Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 1982: Take control!

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This owner includes not only Shangguanxun, but also those brought by Shangguanxun.

It also includes the Li Mo Emperor and Prajna!

Over the past days, both the emperor and Prajna knew that Yun Qingyan's combat power was very high, especially Prajna ... and they knew that Yun Qingyan understood the power of more than a dozen rules!

But even so, it is difficult for them to imagine the current scene.

A Luotian Emperor, holding the Supreme Secret to attack the power of his laws.

"The Law of Howling, not bad!"

Yun Qingyan grasped the power of Shang Guanxun and looked down at Shang Guanxun from below. "It's just a far cry from Jin Wuhuan's" Thunder's Rule. "

Shang Guanxun's eyebrows sank slightly.

Yun Qingyan's tone and gesture at this time showed him a bird's eye view, as if the superior commented on a junior.

But at this moment, the power of his rules was indeed caught by Yun Qingyan.

At the same time, Yun Qingyan actually mentioned that the world leader Jin Wuhuan.

"In front of loneliness, what a big-tailed wolf! Just grab the power of loneliness, what can it show? Or can it represent?"

Shang Guanxun sneered, ‘oh! ‘Oh! ‘Oh! ‘... the power of countless rules emerges.

Suddenly, the power of these laws, like a giant wave, all swarmed into Yun Qingyan.

Yun Qingyan's mind moved, and the power of three different rules emerged directly behind him. Then the power of these three rules secreted the power of thousands of rules.

Suddenly, the power of these rules all rushed out and collided with the power of Shang Guanxun's law.

"I don't know if I live or die, I tried to use the power of rules to fight the power of solitary rules."

Shang Guanxun disdain one piece, and the power of the rules evoked by him suddenly became more and more terrifying.

Rumble ...

One face to face engulfed the power of the rules evoked by Yun Qingyan.

This scene is not surprising.

The power of the rules is higher than the power of the rules. If the power of the law is Haoyue, then the power of the rules is the light of rice.

With the light of rice grains, I can compete with Haoyue.

But at this moment, Yun Qingyan sounded with a sound of sigh. "Compared to Jin Wuhuan, it really is a lot worse ..."

Yun Qingyan's "sigh" made many people cheek.

Although Shangguanxun is also a Supreme Secret, there is a gap between Supreme Secret and Supreme Secret, OK?

Who is Jin Wuhuan?

They are the masters of the Qingcang Realm. They are the most powerful men who have swept the outer nine realms!

Shang Guanxun is also a Supreme Secret, but the years of entering the Supreme Secret are too short. Let ’s calculate it, not even a hundred years!

How could it be possible to compete with Jin Wuhuan?

Moreover, Jin Wuhuan realized that the law of thunder was one of the powers of the orthodox law.

Shang Guanxun's "law of cricket" is not in the power of the orthodox 18 rules.

Comparing many aspects, Shang Guanxun is not the same as Jin Wuhuan.

But Shang Guanxun is not as good as Jin Wuhuan, and there is nothing worthy of shame!

After Yun Qingyan sighed, the power of the rules of Shangguanxun was blasted with bare hands.


One face, a large vacuum was punched through by Yun Qingyan.

The power of the rules evoked by Shangguanxun all poured into the collapsed space.

Shang Guanxun was already angry at this time, and rushed to Yun Qingyan as a phantom.

He punched Yun Qingyan with the power of the law.

Yun Qingyan sneered and greeted the fist of Guan Xun.

"Jin Wuhuan can't kill me, how could you kill me." Yun Qingyan's fluttering voice sounded again.

However, no one was concerned about Yun Qingyan's words except Litian Emperor.

They all felt that Yun Qingyan was talking out loud and talking!

Who is Jin Wuhuan?

One of the nine major realms of the Outer Nine Realms, is also one of the most powerful top secrets in Outer Nine Realms.

Even if Shang Guanxun faces Jin Wuhuan, he may not be able to go through a hundred strokes in his hands.

Yun Qingyan said that Jin Wuhuan couldn't kill him.

Shang Guanxun wasn't talking, but his face was low and scary.

Today, he failed, not only did he damage a nine-day emperor, but he was also provoked by a small Luotian emperor.

In the past, Luo Tiandi did not even have the right to let him take a look, let alone anger him.

Of course, he also has to admit that Yun Qingyan does have some ability ...

Even him could not kill him in a few breaths.


The coercion of terror erupted from Shang Guanxun, and the power of the laws accumulated in his body was sweeping out at this moment.

Shang Guanxun was really angry, otherwise he would not use all his strength.

"That's interesting ..." Yun Qingyan's fluttering voice sounded again.

"If you don't swell again, I will almost feel like I am capable of slaying a Supreme Secret."

"..." All the people present were speechless.

I've seen crazy, never seen Yun Qingyan so crazy, never seen Yun Qiyan, never seen Yun Qingyan so unkind.

"If I'm Shang Guanxun, at least I will have Yun Daoyou a thousand swords ... so that I can vent my hatred!"

Over the days, the emperor pumped his mouth and said.

At this moment, Shang Guanxun's entire face was distorted. He was so angry that he could not kill Yun Qingyan for a short while.

After he released his full strength, Yun Qingyan's combat effectiveness also improved.

Although the overall strength, Shang Guanxun is still on Yun Qingyan, but it is impossible to kill Yun Qingyan within a short while ...

This little beast has kept it before!

Where does Shang Guanxun know that it was after Yun Qingyan devoured Shang Guanchu that he had the ability to confront him positively.

Otherwise, Yun Qingyan faces Shang Guanxun and is only at a stage where he can save his life.

Where can it be like now, you can fight with Guan Xun to fight together.


The fierce bird sounds slammed loudly, and a huge red salamander suddenly appeared behind Shang Guanxun.

This red pimple is reddish, with a terrible suffocation on its body. After it appeared, it filled the energy between heaven and earth ...

It seemed as if all of a sudden was taken.

"Little beast, you succeeded in angering the loneliness!" Hongyan spit out a word, and grabbed Yun Qingyan with the sorrowful air.

"You're irritated by me? Impossible, right? You are a supreme mystery. In your eyes, I'm just a rotten cricket ant. Anger for me, but it's too embarrassing for you."

Yun Qingyan still casually said, "I still like you who are rational, savvy, and supreme. How honorable you were when you first appeared. Overlooking everything, no one has reached your vision." After Yun Qingyan said this, Shang Guanxun said There was a blazing flame, and it was that his anger was so extreme that it turned into substance.

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