Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 1970: A skinny camel is bigger than a horse!

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Yun Qingyan did not ask in detail what Prajna wanted to take away, nor did he ask where Prajna would go after leaving Yuanwu Realm.

But in his heart, there was a doubt, "Shangguan's family you fostered, has anyone in your ancestors been the master of the Yuanwu world?"

Over the past days, the Emperor came to the Yuanwu world, and the old part he was looking for was with the shangguan as his surname.

It's just that "Shangguan" belongs to the big surname, and no matter in the chaos world or the immortal world, countless people use it as their last name.

Under normal circumstances, Yun Qingyan would not associate Shangguan's house with Zhenguan with the old part of the Emperor of the Days.

In his eyes, Shangguan Zhen Yan is just a small person, and it is difficult to connect with the family of the out-of-bounds lord.

But because of Prajna, Yun Qingyan glanced up again, Shangguan's house where Shangguan Zhenye was.

After all, Prajna's extraordinary origins must have her special place in her foster family.

"Shangguan's family during the heyday did have a master." Prajna nodded slightly.

"So, we are on the same road." Yun Qingyan said.

"Same way? The son will go to Shangguan's house?" Prajna asked.

"En ..." Yun Qingyan nodded slightly, then said, "I'm going to Shangguan's house and meeting with a friend of mine."


On the other side, Yun Qingyan's avatar informed Litian Demon Emperor that he had met the people of Shangguan's family, and now he was on the way to the Guanguan with the other party.

Li Tian immediately said that the emperor would meet at Shangguan's house.



Shangguan's house is located in Anyang Town, Taiwu County, Yuanwu World.

Anyang City is one of the ten most prosperous cities in the Yuanwu world.

Although the Shangguan family was no longer in its heyday, it still dominated the city of Anyang.

After leaving the Yuanwu barren forest, Prajna took Yun Qingyan and flew towards Anyang City.

On the way, Prajna explained to Yun Qingyan about the distribution of forces in the Yuanwu world that she knew.

Prajna is not a talkative person or a chat person.

Therefore, after Prajna introduced the general force distribution of the Yuan and Wu world, it was Yunqingyan's turn to ask questions.

Prajna replied one by one.

"What is the relationship between the Shangguan family and the Chang family?" Yun Qingyan asked another question he was quite curious about.

Under normal circumstances, the dynasty changes, and the old royal family will be cleaned up.

But the Shangguan family in Prajna's mouth, although it was no longer in its heyday, was also a major force that dominated one side of the Yuanwu world.

The Chang family will cultivate a shameless descendant like Chang Jun, which is not a good thing.

Therefore, Chang Jun will allow Shangguan's family to exist, and there must be other considerations.

Ban Ruo said, "During the heyday of the Shangguan family, the Chang family was still one of the affiliated families under the Shangguan family."

"Shangguan's master, after Shou Yuan's limit, Chang Jun's Chang Hun replaced his position and became the new master of the Yuan Wu world."

"I haven't come in contact with Chang Hun, but Grandpa Shangguan said that Chang Hun is a villain with a deep tolerance. After he came to power, the first thing he did was to clean up Shangguan's family."

"But the Shangguan family is not a soft persimmon that anyone can knead. They have a profound relationship with the big forces in the sixth and sixth realms."

"Chang Hun stopped working on Shangguan's house because of that great power."

"But in recent hundreds of years, Shangguan's backing in the middle and sixth realms seems to have some troubles, and there is a tendency to decline ..."

"So Chang Hun slowly showed his fangs again and began to encroach on Shangguan's house secretly."

"One hundred and twenty years ago, after Grandpa Shangguanbai's sudden death, the person in charge of the Shangguan family immediately made a decision to attach to the Chang family."

When Prajna was here, there was a coldness in his eyes.

She has been fostered in the Shangguan family since she was a child. To say that she has no feelings for the Shangguan family is absolutely false!

For the current authority of the Shangguan family, the decision to attach to the Chang family ... she immediately opposed it.

It was just that people talked lightly, not only was refuted the first time, but also caused her position in the Shangguan family to plummet.

From the original enjoyment of the children of the Shangguan family to the treatment of the children, has changed to the treatment of the children of the next line.

"Until now, Chang Hun hasn't slaughtered a knife at Shangguan's house, which means that even if the backing of Shangguan's house weakens, it is not that Chang Hun can provoke it."

"At this time, being attached to the Chang family would not have any substantial benefit except to increase the spirit of Chang soul."

Yun Qingyan made a clear assessment.

Prajna accidentally glanced at Yun Qingyan. At that time, she objected to being attached to the Chang family. The reason was against Yun Qingyan.

Then, Yun Qingyan suddenly sighed again, "I thought that after running to the Yuanwu world, there would be a leisurely day to practice well. I didn't expect to have to deal with new troubles so soon."

"What do you mean by coping with new troubles?" Prajna was puzzled.

"My old friend doesn't look at Shangguan's house and attaches himself to other forces."

"And what I know about that old friend, he is bound to confront Chang family ... and Chang soul behind Chang family!"

"Do you think I can still stand by when I get there?"

Yun Qingyan glanced at Prajna and shrugged.

"Your old friend is old with Shangguan's?" Prajna asked again.

"Well!" Yun Qingyan nodded slightly.

Did not say that Shangguan's family is the old part of the emperor.


After two hours.

Prajna took Yun Qingyan back to Anyang City.

Li Tian, ​​the emperor and Yun Qingyan, came to Anyang City about half a day in advance.

The emperor has not yet gone to Shangguan's house, but first found an inn in Anyang City.

"Let's go to 'Yichun Inn'!" Yun Qingyan said, and walked ahead to lead the way.

Prajna nodded slightly and did not ask why Yun Qingyan went to Yichun Inn.

Anyang City is very lively, crowded and crowded.

The crowds coming and going are almost all the earth fairy and the heaven fairy.

There are also a lot of Daozus. Only Yunqingyan swept them all the way down. On average, there were more than a thousand people, and there was a Daozu.

However, half step fairy emperor and emperor-level master, Yun Qingyan has not yet encountered.

"Half-step emperor is placed in Shangguan's house. Where does it live?" Yun Qingyan asked casually.

"Outdoor elders," said Prajna, with a slight contemplation, "without surprise, there are at least a thousand elders in Shangguan's house."

"So much?" Yun Qingyan could not help but show a little surprise, and then asked: "What about the emperor class?"

"If it is Luo Tiandi, it is an ordinary elder, Da Luodi is an elder of Fa, and Jiutian is the most powerful Taishang elder!"

"Shangguanxun, a hundred and twenty years ago, when he took over Grandpa Shangguanbai, he was still a nine-day emperor-level elder."

"But in this hundred and twenty years, he has gathered more than 70% of the family's resources for his exclusive use. He should have stepped in ... halfway," said Prajna in a less certain tone.

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