Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 1979: Overlooking the top of the universe!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiandi!

As far as they know, Chang Soul, the master of the Yuanwu world, also realized the power of the five rules.

And Yun Qingyan in front of him actually released the power of six rules in one breath!

This indicates that Yun Qingyan understood at least six powers of the rules!

In particular, the power of these six rules is also the power of orthodox rules!

"I just want to run now, isn't it too late!" Yun Qingyan sneered, and the power of the six rules sweeping out blasted to one person.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

A series of six horrific roars sounded, and the six law enforcement elders who turned around and ran away were all blasted in the back, and each fell on a building.

Just then, Yun Qingyan's ear suddenly sounded like a Prajna.

"Shang Guanxun may return at any time, and he is very likely to step into the Supreme Secret."

Yun Qingyan still doesn't understand the meaning of Prajna.

She wanted to herself, and even the cultivation of these six people swallowed up.

Yun Qingyan hummed, even if Prajna didn't say it, he didn't plan to let go of the six.

Yun Qingyan has always believed in killers.

All six of them have murdered Yun Qingyan, and all have put the murder into action ...

How could Yun Qingyan let go of such a person.

Yun Qingyan burst into a scream, and the horrible sucking force was sweeping through his body. The next moment, the six law enforcement elders who fell to the ground would be sucked.

"Do not……"

"Little beast, you quickly stop ..."

"Our patriarch will return soon. We are all his left and right arms. If you devour our cultivation, the patriarch will not let you go ..."

All six knew what Yun Qingyan was going to do, so they all screamed in fear.

Just where Yun Qingyan would care about their calling.

Yun Qingyan sneered, and immediately started to swallow the sky and began to devour their cultivation madly.

Prior to this, Yun Qingyan had borrowed half of the three great Luodi classes of the orthodox Shangguan family.

In succession, they swallowed up all of the two great emperors.

Yun Qingyan's practice is not only to restore the heyday, but also to increase a little more than before the injury.

"I don't know if you can let me step into the Da Luodi class after devouring them ..." Yun Qingyan murmured in his heart.

Now he is still Luo Tiandi class!

Each of the six law enforcement elders has realized the power of two rules.

The power of the rules they understand is too complicated. Only six of them together are the power of orthodox rules.

In other words, the power of the remaining rules must be divided evenly and then dispersed among the power of the eighteen rules.

"Litian, do you know the exercises he used?" Prajna secretly transmitted to Litian Modi.

Prajna now has few memories of awakening, but she is only familiar with Yun Qingyan's "Swallowing Heavenly Might".

"It's a swallowing heavenly meditation!" When the emperor of the heavens said the word "Swallowing Heavenly meditation", he had unstoppable dignity in his eyes.

"Unfortunately, the Lord ’s memory has not yet recovered. Otherwise, the Lord ’s knowledge and understanding of the‘ Swallowing Heaven ’s Mighty Judgment ’must surely surpass Tian Daozhi ’s record of it.”

Then, the Emperor of the Heavens told the records of Tiandao Zhijue in Tiandaozhi.

In Tiandaozhi, it is said that ‘Swallowing Heaven ’s Mind’ is a devouring method, created by the former overlord, the Nether Lord.

Because ‘Swallowing Heaven’ is too horrible, it caused fear among those early generations.

So those first generations joined forces to kill the Lord of the Nether.

However, after the death of the Lord of the Nether, ‘Swallowing Heaven ’s Magic’ also disappeared.

"No wonder I find it familiar ..." Prajna murmured in her heart.

Her sporadic memories indicate that she has been associated with the Lord of the Nether for a lifetime.

"None of those first generations were simple characters, and the Lord of the Nether would be murdered by them ... only two possibilities!"

Prajna said in his heart: "First, as recorded by Tian Daozhi, swallowing Tianming Jue is too horrible and caused those early fears, so they jointly shot and killed the Lord of the Nether."

"The second possibility is that they have other reasons to kill the Lord of the Nether."

"If it's the second kind, if it's the first kind, the luck of my cheap host ... is too terrifying."

If the Lord of the Ghosts was killed because of "Tengtianmingjue", it is enough to show how "Tiantianmingjue" is an anti-Sky skill.

Those who can obtain such exercises will inevitably have great luck, and at least they have accumulated more than a few years of great luck.

In any case, if you do n’t believe it, people who have only lived for an era can accumulate the luck to gain the ‘Swallowing Heaven’.

of course……

There is a premise in this.

It is the death of the Lord of the Nether, because those early generations were afraid of ‘Swallowing Heaven’.

Prajna was also at this time, the first time she faced up, her cheap host.

"Talent is against the sky. He has realized the power of more than a dozen rules. He has a careful mind and extraordinary means. He has principles and a bottom line.

This is Prajna's evaluation of Yun Qingyan.

In her opinion, there are so many Yunqingyans in one body, as long as they don't fall off in the middle ...

The future will surely be achieved, and the past will surpass the achievements of countless ancestors.

"Litian!" Prajna suddenly looked at Litian Modi again.

"Please tell me, Lord!" Litian Modi said quickly.

"You can actually follow him, he may become someone overlooking the top of the universe in the future."

Prajna said, his tone was full of seriousness.

The emperor's eyes flashed with shock in the past days, and he knew that Prajna had not yet awakened all his memories.

But even if the memory is not awake, there are some things that cannot be changed, such as vision, such as the pride of eyes above the top.

It was the first time that the Demon Emperor heard it, and Prajna made such a high evaluation of one.

Overlooking the top of the universe ...

This is an evaluation that is too high!

Even the early generations have not yet achieved the top of the universe.

Prajna's evaluation of Yun Qingyan directly surpassed those of the early generations.

The emperor of the past days said immediately, "Lord, before I met you in this life, I owed Yundao a few good friends."

"I haven't been able to repay these lives in my life, so I said at the time that I would follow Yun Daoyou and give my life to Yun Daoyou."

"It's just that Yun Daoyou, after knowing that my previous life was the emperor of the past days, directly rejected my request for loyalty and also intersected with my peers."

When Prana heard this, she could not help expressing her doubts, "After knowing your previous life status, I refused your request for allegiance? Why is this?"

Li Tian Mo Emperor immediately said: "Yun Daoyou comes from the immortal realm of the heavens and heavens. He has a brother in the fairy realm. It seems that he is called Yuanshi Mo Di. His brother, because he got it, I left it with me. On the road to cultivation ... "

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