from above his head.

The Rock Monster seemed to have expected it, and banged up without raising his head.

When the two big hands collide, the "true solution of the virtual element" is resolved in an instant.

At this time, Yun Qingyan had torn back from the space, and killed the opponent with the sword.

Just hundreds of millions of meters away, Yun Qingyan just wanted a respite.

At this time, he is coming!

"If you don't even know what the next move is, can you figure it out?"

Yun Qingyan whispered, attacking the rock monster without a rule.

Yun Qingyan blocked his combat intellect and used only instinct to fight against the rock monster.

Now Yun Qingyan, although its strength is only about 30% of the heyday ...

But the overall strength is still above the rock monster.

As long as the rocks are strange, you can no longer speculate, Yun Qingyan's next move ... and make preparations in advance.

Then his defeat in Yun Qingyan's hands will only be a matter of time.

"Big Sad Buddha Hand--"

Yun Qingyan suddenly blasted out of the Buddhist world, a golden bergamot slaps at the rock monster.

If someone is present at this time, you will find the big golden hand urged by Yun Qingyan ...

Faintly a mark of '卍' emerged.

"Woohoo ..."

Vaguely, Yun Qingyan heard it, and the Rock Monster issued an instinctual fear. He's afraid of the 'Big Sad Buddha Hand'!

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