Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 1984: Shang Guanxun teamed up with Jin Wuhuan!

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Although Prajna didn't speak, she obviously opened her eyes.

A Luotian Emperor almost killed a Supreme Realm ...

And strictly speaking, it's not almost ... it's already done!

If it wasn't for Shangguanxun's existence for that level, he had already died in Yun Qingyan's hands.

"The death penalty for that level of production is, in terms of sheer value ... not much worse than a Supreme Realm."

When Prajna saw Yun Qingyan, she looked regretful and couldn't help saying something.

"It's irrelevant to me to be precious for the dead ..." Yun Qingyan said with a smirk.

The rhetoric in his heart was that if he did not die for the death, Shang Guanxun's practice would be transformed into his nutrients.

After the loss of the death cricket, Shang Guanxun's killing of Yun Qingyan was directly beyond the limit.

It's just that while the killing became more horrible, Shang Guanxun calmed down.

He calmly crushed a jade bamboo slip.

No one was present, including Yun Qingyan, and found that Shang Guanxun had made such a move.

The Supreme Secret Realm of the Outer Nine Realms, as long as there is no resentment between each other, almost all have contact information of each other.

Shang Guanxun's crushed Jade Jane at this time was the world leader Jin Wuhuan who contacted the Qing Cang world.

When Yun Qingyan confronted him before, he mentioned the name of Jin Wuhuan and also said that Jin Wuhuan could not kill him.

Originally, Shang Guanxun did not take Yun Qingyan's words to heart.

It's as if no one would believe that a beggar in the world has seen the Holy Ghost today!

But now, Shang Guanxun believes.

Yun Qingyan almost killed him, even if it was not Jin Wuhuan's opponent, but it was more than enough to escape from Jin Wuhuan.

"Li Tiandao friends, how long is Shangguan Bai out of customs?" Yun Qingyan could not help looking at Li Tian Mo Emperor Road.

"It's out of customs and it's coming to us." Litian Modi said.

After a pause, he added: "Shangguan Baigang summoned me and said that Shangguanxun already knew he was out of customs."

"Shangguanbai ’s‘ closed door ’’ was banned by Shangguanxun. When he broke the barrier, he triggered the ban and was discovered by Shangguanxun for the first time. ”

"That's weird ..." Yun Qingyan flashed doubts, "Since Shangguanxun knew that Shangguanbai was out of customs, it should be fleeing now, otherwise I will join forces with Shangguanbai and he will not be able to eat and walk It's up! "

"Unless Shang Guanxun has any other cards, or has reinforcements."

Yun Qingyan immediately guessed that Shang Guanxun had no fear.

If it was the hole card, Yun Qingyan would have to think about it.

If it comes to aid, nine out of ten is the main soul of Yuan Wujie today.


After Shang Guanxun crushed the jade bamboo slips, he contacted the leader of the Qing Cang world, Jin Wuhuan, as soon as possible.

"Shang Guanxun, what's upset you?"

The impatient voice of Jin Wuhuan rang in Shang Guanxun's mind.

Since the battle of "Sandless Sea" and was fled by Yun Qingyan, Jin Wuhuan's mood has been very irritable these days.

If it wasn't for Shang Guanxun, who has already stepped into the Supreme Secret, his first sentence is to let Shang Guanxun get out of business.

"Master of the Golden World, I want to ask if you know a young man in a red robe." Shang Guanxun replied secretly.

"Youth in a red robe?"

Jin Wuhuan's tone immediately became hurried, and then he explained the appearance characteristics of Yun Qingyan.

Shang Guanxun sneered secretly, Yun Qingyan and Jin Wuhuan really had old grudges, and judging from Jin Wuhuan's reaction ... the two hatreds seemed not small.

"Yes, the red robe youth I meet now is exactly the same as the one described by Jin Jiezhu!"

Shang Guanxun said calmly.

"I'm leaving for the Yuanwu world right now. Help me hold him first. After it's done, Jin Wuhuan owes you a favor!"

Jin Wuhuan said quickly, and promised Shangguanxun a favor as soon as he spoke.

"Even if the human relationship is the same, I have the same grudges as the Golden Juggernaut. This time I contacted the Golden Juggernaut in order to join him to kill him."

Shang Guanxun said slowly, there was a strong hatred in his eyes.

He didn't care about Jin Wuhuan's feelings, but Jin Wuhuan would surely know that he had a grudge against Yun Qingyan.

If then, not only did Jin Wuhuan's feelings not get, but it would cause Jin Wuhuan's dislike.

It might as well be open at the beginning and tell Jin Wuhuan clearly that he and Yun Qingyan also have resentment.

Jin Wuhuan couldn't help but be surprised, Shangguanxun also had grudges with Yun Qingyan.

But this is better, not only saves him a favor, but Shang Guanxun will also hold Yun Qingyan more heartily.

"Also ..."

Shang Guanxun groaned again slightly: "I have already fought with this uncle, and it is impossible to kill him with my own power. What I can do is to keep track of this uncle's whereabouts until the Lord of the Golden World comes! "

Before Shang Guanxun contacted Jin Wuhuan, he actually had a hope in his heart ...

That's when Jin Wuhuan came to the Yuanwu world!

After all, what Yun Qingyan said, the time with Jin Wuhuan was in the near future.

It is not ruled out that Jin Wuhuan may kill Yun Qingyan and come to the Yuanwu world.

But when he contacted Jin Wuhuan just now, judging from Jin Wuhuan's words ... Jin Wuhuan is still in the green world.

Even if it is a top secret, cross-border takes time.

If Jin Wuhuan is right next to Yuan Wujie, he will be here in a few hours.

If Jin Wuhuan is located far from the junction of the Yuanwu world and the Qingcang world ...

It's not impossible to spend a few days on the road.

Shangguanxun already knows that Shangguanbai has gone out of customs and has entered the supreme secret realm.

If Shangguanbai and Yun Qingyan join forces, not only will he not be able to hold Jin Wuhuan here, but he may also put himself in a state of utter danger.

So for Shang Guanxun, the most important thing right now is retreat.

"Today's matter, Gu Gu will not forget it!" Shang Guanxun glanced at Yun Qingyan coldly.

"Want to run away?"

Before Yun Qingyan turned around, he immediately said the word 'run'.

"Huh! Let's go!"

Shang Guanxun snorted and waved his hand, leaving with the remaining torn space under his hand.

After half a tea time when Shang Guanxun left, an old figure, tearing space came here.


For the first time in the days, the Emperor looked at the old figure.

"Lord!" Shang Guanbai met directly on his knees.

Prajna on the side seemed to want to stop Shangguan Bai from kneeling, but eventually he pinched!

Standing at the angle of Shangguanbai, he knelt down the heavenly demon emperor's righteousness!

From the perspective of the emperor of the last days, he was kneeled by Shangguanbai ... and it was taken for granted. "Grandpa Shangguan, I'm Prajna, are you okay these years?" Prajna then took a step forward and helped Shangguan Pai up.

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